Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013 XBRL International Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Circulation of this Recommendation is unrestricted. This document is normative. Recipients are invited to submit comments to, and to submit notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and provide supporting documentation.
XBRL is the specification for the eXtensible Business Reporting Language. XBRL allows software vendors, programmers, intermediaries in the preparation and distribution process and end users who adopt it as a specification to enhance the creation, exchange, and comparison of business reporting information. Business reporting includes, but is not limited to, financial statements, financial information, non-financial information, general ledger transactions and regulatory filings, such as annual and quarterly reports.
This document defines XML elements and attributes that can be used to express information used in the creation, exchange, and comparison tasks of business reporting. XBRL consists of a core language of XML elements and attributes used in XBRL instances as well as a language used to define new elements and taxonomies of elements referred to in XBRL instances, and to express constraints among the contents of elements in those XBRL instances.
1 Introduction
1.1 Documentation conventions
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Relationship to other work
1.4 Terminology (non-normative except where otherwise noted)
1.5 Levels of conformance
1.6 Namespace prefix conventions
1.7 Extensions to this specification
2 Changes from the previous published version
2.1 Changes in XBRL instances
2.2 Changes in XBRL taxonomies
3 XBRL framework
3.1 Overview of XBRL taxonomies
3.2 Overview of XBRL instances
3.3 Data integrity and confidentiality
3.4 Validation
3.5 XLink in XBRL
3.5.1 Simple links The @xlink:type
attribute on simple links The @xlink:href
attribute on simple links The @xlink:role
attribute on simple links (optional) The @xlink:arcrole
attribute on simple links (optional) The @xml:base
attribute on simple links (optional)
3.5.2 The <linkbase>
element The @id
attribute on <linkbase>
elements (optional) The @xml:base
attribute on <linkbase>
elements (optional) <Documentation>
elements in <linkbase>
elements (optional) The <roleRef>
element (optional) The @xlink:type
attribute on <roleRef>
elements The @xlink:href
attribute on <roleRef>
elements The @xlink:arcrole
attribute on <roleRef>
(optional) The @xlink:role
attribute on <roleRef>
elements (optional) The @roleURI
attribute The <arcroleRef>
element (optional) The @xlink:type
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elements The @xlink:href
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elements The @xlink:arcrole
attribute on <arcroleRef>
(optional) The @xlink:role
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elements (optional) The @arcroleURI
3.5.3 Extended links The @id
attribute on extended links (optional) The @xlink:type
attribute on extended links The @xlink:role
attribute on extended links The @xml:base
attribute on extended links (optional) Documentation elements in extended links (optional) Titles in extended links
(optional) The @xlink:type
attribute on titles Locators The @xlink:type
attribute on locators The @xlink:href
attribute on locators The @xlink:label
attribute on locators Titles on locators (optional) Resources The @xlink:type
attribute on resources The @xlink:label
attribute on resources The @xlink:role
attribute on resources (optional) The @id
attribute on resources (optional) Arcs The @xlink:type
attribute on arcs The @xlink:from
attribute The @xlink:to
attribute The @xlink:arcrole
attribute The @order
attribute (optional) Titles on arcs (optional) Prohibiting and overriding relationships The @use
attribute (optional) The @priority
attribute (optional) Networks of relationships in a DTS Equivalent relationships Rules of prohibiting and overriding relationships
3.5.4 Use of XPointer in URI fragment identifiers
4 XBRL instances
4.1 The <xbrl>
4.1.1 The @id
attribute on <xbrl>
elements (optional)
4.1.2 The @xml:base
attribute on <xbrl>
elements (optional)
4.2 The <schemaRef>
element in XBRL Instances
4.2.1 The @xlink:type
attribute on <schemaRef>
4.2.2 The @xlink:href
attribute on <schemaRef>
4.2.3 The @xlink:arcrole
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)
4.2.4 The @xlink:role
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)
4.2.5 The @xml:base
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)
4.3 The <linkbaseRef>
element in XBRL instances
4.3.1 The @xlink:type
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
4.3.2 The @xlink:href
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
4.3.3 The @xlink:arcrole
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
4.3.4 The @xlink:role
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elements (optional)
4.3.5 The @xml:base
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elements (optional)
4.4 The <roleRef>
element in XBRL instances (optional)
4.5 The <arcroleRef>
element in XBRL instances (optional)
4.6 Items
4.6.1 The @contextRef
4.6.2 The @unitRef
4.6.3 Usage of @precision
and @decimals
4.6.4 The @precision
attribute (optional)
4.6.5 The @decimals
attribute (optional)
4.6.6 Inferring decimals
4.6.7 Definitions pertaining to accuracy "Correct to n Significant Figures", "Rounding"
and "Truncation" "Correct to n Decimal Places"
4.7 The <context>
4.7.1 The @id
4.7.2 The <period>
4.7.3 The <entity>
element <identifier> The <segment>
element (optional)
4.7.4 The <scenario>
element (optional)
4.8 The <unit>
4.8.1 The @id
4.8.2 The <measure>
4.8.3 The <divide>
4.8.4 The <unitNumerator>
and <unitDenominator>
4.9 Tuples
4.10 Equality predicates relevant to detecting duplicate items and tuples
4.11 Footnotes
4.11.1 The <footnoteLink>
element Locators in <footnoteLink>
elements The <footnote>
element The @xml:lang
attribute on <footnote>
elements The <footnoteArc>
element @xlink:arcrole
attributes on <footnoteArc>
elements @xlink:title
attribute on <footnoteArc>
elements (optional)
5 XBRL Taxonomies
5.1 Taxonomy schemas
5.1.1 Concept definitions The @periodType
attribute The @balance
attribute (optional) Item data types The monetary, shares and pure data types The fractionItemType data type
5.1.2 The <linkbaseRef>
5.1.3 Defining custom role types - the <roleType>
element The @roleURI
attribute The @id
attribute on <roleType>
elements (optional) The <definition>
element in <roleType>
elements (optional) The <usedOn>
element in <roleType>
5.1.4 Defining custom arc role types - the arcroleType
element The @arcroleURI
attribute The @id
attribute on <arcroleType>
elements (optional) The @cyclesAllowed
attribute The <definition>
element on <arcroleType>
elements (optional) The <usedOn>
element on <arcroleType>
5.1.5 Prohibit <redefine>
5.2 Taxonomy linkbases
5.2.1 The <linkbase>
5.2.2 The <labelLink>
element Locators in <labelLink>
elements The <label>
element The @xml:lang
attribute on <label>
elements The @xlink:role
attribute on <label>
elements (optional) The <labelArc>
5.2.3 The <referenceLink>
element Locators in <referenceLink>
elements The reference element The @xlink:role
attribute on reference elements (optional) The <referenceArc>
5.2.4 The <presentationLink>
element Locators in <presentationLink>
elements The <presentationArc>
element The @preferredLabel
attribute (optional)
5.2.5 The <calculationLink>
element Locators in <calculationLink>
elements The <calculationArc>
element The @weight
attribute Calculation scoping
5.2.6 The <definitionLink>
element Locators in <definitionLink>
elements The <definitionArc>
element "general-special
" arcs "essence-alias
" arcs "similar-tuples
arcs "requires-element
" arcs
6 References
A Schemas
A.1 xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd
A.2 xbrl-linkbase-2003-12-31.xsd
A.3 xlink-2003-12-31.xsd (normative)
A.4 xl-2003-12-31.xsd (normative)
B Document history and acknowledgments (non-normative)
C Intellectual property status (non-normative)
