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Rapid Change Needs Supporting Standards: Reflections on the Future of Business Reporting

April 22, 2021

A post by John Turner, CEO of XBRL International. Last week we ran the first Data Amplified Virtual event, enjoying great content and some superb speakers. Thank you very much to everyone that was involved. I thought it might be helpful to set out my own reflections on some of the issues that came together […]

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xBRL-JSON Makes Report Consumption Easier!

April 22, 2021

Revathy manages the development of guidance materials at XBRL International. In this article she shares the xBRL-JSON driven analytics that she demonstrated at last week’s Data Amplified conference, with links to explore. The new Open Information Model (OIM) specifications will soon reach ‘Recommendation’ status. There is no time like the present, therefore, to learn how […]

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