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More on the SEC’s Inline XBRL Announcement

June 24, 2016

We highly recommend that you spend a few minutes having a look at the SEC’s new iXBRL Viewer, which provides a “head up display” for the data and data definitions associated with individual disclosures. This “looks like paper, acts like structured data” presentation is easy, intuitive and extremely powerful.

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Investors Care About Sustainability

June 24, 2016

Investors are concerned with sustainability and are eager for hard data to support their investment decisions.

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Briefing Note: SEC moves to accept Inline XBRL

June 14, 2016

The US SEC has announced a voluntary program allowing firms it regulates to use Inline XBRL (or “iXBRL”). This is another very welcome step forward in enhancing transparency and accountability in reporting.

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Similar Challenges Face Users of Big Data and Structured Data

June 10, 2016

Siloing among teams leaves data stranded and managed as a technical, rather than analytical exercise – holding back its use.

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FinTech Leads to Collaboration. And Disruption

June 10, 2016

Fintech is creating new opportunities for collaboration between firms offering new financial services while causing headaches for institutions wed to the old ways of doing business.

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Use of IFRS Taxonomy for Securities Regulation Varied

June 10, 2016

Read about an update on how the IFRS Taxonomy is being used for securities regulation and where digital reporting the UK might be headed.

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Sweden Looks to SBR

June 3, 2016

After last year’s successful approval of XBRL as an official Swedish standard, XBRL Sweden has been working on the groundwork for SBR reporting in that country.

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Estonia to Shed Paper with Reporting 3.0

June 3, 2016

An in-depth look at Reporting 3.0 in Estonia from a presentation by Margus Tammeraja, Chairman of the Board at the Association of Estonian Accountants at the Real Time Economy Conference in Finland.

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