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Recipe for XBRL Success in the UK

June 19, 2015

The Companies House and HMRC XBRL programmes are extremely successful, having been done in a way that is both very cost effective for filers and beneficial to those interested in utilising structured corporate data for analysis. Read two white papers by XBRL UK examining this success.

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EBA Executive Director Will Provide CRD IV Update at XBRL2015

June 17, 2015

Learn how CRDIV reporting requirements, enacted to strengthen the resilience of the EU banking sector against economic shocks while ensuring the continued availability of essential capital, are impacting both banks and National Competent Authorities.

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Yahoo! CFO Ken Goldman is a Keynote Speaker at Business Reporting 360°

June 12, 2015

Get an inside look at how new technology is impacting reporting at all levels of today’s organisations and the transformation that Yahoo! has gone through in its dealings with structured financial information and big data.

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Streamlining and Enhancing Government Data Collection in Brazil

June 9, 2015

The XII Best Practices Board (BPB) has worked with the Brazilian National Treasury and their implementation team to prepare a case study that explains in-depth their experience implementing XBRL GL for government-to-government reporting.

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