D Errata Corrections incorporated in this document
1 Terms and definitions.
2 Roles in the linkbaseRef element
3 Unit restrictions based on item types.
4 Equality predicate definitions.
5 Correct signage in an XBRL instance
6 Constraints among the balance attribute and calculation arc weights
7 Defined item types
8 Standard label role attribute
9 Reference role attribute values.
1 A skeletal linkbase
2 One-to-One arc relationships [XLINK]
3 One-to-Many arc relationships [XLINK]
4 Many-to-Many arc relationships [XLINK]
5 Correct use of arcs according to [XLINK]
6 Prohibiting and overriding relationships
7 Example @xlink:href
8 Use of xbrl as the root element
9 A numeric fact with three significant digits
10 A non-numeric item
11 Precision and lexical representation
12 Decimals and lexical representation
13 Lexical representation, precision and decimals
14 Rounding
15 Correct to n decimal places
16 IDs
17 Entity identifiers
18 Using the segment element
19 Use of the scenario element
20 Use of the unit element
21 Simple and complex unit of measure comparison
22 Defining a tuple as a member of the substitutionGroup
23 Elements describing business properties held and disposed
24 Hierarchy in a tuple
25 Duplicate items, tuples and contexts
26 Predicates for detecting duplicates
27 A footnote in an XBRL instance
28 A skeletal taxonomy schema showing linkbase references
29 Typical element definitions in a taxonomy schema
30 Instant and duration concept definitions
31 Using the balance element to indicate normal debit and credit
32 A concept appearing with positive and negative values in an XBRL
33 Deriving an enumerated item type
34 Representing fractions
35 Defining a custom role type
36 Defining a custom arc role value
37 Directed cycles
38 Undirected cycles
39 Using relationship prohibition to insert a new sub-total into a calculation network
40 Types of cycles
41 Elements of a financial reporting taxonomy
42 Hierarchy in a calculation linkbase
43 Hierarchy of general-special arcs in a definition linkbase
44 Hierarchy in a presentation linkbase
45 Label resource examples
46 Arc between a concept and one of its labels
47 Sample values of @xlink:role
for several <referenceLink>
48 Arc between a concept and supporting references
49 Reference resource
50 A presentation arc
51 An abstract concept definition
52 Calculations involving decimals and precision
53 Syntax of a calculationArc
54 Cash, equivalent to cash as totalled by branch location and account type
55 XBRL instance fragment with nested tuples
56 A general-special arc
57 Inference of values for non-numeric items with concepts
connected by essence-alias arcs
58 Inference of values for numeric items with concepts connected by essence-alias arcs
Abstract Element
Alias Concept
Alias Item
Concrete Element
Custom Arc Element
Custom Extended Link Element
Custom Resource Element
Discoverable Taxonomy Set (DTS)
Duplicate Items
Duplicate Tuples
Essence Concept
Essence Item
Extended Link
Instance Namespace
Least Common Ancestor
Linkbase Namespace
Non-Numeric Item
Numeric Item
Root of an XBRL Instance
Standard Arc Element
Standard Extended Link Element
Standard Resource Element
Taxonomy Schema
XBRL Instance
XBRL is the specification for the eXtensible Business Reporting Language. XBRL allows software vendors, programmers and end users to enhance the creation, exchange, and comparison of business reporting information. Business reporting includes, but is not limited to, financial statements, financial information, non-financial information and regulatory filings such as annual and quarterly financial statements.
This document defines XML elements and attributes that can be used to express information used in the creation, exchange and comparison tasks of business reporting. XBRL consists of a core language of XML elements and attributes used in document instances. Abstract Elements in this core language are replaced by Concrete Elements in XBRL Instances. These abstract elements are defined in taxonomies. XBRL consists of a language used to define new elements and taxonomies of elements referred to in document instances and the relationships between taxonomy elements.
All parts of this document not explicitly
identified as non-normative are normative. In the event of any conflict or
apparent conflict between the English language text of this document and/or
schema fragments included in the main body of this document and the normative
schemas contained herein (Appendix A), the more restrictive interpretation that
is possible from the information provided by the English language text and that
provided by the normative schemas (Appendix A) SHALL prevail. The schema
fragments incorporated into the body of the text are non-normative and are
generally indicated as such by means of shading such as that defined in Section 1.1.
It is important to note that the normative schemas (Appendix A) do not
necessarily always provide the most restrictive interpretation, either because
it is not possible to express certain limitations using the syntax of XML
Schema [XML Schema Structures] [XML Schema Datatypes] or because, as at the time of publication of
this specification, some commonly available commercial implementations of XML
Schema do not implement otherwise necessary features correctly or fully. For
example, the schema specification of the Abstract Element tuple (Appendix A)
does not restrict its content model as much as the English language text in
Section 4.9. The text of section 4.9 SHALL prevail in this case. Another,
converse, example is the order of the sub-elements of the <context>
element. In
this case the schema (Appendix A) dictates a specific ordering of these
sub-elements yet this is not explicitly articulated in the text of Section 4.7.
The schema (Appendix A) provides the more restrictive interpretation and thus
it SHALL prevail over any alternative possible interpretation of the English
language text in this case.
The schemas and other documents published separately and contemporaneously with the specification are non-normative and are provided for the convenience of users of this specification.
The following highlighting is used to present non-normative technical material in this document:
The following highlighting is used for non-normative commentary in this document:
Non-normative editorial comments are denoted by indentation and the prefix "NOTE:":
NOTE: This is a non-normative editorial comment.
Italics are used for rhetorical emphasis only and do not convey any special normative meaning.
The XBRL specification is intended to benefit four categories of users: 1) business information preparers, 2) intermediaries in the preparation and distribution process, 3) users of this information and 4) the vendors who supply software and services to one or more of these three types of user. The overall intention is to balance the needs of these groups creating a standard that benefits to all four groups.
The needs of end users of business information have generally taken precedence over other needs when it has been necessary to make specification design decisions that might benefit one community at the expense of another.
A major goal of XBRL is to improve the business report product. It facilitates current practice; it does not change or set new accounting or other business domain standards. However, XBRL should facilitate changes in reporting over the long term.
XBRL provides users with a standard format in which to prepare reports that can subsequently be presented in a variety of ways. XBRL provides users with a standard format in which information can be exchanged between different software applications. XBRL permits the automated, efficient and reliable extraction of information by software applications. XBRL facilitates the automated comparison of financial and other business information, accounting policies, notes to financial statements between companies, and other items about which users may wish make comparisons that today are performed manually.
XBRL facilitates "drill down" to detailed information, authoritative literature, audit and accounting working papers. XBRL includes specifications for as much information about the reporting entity as may be relevant and useful to the process of financial and business reporting and the interpretation of the information.
XBRL supports international accounting and other standards as well as languages other than the various dialects of English.
XBRL is extensible by any adopter to increase its breadth of applicability, and its design encourages reuse via incremental extensions. For example, XBRL specifies the format of information that would reasonably be expected in an electronic format for securities filings by public entities. XBRL facilitates business reporting in general, and is not limited to financial and accounting reporting.
XBRL focuses on the genuine information needs of the user and adheres to the spirit of reporting standards that avoid the use of bold, italics, and other stylistic techniques that may distract from a true and fair presentation of results. Therefore, there is no functional requirement that XBRL documents support any particular text formatting conventions.
The purpose of XBRL Instances is the transmission of a set of facts. There is no constraint on how much or how little they contain. A single fact can form the entire content of a valid XBRL instance, for example, when the information being conveyed is limited to what "Cost of Goods Sold" was last quarter or an XBRL instance can be a database dump, containing huge numbers of facts. It can also be anything in between. This provides a great deal of flexibility and is meant specifically to achieve the goals of allowing XBRL to be reused within other specifications and for application software needing to extract data from otherwise arbitrarily formatted documents. It is expected that, for most uses of XBRL, many XML XBRL instances will be created that consist almost exclusively of facts.
XBRL uses several World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendations, XML 1.0 [XML], Namespaces in XML [XML Names], and refers directly to XML Linking [XLINK] and others listed in Section 6 References. It also relies extensively on the XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] and [XML Schema Datatypes] recommendation.
Discussions have taken place with other bodies issuing XML specifications in the financial arena, including OAG (Open Applications Group), OMG (Object Management Group), FpML (Financial Products Markup Language), finXML (Financial XML), OFX/IFX (Open Financial Exchange) and ebXML (e-Business XML). The scope of XBRL does not include transaction protocols. It includes financial reporting and contemplates extensive detail in the representation and use of accounting conventions, which distinguishes it from these other efforts.
The terminology used in XBRL frequently overlaps with terminology from other fields, and the following list is provided to reduce the possibility of ambiguity and confusion (see also the references in Section 6 below). These definitions are non-normative except where marked otherwise by means of the word (NORMATIVE) appearing in the "Term" column.
Term | Definition |
Abstract Element |
An element for which the attribute @abstract in its XML
schema declaration has the value "true " and which, therefore, cannot be used in an XML instance.
