Copyright ©2010 XBRL International Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Circulation of this Working Group Note is unrestricted. Other documents may supersede this document. Recipients are invited to submit comments to, and to submit notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and provide supporting documentation.
1 Dimensional Use Cases
1.1 Use Case U1701: Detect equivalent dimensional relationships
1.2 Use Case U1702: Change to dimensional representation of set of concepts
1.3 Use Case U1703: Change to dimensional structure of a primary element
1.4 Use Case U1704: Change to domain of a dimension
1.5 Use Case U1705: Change to typedDomainRef element
1.6 Use Case U1706: Change to @closed attribute
1.7 Use Case U1707: Change to @contextElement attribute
1.8 Use Case U1708: Change to @usable attribute value
1.9 Use Case U1709: Change to definition of default dimension
A Document history (non-normative)
B Errata corrections in this document
1 Detect equivalent dimensional relationships
2 Change to dimensional representation of set of concepts
3 EDINET: Change from scenario element distinguishing facts to explicit dimension
4 Addition of a dimension to a concept
5 Dimension member split into two members
6 typedDomainRef element has a change to its element complex type definition
7 typedDomainRef element has a change to its namespace
8 typedDomainRef element excludes a value in the toDTS
9 Change to @closed attribute
10 Change to @contextElement attribute
11 Change to the usable attribute for a domain member to false
12 Change to definition of default dimension
If a dimensional relationship has only syntactic changes, these changes MUST NOT be reported (e.g.. the composition of a hypercube has changed or it is divided but the relationships between primary and dimensional elements are the same).
Aspect | Example |
Conformance test case 1701 V-01. The fromDTS dimensions relationships were split, in the toDTS, into three extended links, with targetRole relationships, having no effect on the dimensional aspects of items of the primary items in the dts. |
Change from multiple concepts to shared concept and explicit dimensional representation
FINREP example. Facts represented by primary item ConceptA become represented by ConceptX and Dimension1, Member1, facts represented by primary item ConceptB become represented by ConceptX and Dimension1, Member2, and facts represented by primary item ConceptC become represented by ConceptX and Dimension1, Member3. In this example, the primary items and hypercube dimensional relationship sets of the toDTS is also reported (as a separate relationship-sets event), although not by requirement U1702 (instead this is U1703).
EDINET Example. Facts represented by scenario element
changed to dimension1 member consolidated, facts not represented by segment
are changed to dimension1 member nonConsolidated. As with prior example, an event reporting addition of DRSes representing primary item relationships is provided.
Aspect | Example | |||||||||||
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- the change from facts whose scenario is <dts:consolidated/> to Dim1 member Consolidated --> <veria:aspectModelChange> <veria:fromAspects> <veria:completeScenario </veria:fromAspects>xmlns:dts=""> <dts:consolidated/> </veria:completeScenario><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:explicitDimension href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:toAspects><veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Consolidated"/> </veria:explicitDimension><!-- the change from facts whose aspects exclude scenario <dts:consolidated/> to Dim1 member NonConsolidated --> <veria:aspectModelChange> <veria:fromAspects> <veria:completeScenario </veria:fromAspects>xmlns:dts="" excluded="true"> <dts:consolidated/> </veria:completeScenario><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:explicitDimension href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:toAspects><veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_NonConsolidated"/> </veria:explicitDimension><!-- As the toDTS has both primary item inheritance and has-hypercube DRSes which,
for this example, did not exist in fromDTS, there is a relationship set
event to document that these relationship sets are added to the toDTS.
This event is not needed by the instance mapper, but may be useful to report
to a DTS maintainer who needs to track ELR DRS additions --> <verrels:relationshipSetModelAdd id="addedDimension"> </ver:action><verrels:toRelationshipSet> </verrels:relationshipSetModelAdd><!-- addition of primary item relationships including
inheritance and has-hypercube relationships --> <verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:toRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="toDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptA" DRSaxis="descendant-or-self"/> </verrels:relationshipSet> |
Conformance test case 1702 V-02.
changes. Definition linkbase DRS.
A dimension is introduced to concept X. For the instance aspects model, the concept has a change that it now has a dimension, and for the relationships set model, there is introduction of the primary item dimensional relationship sets.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- The aspect model change indicates to the instance mapping maintainer that
conceptX has a dimension added (in entirety, without detailing the members that
are evident to an XBRL processor from the toDTS. --> <veria:aspectModelChange> <veria:fromAspects> <veria:concept href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX"/> </veria:fromAspects><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:concept href="toDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX"/> <veria:explicitDimension href="../dts1703b.xsd#dts_Dimension1"/> </veria:toAspects><!-- As the toDTS has both primary item inheritance and has-hypercube DRSes which,
for this example, did not exist in fromDTS, there is a relationship set
event to document that the primary item relationship sets are added to the toDTS.
