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Trending Now

December 22, 2016

A lot happened this year, but a few things stand out as not just being news for 2016, but for indicating trends that will continue or accelerate in 2017 as well.

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Thank you Volunteers!

December 22, 2016

The XBRL consortium is a community of people working together to digitise a vital aspect of the global economy – enhancing the efficiency, accountability and transparency of business performance.

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Firms Just Aren’t Using their Data Enough

December 22, 2016

Earlier this year we brought to your attention the fact that firms just aren’t using the massive amounts of data they collect (see story, right). Now there’s new research bolstering that notion. In a new 136-page report, The Age of Analytics: Competing in a Data-Driven World, the McKinsey Global Institute examines the application of analytics, and […]

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New Opportunities for Accessing XBRL Data

December 16, 2016

Alternative presentations of XBRL data using JSON and CSV, along with the increased use of iXBRL, are creating new opportunities for investors, analysts and others to access XBRL data directly.

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SBR gets a Push in Tunisia

December 9, 2016

There is proven phenomenon of countries without significant telecommunications infrastructure “leapfrogging” landlines and moving straight to a robust mobile network. Could business reporting work the same way? Business reporting in Tunisia is currently paper based and not particularly comprehensive, but the government in Tunisia is actively seeking foreign investment and is under pressure to enact […]

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Can SBR Work in the US?

December 9, 2016

We’ve got some more news from our friends at the Data Coalition in the US this week. Their research arm, the Data Foundation, is publishing a paper in cooperation with PwC on Standard Business Reporting. An excerpt shared this week highlights the potential for SBR to reduce some of the costs to business for regulatory […]

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India Embracing of XBRL – a Synopsis

December 9, 2016

The four major regulators in India involved in the adoption of XBRL are the Reserve Bank of India, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA). XBRL is also used by the  BSE (formerly the Bombay Stock Exchange) and even by the state […]

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Share your Experience with Filing Manuals and Rules

December 9, 2016

Our view is that minimising constraints within filing manuals and maximising the use of taxonomies for standardising the filing process leads to enhanced interoperability. What’s yours?

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IASB Looking to Adapt to Changing Nature of Data Consumption

December 9, 2016

Our thoughts on a recent speech by IASB Chair Hans Hoogervorst.

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UPDATE – Savings from SBR in Australia

December 2, 2016

In September we let you know about the projected A$1.2 billion in savings from Standard Business Reporting in Australia. Now the Australian Taxation Office Annual Report is out, confirming that amount, which is 50% greater than the original business case projections. That result certainly makes a compelling case for SBR, which has also been put to […]

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