Alias Concept |
The Concept at the "to" end of a
definition arc with arc role . Alias
and Essence Concepts are definitionally equivalent in the
sense that valid values for an alias concept are always valid values for
essence concepts to which they are related by an essence-alias relationship.
Alias Item | An item in an instance whose element is an alias concept. |
Arc |
Arcs relate Concepts to each other by
associating their locators. Arcs also associate concepts with resources by
connecting the concept locators to the resources themselves. Arcs are also used
to connect fact locators to footnote resources in footnote extended links.
Arcs have a set of attributes that
document the nature of the relationships expressed in extended links.
Importantly all arcs have an @xlink:arcrole attribute that determines the semantics of the relationship they
C-Equal | Context-equal: Items or sets or sequences of items having the same item type in s-equal contexts. For a formal definition, see Section 4.10 below. |
Ancestor, Child, Descendant, Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Uncle (NORMATIVE) |
Relationships among elements in an XBRL
instance: using the terminology of [XPath 1.0], for any element E, another element F is its:
Concept |
Concepts are defined in two equivalent
ways. In a syntactic sense, a concept is an XML Schema element definition,
defining the element to be in the item element substitution group or in the tuple element substitution group.
At a semantic level, a concept is a definition of a kind of fact that can be
reported about the activities or nature of a business activity.
Concrete Element |
An element for which the attribute @abstract in its
XML schema declaration has the value "false " and which,
therefore, may appear in an XML instance.
Context | Contexts are elements that occur as children of the root element in XBRL instances. They document the entity, the period and the scenario that collectively give the appropriate context for understanding the values of items. |
Custom Arc Element |
An element derived from xl:arc that is not
defined in this specification, Specifically, not one of: link:presentationArc , link:calculationArc , link:labelArc , link:referenceArc , or link:definitionArc .
Custom Extended Link Element |
An element derived from xl:link that is not
defined in this specification. Specifically, not one
of: link:presentationLink , link:calculationLink , link:labelLink , link:referenceLink , or link:definitionLink .
Custom Resource Element |
A element derived from xl:resource that
is not defined in this specification, Specifically, not one
of: one of link:label , link:reference , or link:footnote .
Discoverable Taxonomy Set (DTS) | A DTS is a collection of taxonomy schemas and linkbases. The bounds of a DTS are such that the DTS includes all taxonomy schemas and linkbases that can be discovered by following links or references in the taxonomy schemas and linkbases included in the DTS. At least one taxonomy schema in a DTS must import the xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd schema. See Section 3 for details on the discovery process. |
Duplicate Items | Two items of the same concept in the same context under the same parent. For a formal definition see duplicate item in Section 4.10. |
Duplicate Tuples | Two occurrences of a tuple with all their descendants having the same content; more precisely: tuples that are p-equal, all of whose tuple children have a duplicate (except for being p-equal) in the other tuple, and all of whose item children have a duplicate (except for being p-equal) in the other tuple. For a formal definition see duplicate tuple in Section 4.10. |
Element | An XML element defined using XML Schema. |
Entity | A business entity, the subject of XBRL items. Where the [XML]/[SGML] concept of syntactic "entity" is meant, this will be pointed out. |
Essence Concept |
The Concept at the "from" end of a
definition arc with arc role . Alias and essence concepts are definitionally equivalent in the
sense that valid values for an alias concept are always valid values for
essence concepts to which they are related by an essence-alias relationship.
Essence Item | An item in an instance whose element is an essence concept. |
Extended Link | An extended link is an element identified as an extended link using the syntax defined in the XML Linking Language [XLINK]. Extended links represent a set of relationships between information that they contain and information contained in third party documents. See Section for more details. |
Fact | Facts can be simple, in which case their values must be expressed as simple content (except in the case of simple facts whose values are expressed as a ratio), and facts can be compound, in which case their value is made up from other simple and/or compound facts. Simple facts are expressed using items (and are referred to as items in this specification) and compound facts are expressed using tuples (and are referred to as tuples in this specification). |
Instance Namespace |
The namespace used for XBRL 2.1
Item | An item is an element in the substitution group for the XBRL item element. It contains the value of the simple fact and a reference to the context (and unit for numeric items) needed to correctly interpret that fact. When items occur as children of a tuple, they must also be interpreted in light of the other items and tuples that are children of the same tuple. There are numeric items and non-numeric items, with numeric items being required to document their measurement accuracy and units of measurement. |
Least Common Ancestor | In an instance, the element that is an ancestor of two elements and has no child that also appears on the ancestor axis [XPath 1.0] of those same two elements. |
Linkbase | A linkbase is a collection of XML Linking Language [XLINK] extended links that document the semantics of Concepts in a taxonomy. |
Linkbase Namespace |
The namespace of XBRL 2.1 linkbases,
Locator | Locators supply an XPointer [XPOINTER] reference to the taxonomy schema element definitions that uniquely identify each Concept. They provide an anchor for extended link arcs. See Section for more details. |
The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, in this specification, are to be interpreted as described in [IETF RFC 2119]. |
Non-Numeric Item | An item that is not a numeric item as defined below. Dates, in particular, are not numeric. |
Numeric Item |
An item whose simple content is derived
by restriction from the XML Schema primitive types decimal , float or double , or complex content derived
by restriction from the XBRL defined type fractionItemType (see Section
for details on item types).
Period | An instant or duration of time. In business reporting, financial numbers and other facts are reported "as of" an instant or for a period of certain duration. Facts about instants and durations are both common. |
P-Equal | Parent-equal: instance items or tuples having the same parent. For a formal definition, see Section 4.10 below. |
Resource | Resources are XML fragments, contained within extended links that provide additional information about Concepts or items. See Section for details. |
Root of an XBRL Instance |
The root of an XBRL instance is the <xbrl> element. In
principle, it is possible to embed an XBRL instance in any XML
document. In this case, the <xbrl> element is the container for the XBRL instance.
S-Equal | Structure-equal: XML nodes that are either equal in the XML value space, or whose XBRL-relevant sub-elements and attributes are s-equal. For a formal definition, see Section 4.10 below. |
Standard Arc Element |
An element derived from xl:arc that is
defined in this specification, Specifically, one of: link:presentationArc , link:calculationArc , link:labelArc , link:referenceArc , or link:definitionArc .
Standard Extended Link Element |
An element derived from xl:link that is
defined in this specification. Specifically, one of: link:presentationLink , link:calculationLink , link:labelLink , link:referenceLink , or link:definitionLink .
Standard Resource Element |
A element derived from xl:resource that
is defined in this specification, Specifically, one of: link:label , link:reference ,
or link:footnote .
Taxonomy |
A taxonomy is an XML schema and the set
of XBRL linkbases that it references using <linkbaseRef> elements and the
linkbases that are nested within it.
Taxonomy Schema | A taxonomy schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Structures]. A large part of many taxonomy schemas is given over to the definition of the syntax for the Concepts in that taxonomy. Section 3.1, Section 5 and Section 5.1 address this in more detail. |
Tuple | A tuple is an element in the substitution group for the XBRL tuple element. Tuples are used to bind together the parts of a compound fact. Those constituent parts are themselves, facts but they must be interpreted in light of each-other. For example, the name, age and compensation of a director of a company need to be grouped together to be correctly understood. |
Unit |
Units are XML fragments that occur as
children of the root element in XBRL instances. They document the unit of
measure for numeric items. Each <unit> element is only capable of documenting a
single unit of measurement.
U-Equal | Unit-equal. u-equal numeric items having the same units of measurement. For a formal definition, see Section 4.10 below. |
V-Equal |
Value-equal: c-equal items having either
the same non-numeric value, or numeric values that are equal within some
tolerance defined by the lesser of their respective @precision , implied @precision
or @decimals attributes. For a formal definition see Section 4.10 below.
XBRL Instance |
XBRL instances are XML fragments with
root element, <xbrl> . XBRL instances contain business report facts, with each fact
corresponding to a Concept defined in their supporting DTS. XBRL instances
also contain contexts and units that provide additional information needed to
interpret the facts in the instance.
X-Equal | [XPath 1.0]-equal: The XPath "=" operator returns the value true. For a formal definition, see Section 4.10 below. |
This specification describes two levels of conformance for XBRL aware processors. The first is required of all XBRL processors. Support for the other level of conformance will depend on the purpose of the processor.
Minimally conforming XBRL processors MUST completely and correctly implement all of the syntactic restrictions embodied in this specification.