This event is not needed by the instance mapper, but may be useful to report
to a DTS maintainer who needs to track ELR DRS additions --> <verrels:relationshipSetModelAdd id="addedDimension"> </ver:action><verrels:toRelationshipSet> </verrels:relationshipSetModelAdd><!-- addition of primary item relationships including
inheritance and has-hypercube relationships --> <verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:toRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="toDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX" DRSaxis="descendant-or-self"/> </verrels:relationshipSet> |
Conformance test case 1703 V-01. |
The Country dimension Czechoslovakia member has split into two members Czech Republic and Slovakia.
An aspect model information is provided to note that it is necessary to re-map facts from the prior to subsequent dimensions, but insufficient information is available for conducting such remapping automatically.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- Facts mapped with prior dimensional aspects are changed --> <veria:aspectModelChange id="aspect-model-change"> </ver:action><veria:fromAspects> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Country"> </veria:fromAspects><veria:member href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Czechoslovakia"/> </veria:explicitDimension><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:explicitDimension href="../dts1704b.xsd#dts_Country"> </veria:toAspects><veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_CzechRepublic"/> <veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Slovakia"/> </veria:explicitDimension> |
Conformance test case 1704 V-01. |
The typedDomainRef element has a change to its element complex type definition, adding an attribute, affects aspects model only.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- Facts mapped with prior dimensional aspects are reported on in this report --> <veria:aspectModelChange id="aspect-model-change"> </ver:action><veria:fromAspects> <veria:typedDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#DragonDimension"> </veria:fromAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" isMagic="true"/> <veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:typedDimension href="toDTS.xsd#DragonDimension"> </veria:toAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" isMagic="true" livesForever="true"/> |
fromDTS type element | |
toDTS type element |
The typedDomainRef element moved to separate file, targetNamespace changed.
Same as prior example but this variation causes namespace change of dimension affecting aspect values for instance fact mapping maintenance.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- Facts mapped with prior dimensional aspects are reported on in this report --> <veria:aspectModelChange id="aspect-model-change"> </ver:action><veria:fromAspects> <veria:typedDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#DragonDimension"> </veria:fromAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" isMagic="true"/> <veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:typedDimension href="toDTS.xsd#DragonDimension"> </veria:toAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" isMagic="true"/> |
fromDTS type element | |
toDTS type element moved to separate file with xmlns:honahLeeDimension="" |
The typedDomainRef element excludes a value in the toDTS.
In the toDTS, the typedDomain element excludes a name value that was allowed in the fromDTS. (This example was written as if the CR-status xsd 1.1 as of 2009 were used, but would also pertain for an application using formula linkbase or any other approach to validating allowed values of typed domain contents.)
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- Facts with dimension @name='Jackie Paper' were previously allowed in the
fromDTS but are excluded from toDTS instances; working group recommends
use of a change event to provide clear documentation in this use case --> <veria:aspectModelChange id="aspect-model-change"> </ver:action><veria:fromAspects> <veria:typedDimension href="../dts1705e.xsd#DragonDimension" excluded="false"> </veria:fromAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" isMagic="true"/> <veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:typedDimension href="../dts1705f.xsd#DragonDimension" excluded="true"> </veria:toAspects><Dragon </veria:typedDimension>xmlns="" name="Puff" livesForever="true"/> |
Shows the new exclusion by a change event. |
fromDTS type element | |
toDTS type element excludes name 'Jackie Paper' from being a dragon |
Change from open to closed
Closed attribute is changed from being absent (defaulting to value false) to closed="true". An extra dimension, NoCubeDim, and its unvalidated member, NoCubeDimMem, can no longer be reported on fact items of primary item ConceptX, so an aspects model change is required to delete this aspect, as well as the relationship-sets model event to note the changed in closedness.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- the aspects model is can no longer report ConceptX of its validated dimension (Dimension1)
and "NoCubeDim" aspects in a fact's context segment --> <veria:aspectModelDelete id="aspect-model-change"> <veria:fromAspects> </veria:aspectModelDelete><veria:concept href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX"/> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"/> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_NoCubeDim"/> </veria:fromAspects><!-- a minimalist notice of change of xbrldt:closed from attribute absent (semantics of closed=false) to true --> <verrels:relationshipSetModelChange id="relationship-sets-model-change"> </ver:action><verrels:fromRelationshipSet> <verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:fromRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="fromDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX" xbrldt:closed="false"/> </verrels:relationshipSet><verrels:toRelationshipSet> </verrels:relationshipSetModelChange><verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:toRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="toDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX" xbrldt:closed="true"/> </verrels:relationshipSet> |
fromDTS has an extra dimension, NoCubeDim with member NoCubeDimMem, which can be reported in fromDTS because primary items hypercube is open, but not in toDTS where hypercube is closed. Instances of the fromDTS can report facts of conceptX with either just Dimension1 (required) or both of Dimension1 and NoCubeDim (which is allowed because of openness). The aspectModelDelete event reports that the second combination of aspects, Concept X with both the required and second unvalidated NoCubeDim, is being deleted. No notification was made for facts of ConceptX with just Dimension1, as that unchanged. |
