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What the Future Holds

March 24, 2016

What does the future hold? We have no idea of course. But it is fundamental to the human condition to wonder, to speculate and prognosticate. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has released a video on trends its stakeholders see through 2025 with a focus on sustainability issues. Prominently mentioned were the opportunities presented by a […]

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Using Structured Data to Meet Strategic Objectives

March 24, 2016

Online media portal Russia Today is reporting that the Bank of Russia is planning on simplifying procedures for the issuance of securities by SMEs, including the introduction of XBRL. The intention is to improve the bond market by cutting costs and improving the flow of information to investors. The CBRF also plans legislation changes to improve overall handling […]

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Human Intuition Still Impressive

March 18, 2016

We are interested in discovering where AI will get used to change the game in organisational performance monitoring and reporting.

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First Public Offering Using Blockchain Planned

March 18, 2016

Overstock.com, an internet retailer, has announced plans to issue public stock in the US using distributed ledger technology. The implications for regulatory compliance will also be significant and will impact the business reporting supply chain as trading stocks using these technologies increasingly seems not just plausible but attractive.

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Data as Art

March 11, 2016

What do you see when you visualise data? Artists Joshua Portway and Lise Autogena saw stars, and created a “Stock Market Planetarium” that projects real-time stock market activity as stars in the night sky, flickering and glowing as individual stocks are traded around the world, and moving in concert with broader market activity and outlining shapes of different […]

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XBRL Data Helps Close Off Balance Sheet Accounting Hole

March 4, 2016

FASB used SEC XBRL data from 2014 to identify over USD $1 trillion in undiscounted lease obligations that were being reported in footnotes. Read about the resulting guidance.

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Entity Specific Disclosures Task Force Gains Momentum

March 4, 2016

The Entity Specific Disclosures Task Force has begun the discovery phase of its work defining when best to use extensions and to improve the comparability of extensions and the filings that use them.

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