Fully conforming XBRL processors MUST be minimally conforming and, in addition, they MUST completely and correctly implement all of the semantic restrictions relating to linkbases and XBRL instances.
All restrictions embodied in this specification apply to minimally conforming processors unless otherwise stated.
This specification uses a number of namespace prefixes when describing elements and attributes. The namespace prefix convention used is as follows:
Namespace prefix | Namespace name |
link | |
xbrli | |
xl | |
xlink | |
xml | |
xsi | |
xsd | |
Note that the xml
prefix is reserved as defined in
[XML Names]; specifically at
Some elements and attributes defined in this specification are described without use of a namespace prefix or namespace. The normative namespaces for all elements and attributes defined in this spec are determined by the normative schemas contained herein (Appendix A).
It is understood that no single XML vocabulary can capture the entirety of business reporting. XBRL has therefore included extensibility as a design principle. Certain kinds of extension facilities are embodied in this specification, such as the basic ability to create taxonomies. In addition, it is possible to create new kinds of linkbases and new roles and arc roles for new and existing linkbases. It is also possible to create attributes that may be used on elements from the various XBRL namespaces. Other methods of extending the functionality of XBRL MAY be introduced in the future, by individual developers or with formal support from the XBRL consortium.
However, the design of this specification is such that all extension mechanisms MUST obey certain rules as follows:
As an example, certain linkbases defined in this specification do not allow local resources. That constraint MUST NOT be changed by any extension mechanism. It is not permitted to create a "resources-allowed" link role whose semantics are to make local resources acceptable.
In summary, the only way to change the semantics of anything defined by this specification would be to change the text of this specification itself.
Changes from the previous, December 2001 version of [XBRL 2.1] (and the interim 2.0a "patch" release in November 2002) were driven by two factors. Several implementations of XML Schema required the removal of an ambiguous content model from the definition of contexts. This was done without changing the language recognised by the schema. Further implementation experience within the XBRL community, including the publication of the XBRL General Ledger taxonomy, motivated many other changes. A number of business requirements documented by the XBRL International Domain working group have been incorporated.
The group
element has been eliminated. It
has been replaced with the <xbrl>
element, which acts as the root element of an XBRL Instance.
The set of Taxonomy Schemas and linkbases
supporting an XBRL Instance has been formally defined (as a Discoverable Taxonomy Set
(DTS)). XBRL instances now identify their supporting DTS using a
new <schemaRef>
element, which points to supporting taxonomy schemas and using the
existing <linkbaseRef>
element, which points to supporting linkbases. The XML Schema
Instance @schemaLocation
attribute is no longer required in the DTS discovery process.
The <schemaRef>
elements must now appear
first in an XBRL Instance. The <linkbaseRef>
elements must appear after the <schemaRef>
elements and before all
other elements in an XBRL instance.
Guidance has been included on the entry
of numerical quantities in XBRL Instances for the
common case of elements from accounting related taxonomies (elements using the optional " @balance
" attribute in their definition). The duration element has been
eliminated from context Periods so durations now have to be represented using startDate
and endDate
. There is
also additional guidance on entering data to define a period of time.
The content of the Unit element has been simplified to facilitate more straightforward detection of equivalent units of measurement.
The @precision
attribute on numericContext
been eliminated in favour of more detailed documentation at the level of the
Numeric Items. The @CWA
attribute on the numericContext
element has been eliminated. The <unit>
element has been separated from
the numericContext
element to enable numeric and Non-Numeric Items to use the same
context structures. The numericContext
element and the nonNumericContext
element have been replaced with a <context>
element that documents only
Entity, Period and scenario.
An additional mechanism has been
introduced to enable XBRL Instance preparers to make statements about the
numerical accuracy of the facts reported. Specifically, a new @decimals
has been allowed on items of numeric type to provide an alternative way to
document accuracy in terms of the number of decimal places to which a numerical
fact is accurate. Rules for handling @precision
and @decimals
attributes have been provided.
To specify that numbers are stated exactly in an XBRL Instance, two
new types have been defined for use by the @decimals
and @precision
attributes. These types
enable XBRL Instances to specify that numbers are represented to an infinite
number of significant figures or number of decimal places.
The definition of a Duplicate Item has been changed to include reference to the content of any Tuple structures that contain the items being compared.
Some of the Arc role values and role values previously suggested are now normative and additional arc role values and role values have been defined. Some of the previously suggested arc role values have been removed. A new mechanism to define custom arc role values and role values has been added. The essence-alias arc in definition Extended Links has superseded the element-dimension relationship in calculation extended links. The parent-child arc no longer exists in the calculation extended link and has been replaced by summation-item arc. The parent-child arc no longer exists in the definition extended link and has been replaced by the general-special arc and by the XML Schema approach to content modelling for Tuples. Because the parent-child arc in definition extended links has two possible replacements, this is one area where complete backward compatibility with 2.0 has not been achieved. Some manual intervention may be required when converting these relationships expressed in 2.0 taxonomies to 2.1. Some networks of relationships are no longer allowed to contain directed or undirected cycles.
Tuples may now have a complex content model, but MUST only use a restricted set of XML Schema constructs to describe this content model. Tuple content model definitions MUST NOT permit descendant elements for the tuple that are not in the item substitution group or in the tuple substitution group. This implies that the declarations of the descendant elements for tuples MUST be references to globally declared elements [XML Schema Structures].
Calculations have been constrained to apply only within the scope of a Tuple for items within a tuple.
The number of available item types has been expanded to include all of the appropriate built-in data types of XML Schema [XML Schema Datatypes].
A new type for items has been defined to allow the specification of facts that are reported as fractions (such as 22.5/77.5). The fraction type is not among the built-in data types of XML Schema [XML Schema Datatypes]. Since fractions have two parts, denominator and numerator, it has complex content.
Derivation of new item and Tuple types
from those defined by XBRL itself has been limited so that item types MUST be
defined by restriction from the set of item types provided by XBRL. This set
contains item types that are derived by extension from all the appropriate
built-in simple types of XML Schema and a special purpose type with complex
content, the fractionItemType
The suggested @xlink:role
attribute on extended
link Locators, that indicated the root element of a relationship hierarchy, has
been eliminated.
Clarity has been provided around the possibility for linkbases to be contained in Taxonomy Schemas.
A mandatory @periodType
attribute has been added to
Concept definitions to constrain the type of Period that can be attached to
items based on concepts.
XBRL defines a syntax in which a fact can be reported as the value of a well defined reporting Concept within a particular context. The syntax enables software to efficiently and reliably find, extract and interpret those facts. The XBRL framework splits business reporting information into two components: XBRL Instances and taxonomies.
XBRL Instances contain the facts being reported while the taxonomies define the Concepts being communicated by the facts. The combination of an XBRL instance and its supporting taxonomies, and additional linkbases constitute an XBRL business report.
A taxonomy is comprised of an XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] and all of the linkbases contained in that schema or directly referenced by that schema. The XML schema is known as a Taxonomy Schema.
In XBRL terminology, a Concept is a definition of a reporting term. Concepts manifest as XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] element definitions. In the Taxonomy Schema a concept is given a concrete name and a type. The type defines the kind of data types allowed for facts measured according to the concept definition. For example, a "cash" concept would typically have a monetary type. This declares that when cash is reported, its value will be monetary. In contrast, a "accountingPoliciesNote" concept would typically have a string type so that, when the "accountingPoliciesNote" is reported in an XBRL Instance, its value would be interpreted as a string of characters. Additional constraints on how concepts can be used are documented by additional XBRL attributes on the XML Schema [XML Schema Structures] element definitions that correspond to the concepts. See Section 5.1.1 for details.
The linkbases in a taxonomy further document the meaning of the Concepts by expressing relationships between concepts (inter-concept relationships) and by relating concepts to their documentation. See Section 5.2 for details.
A Linkbase is a collection of extended links. There are five different kinds of extended links used in taxonomies to document Concepts: definition, calculation, presentation, label and reference. The first three types of extended link express inter-concept relationships, and the last two express relationships between concept and their documentation.
The linkbases MAY be contained in a
separate document from the Taxonomy Schema, and they MAY be embedded in the taxonomy
schema. When a linkbase is not embedded in a taxonomy schema, the taxonomy
schema MUST contain a <linkbaseRef>
to point to the linkbase document if the linkbase is to be part of
the taxonomy built around the taxonomy schema.