The syntax of the Versioning Report MUST support documentation of any change in the @contextElement attribute value on has-hypercube networks. This change only affects the syntax of the relationship arc, but not the semantic of the aspects model. The reported change is on the relationship set.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <!-- the aspects model is unchanged by a contextElement change on a hypercube --> <!-- a minimalist notice of change of contextElement from segment to scenario --> <verrels:relationshipSetModelChange id="contextElementChange"> </ver:action><verrels:fromRelationshipSet> <verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:fromRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="fromDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX" xbrldt:contextElement="segment"/> </verrels:relationshipSet><verrels:toRelationshipSet> </verrels:relationshipSetModelChange><verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:toRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="toDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX" xbrldt:contextElement="scenario"/> </verrels:relationshipSet> |
The context element is changed from segment to scenario. This can't be reported as an aspect model change, as it has no semantic effect on allowed dimension aspects, but only as a relationship-set model change. |
Change to the usable attribute for a domain member (to false)
A domain member in the hierarchy of domain members has become unusable. The semantic result of this syntactical attribute change is represented by the deletion of aspect for that domain member from aspects model. The syntactical attribute is not represented explicitly in the aspects model, but is recorded as a relationship sets relationship attribute change.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <veria:aspectModelDelete id="aspect-model-change"> <veria:fromAspects> </veria:aspectModelDelete><veria:concept href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_ConceptX"/> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:fromAspects><veria:member href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Member2"/> </veria:explicitDimension><verrels:relationshipSetModelChange id="usableAttributeChange"> </ver:action><verrels:fromRelationshipSet> <verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:fromRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Member2" xbrldt:usable="true"/> </verrels:relationshipSet><verrels:toRelationshipSet> </verrels:relationshipSetModelChange><verrels:relationshipSet linkrole="" arcrole=""> </verrels:toRelationshipSet><verrels:relationships fromHref="toDTS.xsd#dts_Member2" xbrldt:usable="false"/> </verrels:relationshipSet> |
The previously usable member is no longer usable, represented by deleting the aspect no longer usable from the aspects model. The usable attribute itself is also documented in the relationship set model. |
Change to the definition of the default dimension (it is moved from Member1 to Member2).
A change in default dimension is reported by the aspect model as it is of significance to the preparer of instance documents, reflecting how the context with default dimension is to be reported, and possibly how the context reflecting the default dimension may be shared with contexts used on facts that do not report this dimension.
Aspect | Example |
<ver:action id="eventGroup">
<ver:assignmentRef ref="versioningTask"/> <veria:aspectModelChange id="dimension-default-change"> <veria:fromAspects> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:fromAspects><veria:member href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Member1" isDefaultMember="true"/> </veria:explicitDimension><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:explicitDimension href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:toAspects><veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Member1"/> </veria:explicitDimension><veria:aspectModelChange id="dimension-default-change2"> </ver:action><veria:fromAspects> <veria:explicitDimension href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:fromAspects><veria:member href="fromDTS.xsd#dts_Member2"/> </veria:explicitDimension><veria:toAspects> </veria:aspectModelChange><veria:explicitDimension href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Dimension1"> </veria:toAspects><veria:member href="toDTS.xsd#dts_Member2" isDefaultMember="true"/> </veria:explicitDimension> |
The aspect of explicit dimension member1 has the default property in the fromDTS, and member2 has the default property in the toDTS. Two change events are required to express this, one changing the the aspect for member1 from having in the fromDTS, to lacking in the toDTS, the isDefaultMember property and the second event changing the member2 aspect from lacking the isDefaultMember in the fromDTS, to gaining it, in the toDTS. |
Date | Author | Details |
20 June 2010 | Herm Fischer |
(Within predecessor overview document: ) Added section Section 1 to provide an example for each dimensional requirement. Minor editorial changes in other text sections to correspond. |
08 August 2010 | Herm Fischer |
(Within predecessor overview document: ) Editorial corrections per working group discussions. Change to example Example 8 which had alternative events to recommend use of change event to document toDTS excluded typed dimension value. Change to example Example 11 which previously had alternative events, to recommend use of both aspect deletion and relationship sets change events to completely document the change that make a dimension member no longer usable. |
28 September 2010 | Herm Fischer |
First draft, based on dimensional use cases section removed from overview document on this date. |
This appendix contains a list of the errata that have been incorporated into this document. This represents all those errata corrections that have been approved by the XBRL International Versioning Working Group up to and including 03 November 2010. Hyperlinks to relevant e-mail threads may only be followed by those who have access to the relevant mailing lists. Access to internal XBRL mailing lists is restricted to members of XBRL International Inc.
No errata have been incorporated into this document.