SSM introduces MBRS system
In the last quarter, we have reported on the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) adopting XBRL for the annual and financial filings of more than one million companies countrywide through the introduction of the Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS).
At Data Amplified in Dubai this year we heard from Dato’ Zahrah Abd Wahab Fenner, SSM CEO, and Farid Ahmad, Project Director, SSM XBRL implementation, on how XBRL implementation has significantly improved their operations.
Market education is a crucial aspect of XRBL programme roll-out, and, given the scale, it was critical to have an effective training strategy. As such, the SSM has collaborated with partners and training service providers to create awareness about XBRL implementation with stakeholders and system users.
Alongside classroom training initiatives, the SSM have created some introductory video tutorials to help filers and companies get acquainted with XBRL report creation and the MBRS submission platform.
The video tutorials are available at the following links:
- Introduction to the MBRS
- MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool) – Prepare and Generate XBRL File of Annual Return (AR)
- MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool) – Prepare and Generate XBRL File of Financial Statements and Report (FS)
- MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool) – Prepare and Generate XBRL File of Key Financial Indicator (KFI)
- MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool) – Prepare and Generate XBRL File of Exemption Application related to the FS and AR (EA)
- Getting Started [SSM4U User Registration, MBRS User Role Assignment and MBRS User Association]
- MBRS Portal (mPortal) – Upload and Submission o XBRL File
- Video Tutorial – Digital Certificate Acquisition for SSM-MBRS