While a taxonomy defines reporting Concepts, it does not contain the actual values of facts based on the defined concepts. The fact values are contained in XBRL Instances and are referred to as "facts". Besides the actual value of a fact, such as "cash is 500,000", the XBRL instance provides contextual information necessary for interpreting the fact values. For numeric facts, the XBRL instance also documents measurement accuracy and measurement Units.
An XBRL Instance can be supported by more than one taxonomy. Also, taxonomies can be interconnected, extending and modifying each other in various ways. Generally, it is necessary to consider multiple related taxonomies together when interpreting an XBRL instance. The set of related taxonomies is called a Discoverable Taxonomy Set (DTS). A DTS is a collection of Taxonomy Schemas and Linkbases. The bounds of a DTS are determined by starting from some set of documents (instance, taxonomy schema, or linkbase) and following DTS discovery rules. Although an XBRL instance can be the starting point for DTS discovery, the XBRL instance itself is not part of the DTS. Taxonomy schemas and linkbases that are used as starting points for DTS discovery are part of the DTS that they discover.
DTS rules of discovery:
Taxonomy Schemas in the DTS are those:
, <roleRef>
, <arcroleRef>
or <linkbaseRef>
element. The @xlink:href
attribute on the <schemaRef>
, <roleRef>
, <arcroleRef>
or <linkbaseRef>
element contains the URL of the taxonomy schema that is discovered.
Every taxonomy schema that is referenced by the <schemaRef>
, roleRef, arcroleRef
or <linkbaseRef>
MUST be discovered.import
or include
element. Every taxonomy schema that is referenced by an import
or include
element in a
discovered taxonomy schema MUST be discovered. <loc>
element. Every
taxonomy schema that is referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute on a <loc>
element in a
discovered linkbase MUST be discovered. <roleRef>
Every taxonomy schema that is referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute on a <roleRef>
element in a
discovered linkbase MUST be discovered. <arcroleRef>
Every taxonomy schema that is referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute on an <arcroleRef>
in a discovered linkbase MUST be discovered. <linkbaseRef>
Every taxonomy schema that is referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute on a <linkbaseRef>
in a discovered taxonomy schema MUST be discovered. NOTE: since <redefine>
is prohibited in Taxonomy Schemas it cannot play a role in DTS
Linkbase documents in the DTS are those:
The @xlink:href
attribute contains the URL of the linkbase document being
discovered. Every linkbase that is referenced by the <linkbaseRef>
element MUST be
discovered. <linkbaseRef>
The @xlink:href
attribute contains the URL of the linkbase being discovered. Every
linkbase that is referenced by the <linkbaseRef>
element MUST be discovered."//xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/*"
in a discovered taxonomy schema (Throughout this
specification, schema
, annotation
and appinfo
are all elements defined in the XML Schema namespace). <loc>
element. Every
linkbase that contains a resource that is referenced by an @xlink:href
on a <loc>
element in a discovered linkbase MUST be discovered.For example, the "Financial Reporting for Commercial and Industrial Companies, US GAAP DTS" consists of well-defined Concepts within the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) when those principles are applied to Commercial and Industrial (C&I) companies. This DTS contains an "expense" concept.
A hospital XBRL Instance may use these
Concepts from the US GAAP C&I DTS as well as an additional concept
"physician salaries" that is defined in a separate taxonomy. This taxonomy
would include Linkbases that relate the "physician salaries" concept to the
"expense" concept in the US GAAP C&I DTS. The hospital XBRL instance would
have a <schemaRef>
element pointing to the hospital taxonomy. This XBRL instance would
be the starting place for determining the DTS that supports the XBRL instance.
The discovery starts by following the <schemaRef>
element to the hospital taxonomy. In the hospital taxonomy there
would be a <linkbaseRef>
element pointing to its linkbases. One of the linkbases contains a <loc>
element pointing
to the "expense" concept in one the US GAAP C&I taxonomies. The taxonomy
that contains the "expense" concept would point to the other taxonomies in the
US GAAP C&I DTS. Following this discovery process, all necessary taxonomies
would be discovered and the result would be a DTS that includes the US GAAP
C&I DTS and the hospital specific taxonomy.
As this example shows, DTSs can also be used as "building blocks" to create larger, more sophisticated DTSs. Users MAY compose groups of existing DTSs into higher-level DTSs and MAY selectively add concepts and concept relationships via extension taxonomies.
While some consuming applications might be able to perform processing on an XBRL data file without referring to a DTS, normally, the interpretation and processing of any given XBRL fact is relative to the contents of a DTS.
For example, given an XBRL Instance, to
correctly produce a list of facts with the entries in the list corresponding to
an ordered set of Concepts, it is necessary to find the label corresponding to
each fact being listed. The labels are contained in label Extended Links. The
locations of the label extended links may be specified by <linkbaseRef>
in the Taxonomy Schemas that have been identified as supporting the facts being
presented. The label extended link locations may also be specified by <linkbaseRef>
in the XBRL instance itself.
When processing an XBRL Instance, consuming applications MUST use all of the linkbases referenced directly or indirectly in this way, if they are relevant to the processing activities. All references to Taxonomy Schemas and linkbases MUST be resolved when determining the DTS supporting an XBRL instance.
There are many applications that require business information to be transmitted securely, with a particular emphasis on data integrity (leading to the use of hash totals, etc.) and with confidentiality (leading to the use of cryptographic means of protection). XBRL deliberately provides neither of these mechanisms, since its focus is on transmission of actual content in an agreed-upon format. it is assumed that, like any other block of data, data integrity can be enhanced by adding redundant error correction bytes, by cryptographic hashing and signing with a private key, etc. These mechanisms are all outside the scope of XBRL.
An XBRL Instance does not have to be aware of whether all or some of it has been manipulated to be signed, encrypted, canonicalised, compressed, etc. By the time XBRL processing has to take place, all of those manipulations will have been unwound, and the XBRL payload will be free of any evidence of those operations.
XBRL Instances, XBRL Linkbases and XBRL Taxonomy Schemas MUST comply with the syntax requirements imposed in this specification. Many of these syntax requirements are expressed using XML Schemas so a part of the validation process can be performed using XML Schema validation software. Some of these syntax requirements are not or cannot be expressed using XML Schemas and so, MUST be handled using other validation technologies.
Consuming applications MAY also check that the data in an XBRL Instance is consistent with the semantics expressed in the DTS supporting the instance. Semantic inconsistencies do not invalidate the XBRL instances in which they occur. However, this specification identifies the semantic inconsistencies that can be tested for by fully conformant XBRL processors.
Links between XML fragments occur in many forms in XBRL. There are links between XBRL Instances and their supporting DTS. There are links between XBRL instance facts and the footnotes that describe relationships between those facts. There are links between Concept syntax definitions and their semantics, defined in linkbases. The semantics themselves are expressed in the networks of links that constitute the linkbases. XBRL expresses all of these links using the syntax defined in the XLink specification [XLINK]. XBRL uses both the simple links and the Extended Links defined in the [XLINK] specification.
The [XLINK] specification establishes the
syntax and semantics for a set of attributes in the [XLINK] namespace,
. These attributes can then be used on elements defined in another
namespace to document various kinds of links between XML fragments. Many of
these attributes are used extensively in XBRL. Others have no semantics that
are relevant to the links defined by XBRL. These other attributes are permitted
by the XML Schema syntax constraints but they are not documented or given any
specific semantics in this specification. Examples include the @xlink:show
and the @xlink:actuate
This section documents the generic forms of the simple links and the Extended Links used in XBRL. Specific elements that use the simple link or extended link syntax are documented in detail in the relevant sections of this specification dealing with the syntax of XBRL instances or the syntax of XBRL taxonomies.
The syntax of the generic [XLINK] structures used by XBRL is constrained by two XML Schemas: the xlink-2003-12-31.xsd (normative) that defines the syntax for the [XLINK] attributes; and the xl-2003-12-31.xsd (normative) that defines the content models for the various kinds of link-related elements defined by this specification.
