
New XBRL Certified Software™

Posted on April 3, 2020 by Editor

We’re delighted to announce that a number of software products have met the stringent criteria required to gain XBRL Certified Software status. Congratulations to Reportix, ABZ Reporting and Workiva respectively on the certification of the following products:

CellStore by Reportix, a drop-in database solution for XBRL and iXBRL which helps you take control of your data management, has been certified as report consumption software.

ReportFactory by ABZ Reporting, a product which supplements existing ERP or tax software for the purpose of standard-compliant preparation of electronic reports including in XBRL format, has been certified as report creation software.

W for ESEF by Workiva has been certified as report creation software.

Details of all certified software can be found on our certification portal. Vendors of software holding a current certification are entitled to use the XBRL Certified Software™ logo to promote their software.

For full details of the programme, and to enrol your software, please see the XBRL International website.

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