A simple link is a link that points from one resource to another [XLINK] Some examples of how XBRL uses simple links are:
The XML Schema constraints on the simple links used by XBRL are shown below.
attribute on simple linksThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur and
MUST have the fixed content "simple
attribute on simple linksA simple link MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to an XML document or
to an XML fragment within an XML document. If the URI is relative, it MUST be
resolved to obtain an absolute URI as specified in XML Base specification [XML Base].
For details on the allowable forms of XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax in the URI
see Section 3.5.4
attribute on simple links (optional)The optional @xlink:role
attribute MUST take URI
values. If it is provided, the @xlink:role
attribute MUST NOT be empty.
attribute on simple links (optional)If it occurs, the @xlink:arcrole
attribute MUST NOT be an empty string.
attribute on simple links (optional)The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base] MAY appear on the
simple links, participating in the resolution of relative URIs specified in
their @xlink:href
elementThe [XLINK] specification defines
linkbases in the following way: "documents containing collections of inbound
and third-party links are called link databases, or linkbases" [XLINK] (
While the syntax for Concepts is defined in Taxonomy Schemas, the semantics of those
concepts are defined in XBRL Linkbases. Linkbases are Extended Links or they
are elements that contain extended links. Linkbases MAY also contain <documentation>
The <linkbase>
element is intended to be
used as a linkbase container. The XML Schema constraints on the <linkbase>
element are
shown below.
xmlns:samp="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xbrli="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xl="" xsi:schemaLocation=" samp001.xsd" xml:base=""> <calculationLink xlink:role="" xlink:type="extended"> </linkbase><!-- ... --> </calculationLink> |
Meaning: Use of |
attribute on <linkbase>
elements (optional)The <linkbase>
element MAY have an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type (
attribute on <linkbase>
elements (optional)The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base] MAY appear on the <linkbase>
participating in the resolution of relative URIs in the contained extended
elements in <linkbase>
elements (optional)All <linkbase>
elements MAY also contain <documentation>
The XML Schema constraints on the
element are shown below.
The <documentation>
element MUST have string
content. The <documentation>
element MAY contain any attribute that is not
defined in the XBRL Linkbase Namespace,
For example, the <documentation>
element MAY use the @xml:lang
attribute to indicate the language used for the
element (optional)The <roleRef>
element is used to resolve
custom @xlink:role
values that are used in a Linkbase or XBRL
Instance (for <footnoteLink>
). The <roleRef>
element is a
simple link, as defined in Section 3.5.1. The <roleRef>
element points to the <roleType>
element in
a Taxonomy Schema document that declares the @xlink:role
attribute value (see
Section 5.1.3). The value, V, of the @xlink:role
attribute on a Standard Resource Element
or extended link element MUST be an absolute URI. If V
does not correspond to a role defined by this specification, it is a custom
role; in this case the ancestor <linkbase>
element of the resource or
extended link element MUST have a child <roleRef>
element with V as the
value of its @roleURI
Note that <roleRef>
s are only required for roles
that are used on Standard Extended Links and Standard Resources.
The standard extended links are those defined by this specification: <definitionLink>
, <calculationLink>
, <presentationLink>
, <labelLink>
, <referenceLink>
and <footnoteLink>
Likewise, the standard resources are <label>
, <footnote>
, and <reference>
The XML Schema constraints on the <roleRef>
element are
shown below.
attribute on <roleRef>
elementsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur and
MUST have the fixed content "simple
attribute on <roleRef>
elementsA <roleRef>
element MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a <roleType>
element in
a Taxonomy Schema document. If the URI reference is relative, its absolute
version MUST be determined as specified in [XML Base] before use. For details
on the allowable forms of XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax in the URI see Section 3.5.4.
All files referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute MUST be discovered as part of the DTS, regardless of what
Linkbase the <roleRef>
appears in.
attribute on <roleRef>
(optional)The @xlink:arcrole
attribute MAY be used
on the <roleRef>
element. No semantics are defined for the @xlink:arcrole
attribute when it
occurs on the <roleRef>
attribute on <roleRef>
elements (optional)The optional @xlink:role
attribute MUST take URI
values. If it is provided, the @xlink:role
attribute MUST NOT be empty. No semantics are defined for the @xlink:role
when it occurs on the <roleRef>
attributeThe @roleURI
attribute MUST occur on the <roleRef>
element. The
attribute identifies the @xlink:role
attribute value that is defined by the XML
resource that is pointed to by the <roleRef>
element. The value of this attribute MUST match the value of the @roleURI
attribute on
the <roleType>
element that the <roleRef>
element is pointing to. Within a Linkbase or an XBRL Instance
there MUST NOT be more than one roleRef
element with the same @roleURI
attribute value.
element (optional)The <arcroleRef>
element is used to resolve
custom @xlink:arcrole
values that are used in a Linkbase or an XBRL Instance (for <footnoteArc>
). The <arcroleRef>
is a simple link, as defined in Section 3.5.1. The <arcroleRef>
element points to the <arcroleType>
in a Taxonomy Schema document that declares the @xlink:arcrole
attribute value (see
Section 5.1.4). The value, V, of the @xlink:arcrole
attribute on a Standard Arc Element
in a Standard Extended Link Element MUST be an absolute URI.
If V does not correspond to an arcrole defined by this specification, it
is a custom arcrole; in this case the ancestor <linkbase>
element of the
Arc element MUST have a child <arcroleRef>
element with V as the value of its @arcroleURI
Note that <arcroleRef>
s are only required for
arcroles that are used on Standard Arcs appearing in standard extended links.
The standard arcs are those defined by this specification: <definitionArc>
, <calculationArc>
, <presentationArc>
, <labelArc>
, <referenceArc>
and <footnoteArc>
The XML Schema definition of the <arcroleRef>
is shown below.
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elementsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur and
MUST have the fixed content "simple
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elementsAn <arcroleRef>
element MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to an <arcroleType>
in a Taxonomy Schema document. If the URI reference is relative, its absolute
version MUST be determined as specified in [XML Base] before use. For details
on the allowable forms of XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax in the URI see Section 3.5.4.
All files referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute MUST be discovered as part of the DTS, regardless of what
Linkbase the <arcroleRef>
appears in.
attribute on <arcroleRef>
(optional)The @xlink:arcrole
attribute MAY be used
on the <arcroleRef>
element. No semantics are defined for the @xlink:arcrole
attribute when it
occurs on the <arcroleRef>
attribute on <arcroleRef>
elements (optional)The optional @xlink:role
attribute MUST take URI
values. If it is provided, the @xlink:role
attribute MUST NOT be empty. No semantics are defined for the @xlink:role
when it occurs on the <arcroleRef>
attributeThe @arcroleURI
attribute MUST occur on
the <arcroleRef>
element. The @arcroleURI
attribute identifies the xlink:arcrole
attribute value that is defined by the XML
resource that is pointed to by the <arcroleRef>
element. The value of this attribute MUST match the value of the @arcroleURI
on the <arcroleType>
element that the arcroleRef
element is pointing to. Within a Linkbase
or an XBRL Instance there MUST NOT be more than one <arcroleRef>
element with the same @arcroleURI
Extended Links are [XLINK] annotated XML fragments that document a set of relationships between resources. XBRL extended links document relationships between resources that are XML fragments.
The generic XML Schema constraints on the extended links used by XBRL are shown below.
XBRL extended links MAY contain five different types of child elements:
elements (titles);locator
elements (Locators);resource
elements (resources); andarc
elements (Arcs).The <documentation>
element is for XBRL
documentation purposes only and has no [XLINK]-specific semantics. Titles, Locators,
resources and Arcs are identified by specific [XLINK] attributes. If the
titles, Locators, resources and arcs are not direct children of an extended
element, then they have no [XLINK] specified meaning, and hence have no
XBRL-specified meaning.
The attributes for XBRL extended links are described below.
attribute on extended links (optional)Extended Links MAY have an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type (see
for details). The @id
attribute identifies an extended link (see Section 4.8) so that it
may be referenced directly by simple links.
attribute on extended linksThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur on
extended links and MUST have the fixed content "extended
attribute on extended linksThe @xlink:role
attribute MUST occur on Standard Extended Links.
The content of the @xlink:role
attribute is referred to
as the extended link role value. The extended link role value MUST be used by
applications to partition extended links into separate networks of
relationships. See Section 5.2 for details on how the semantics embodied in
extended link arcs is contingent on extended link arc role values. One standard
extended link role is defined by this specification:
Standard extended links may use this role
without the need for a <roleType>
(see Section 5.1.3) and roleRef (see Section
attribute on extended links (optional)The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base] MAY appear on the extended links, participating in the resolution
of relative URIs that they contain.
All XBRL extended links MAY contain <documentation>
The <documentation>
elements in extended
links conform to the same syntax requirements that apply to <documentation>
elements in Linkbase
elements. See Section for details.
All XBRL Extended Links MAY contain
titles. Titles may be used to document extended links, as an alternative to the
more limited @xlink:title
attributes. They are particularly useful where information needs to
be provided in multiple languages. Titles have no XBRL specified semantics. To
use a title in an extended link, it is necessary to define a new element that
is in the substitution group for the abstract title
The XML Schema constraints on the titles are shown below.
Locators are child elements of an Extended Link that point to resources external to the extended link itself. All XBRL extended links MAY contain locators.
The XML Schema constraints on generic Locators are shown below.
For consistency, the <loc>
element is the
only Locator defined for use in XBRL Extended Links. The <loc>
element is a
concrete version of the generic locator. The XML Schema syntax constraints on
the <loc>
element are shown below.
attribute on locatorsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur on
all Locators and MUST have the fixed content "locator
attribute on locatorsA Locator MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to an XML document or
to one or more XML fragments within an XML document. If the URI is relative, it
MUST be resolved to obtain an absolute URI as specified in XML Base
specification [XML Base]. For details on the allowable forms of XPointer [XPOINTER]
syntax in the URI see Section 3.5.4. All files referenced by an @xlink:href
attribute MUST be discovered as part of the DTS, regardless of what Linkbase
the locator appears in.
attribute on locatorsThe @xlink:label
attribute on a Locator identifies
the locator so that Arcs in the same Extended Link can reference it. Multiple locators and resources in an extended link MAY have the same @xlink:label
value. The @xlink:label
attribute value MUST be an NCName [XML] (
This requirement means that @xlink:label
attributes MUST begin with a letter or an underscore.
Locators MAY contain titles. Title children of locators MUST conform to the same restrictions applying to title children of Extended Links. See Section for details.
Some XBRL Extended Links MAY contain resources. A resource is an XML fragment in an extended link that is related to other resources in the extended link and to resources outside of the extended link.
The XML Schema constraints on generic resources are shown below.
The content of generic resources is very loosely constrained. More specific constraints are applied by this specification for specific kinds of resources in specific kinds of extended links.
attribute on resourcesThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur on
all resources and MUST have the fixed content "resource
attribute on resourcesThe @xlink:label
attribute on a resource identifies the
resource so that Arcs in the same Extended Link can reference it. The @xlink:label
attribute on resources conforms to the same requirements applying
to the @xlink:label
attribute on Locators. See Section for details. Several
resources in an extended link MAY have the same label.
attribute on resources (optional)The optional @xlink:role
attribute on a resource
is referred to as the resource role value.
Resources MAY contain an @xlink:role
attribute, which SHOULD distinguish between resources based on the nature of
the information that they contain. Some of the resources defined in this
specification have a set of standard resource role values defined for them.
Custom reference
roles can be defined using roleTypes (see Section 5.1.3).
attribute on resources (optional)The @id
attribute MAY occur on all
resources in XBRL Extended Links. The value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the
[XML] rules for attributes with the ID type (
The @id
attribute identifies the resource so that it may be referenced by locators
in other
extended links for the purposes of Arc prohibition (see Section
All XBRL Extended Links MAY contain arcs
. Arcs document
relationships between resources identified by Locators in extended links or
occurring as resources in extended links.
The XML Schema constraints on generic Arcs are shown below.
Arcs represent relationships between the XML
fragments referenced by their [XLINK] attributes: @xlink:from
and @xlink:to
. The @xlink:from
and the @xlink:to
represent each side of the arc. These two attributes contain the @xlink:label
attribute values of Locators and resources within the same Extended Link as the
arc itself. For a locator, the referenced XML fragments comprise the set
of XML elements identified by the xlink:href
attribute on the locator. For a resource, the
referenced XML fragment is the resource element itself.
An Arc MAY reference multiple XML
fragments on each side ("from" and "to") of the arc. This can occur if there
are multiple Locators and/or resources in the Extended Link with the same @xlink:label
value identified by the @xlink:from
or @xlink:to
attribute of the arc. Such arcs represent a set of one-to-one
relationships between each of the XML fragments on their "from" side and each
of the XML fragments on their "to" side.
Example 2: One-to-One arc relationships [XLINK]
This presentation link contains an Arc that relates one XBRL Concept to one other XBRL concept. The XML fragment on the "from" side is the conceptA element definition, found in the example.xsd Taxonomy Schema. The XML fragment on the "to" side is the conceptB element definition, also found in the example.xsd taxonomy schema.
Example 3: One-to-Many arc relationships [XLINK]
This label link contains a single
Arc that relates one XBRL Concept to two XBRL labels. This is
accomplished by giving each of the label resources the same @xlink:label
value, which, in turn, is the same as the @xlink:to
value on the arc. The arc represents two
relationships, one between conceptA
and the standard label ("Concept A") and another between conceptA
and the
total label ("Total of Concept A").
This Extended Link could also express
the same two relationships but be written with separate @xlink:label
attribute values for each label and two arcs.
Semantically, these two extended links represent the same set of relationships between the concept and its labels.
Example 4: Many-to-Many arc relationships [XLINK]
This label link contains a single
arc that relates two Concepts to two labels. This is accomplished by
each of the Locators for the concepts having the same @xlink:label
value, which in turn is the same as the @xlink:from
attribute value on the
arc, and by each of the label resources having the same @xlink:label
value, which in turn is the same as the @xlink:to
The arc represents 4 relationships as follows:
Like the one-to-many example, this
Extended Link could be re-written as 4 one-to-one arcs, where each locator
and each resource has a unique @xlink:label
attribute value. It could also be re-written as two one-to-two
arcs where the label resources have the same @xlink:label
attribute value and the
locators have unique @xlink:label
attribute values or vice versa.
There MUST not be any [XLINK] duplicate
arcs within an Extended Link. [XLINK] duplicate arcs are arcs that have the
same pair of values for the @xlink:from
and @xlink:to
attributes within an extended link.
Example 5: Correct use of arcs according to [XLINK]
[XLINK] forbids duplicate Arcs within a
single Extended Link and ignores arcrole
in determining duplicates so the following example is invalid
(see Section 5.2.6 for details of <definitionLink>
extended links):
instead, an alternative construction that is legal according to [XLINK], such as the following, MUST be used:
attribute on arcsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur on
all Arcs and MUST have the fixed content "arc
attributeThe @xlink:from
attribute on an Arc MUST be equal to the value of an @xlink:label
attribute of at least one
Locator or resource in the same Extended Link element as the arc element
The @xlink:from
attribute value MUST be an
NCName [XML] (
This requirement means that @xlink:from
attributes MUST begin with a letter or an underscore.
attributeThe @xlink:to
attribute on an Arc MUST be equal to the value of an @xlink:label
attribute of at least one
Locator or resource in the same Extended Link element as the arc element
The @xlink:to
attribute value MUST be an
NCName [XML] (
This requirement means that @xlink:to
attributes MUST begin with a letter or an underscore.
attributeThe @xlink:arcrole
attribute documents the
specific kind of relationship being expressed by the Arc. Its value is referred
to as an arc role value. A set of standard arc
role values are defined and given specific meaning in this specification for
each arc element. These are documented in the sections describing the specific
XBRL arc elements ( <labelArc>
, <referenceArc>
, <calculationArc>
, <definitionArc>
, <presentationArc>
, and <footnoteArc>
) on which they are to be used.
Custom arc role values MAY be defined in
Taxonomy Schemas. The semantics for custom arc role values are defined using
the <arcroleType>
element (see Section 5.1.4). <arcroleType>
s are discovered through <arcroleRef>
(see Section
attribute (optional)The optional @order
attribute MUST have a decimal
value that that indicates the order in which applications MUST display siblings
when hierarchical networks of relationships are being displayed. If missing,
the @order
attribute value MUST default to "1". If multiple siblings
in the hierarchy have the same @order
attribute value, the presentation order of those siblings is
application dependent. The value of the @order
attribute is not restricted to
integers, which is useful when there is a need to place a new sibling in
between two previously defined siblings.
Arcs MAY contain titles. Title children of arcs MUST conform to the same restrictions applying to title children of Extended Links. See Section for details.
A taxonomy author will generally not have write permissions on Linkbases created by other taxonomy authors. In situations where a taxonomy author needs to modify the relationships expressed in linkbases that they cannot alter directly, they may create new linkbases that contain Arcs that represent relationships that prohibit or override the specific relationships that are to be modified. Both overriding and prohibiting an existing relationship is achieved by constructing a new arc.
A prohibiting arc is an Arc that represents a prohibiting relationship or a set of prohibiting relationships. A prohibiting relationship is a relationship that negates another relationship. An overriding arc is an arc that represents an overriding relationship or a set of overriding relationships. An overriding relationship is a relationship that supersedes another relationship. Prohibition and overriding are relevant when determining the relationships in a network of relationships represented in a DTS (see Section
Arcs that represent prohibiting and
overriding relationships are controlled by two attributes, @use
and @priority
, which are
available on all arc elements defined in this specification.
attribute (optional)The optional @use
attribute MUST take one of two
possible values - "optional"
, or "prohibited"
indicates that the Arc represents a relationship or set of relationships that
MAY participate in a network of relationships represented by arcs in a DTS (see
Section for details on networks of relationships in a DTS). This is
the default value that MUST be inferred for the
attribute if the @use
attribute is not
indicates that this Arc represents a
relationship or set of relationships that prohibit themselves and other
equivalent relationships from participating in a network of relationships
represented by arcs in a DTS (see Section for details on
relationship equivalency). Such relationships are referred to as
prohibiting relationships.
attribute (optional)The content of the @priority
MUST be an integer. The default value of the @priority
attribute is "0". The @priority
is used when applying the rules of prohibition and overriding in a network of
relationships. Each relationship has a priority equal to the value of the
priority attribute on the Arc that represents the relationship.
The Arcs expressed in the Extended Links within a DTS describe networks of relationships between XML fragments.
Individually, each Arc describes one or more relationships. However, within a DTS, only some of those relationships participate in the networks of relationships described by the DTS.
All relationships in the DTS are candidates for inclusion in the networks of relationships described by the DTS. However, some relationships are excluded from the networks of relationships described by the DTS because they are prohibited or overridden by other relationships.
All Arcs in a DTS are grouped into base sets of arcs. All arcs in a base set of arcs:
attribute value on the arc
element; andextended link elements
that have the
same local name, namespace, and @xlink:role
attribute value.Each base set of Arcs in a DTS represents the set of candidates for inclusion in a network of relationships. For each base set of arcs in a DTS, the rules of relationship prohibition and overriding determine the subset of relationships in that base set that participate in the corresponding network of relationships represented by arcs in the DTS.
Applying the rules of relationship prohibition and overriding requires a comparison of each relationship represented by Arcs in the base set to all other relationships represented by arcs in the base set.
Two relationships represented by Arcs in a given base set are equivalent if:
For the purposes of the conditions above, the 'use' and 'priority' attributes are exempt, as are any attributes from the following namespaces:
all other attributes are non-exempt,
NOTE: This therefore applies after the consideration of any default and fixed values specified for attributes on the Arc declaration, according to the post-schema-validation infoset [XML Schema Structures] specification
attribute on Arcs); and @xlink:to
attribute on Arcs).The rules of prohibiting and overriding
relationships employ the @use
and @priority
attributes on Arcs and the notion of relationship equivalence to
determine, for each relationship expressed by arcs in a base set, if that
relationship is included in the network of relationships for that base set of
The rules of prohibition and overriding are applied to each set of equivalent relationships represented by Arcs in the base set as follows:
The following set of examples includes some unlikely but nevertheless possible situations and demonstrates how they are dealt with according to the rules of prohibiting and overriding relationships. These examples anticipate a series of extension taxonomies being created, possibly by different authors who do not have write access to the taxonomies that they are extending. |
If the following two Arcs in a base set of arcs represent a set of equivalent relationships, then neither of those relationships is included in the network of relationships associated with that base set of arcs.
Arc B has the higher priority and represents a prohibiting relationship. Therefore relationship B excludes relationship A from the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs. Relationship B is prohibiting and so, by definition, is excluded from the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs (by application of rules i and iv). |
If another arc is subsequently introduced into the base set of arcs as follows:
and relationship C is equivalent to the relationships A and B, then, since it has the highest priority, it is a prohibiting relationship. Therefore relationship C excludes relationship A from the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs. Relationships B and C are prohibiting and so, by definition, are excluded from the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs (by application of rules i and iv). |
If another arc is subsequently introduced into the base set of arcs as follows:
and relationship D is equivalent to the relationships A, B and C, then, since it has the highest priority, it is an overriding relationship. Relationships A, B and C are therefore not included in the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs. This relationship D thus effectively overrides the effect of the prohibiting relationships B and C and therefore is included in the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs (by application of rule ii). |
If another arc is subsequently introduced into the base set of arcs as follows:
and relationship E is equivalent to the relationships A, B, C and D, then, since it has the same priority as D, it is application dependent as to which of D and E is the overriding relationship. Relationships A, B and C are still not included in the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs (by application of rule iii). Since the relationships are equivalent, the fact that it is application dependent as to which of D and E is the overriding relationship is unimportant because the choice of one over the other does not affect the semantics being expressed. |
If another arc is subsequently introduced into the base set of arcs as follows:
and relationship F is equivalent to the relationships A, B, C, D and E, then, since it is one of the relationships with the highest priority, it is a prohibiting relationship and thus none of the equivalent relationships A, B, C, D, E or F are included in the network of relationships associated with the base set of arcs (by application of rule iv). |
The process of dividing all discovered arcs in a DTS into base sets and applying the rules of prohibition and overriding results in a set of networks of relationships, where each network contains relationships that:
attribute value on the arcType
element; andextendedType
elements with the same local name, namespace, and @xlink:role
attribute value; andTo point to a particular XML element, URIs used in [XLINK] hrefs MUST end in a fragment identifier. According to the [XLINK] specification, XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax is allowed in the fragment identifier. The format of the fragment identifier MUST conform to the requirements set out for shorthand pointers ( or to the requirements set out for a scheme-based pointer ( The only scheme allowed for scheme-based pointers in XBRL links is the element scheme [ELEMENT-SCHEME].
Example | Meaning |
fragment of the current document with an @id attribute equal to "f1"
element of the document us_bs_v21.xsd with an @id attribute equal to
The element of the document us_bs_v21.xsd that is the 14 child (in document order) of the root element. |
element of the document us_bs_v21.xsd with an @id attribute equal to
An overview of XBRL Instances is provided in Section 3.2.
XBRL Instances are XML fragments with root
element, <xbrl>
. XBRL instances contain facts, with each fact corresponding to a
Concept defined in their supporting DTS. XBRL instances also contain <context>
and <unit>
elements that
provide additional information needed to interpret the facts in the instance.
Facts can be simple, in which case their values are expressed as simple content (except in the case of simple facts whose values are expressed as a ratio), and facts can be compound, in which case their values are made up from other simple and/or compound facts. Simple facts are expressed using items (and are referred to as items in this specification) and compound facts are expressed using Tuples (and are referred to as tuples in this specification).
Although the syntax for any given Tuple or item can only be defined in a single Taxonomy Schema, an XBRL Instance MAY contain XBRL items and tuples from any number of taxonomy schemas.
XBRL Instances identify the taxonomy schemas and XBRL Linkbases that make up the starting points for discovery of the DTS that supports them. Section 3.2 documents how the DTS supporting an XBRL instance is to be determined.
The Taxonomy Schemas and the Linkbases
used as starting points in DTS discovery are identified via the <schemaRef>
and <linkbaseRef>
elements in XBRL Instances respectively. This enables XBRL
instances to exert some control over the interpretation of the information that
they report.
For example, the same set of elements defined in a Taxonomy Schema might have Spanish and Portuguese literature references defined in different Linkbases (that are not referenced directly from that schema). An instance might provide access to both or neither of these linkbases in order to specify which set of references the producer considers to be more appropriate.
An XBRL Instance MUST comply with the
rules specified herein. The syntax for XBRL instances is constrained using a
set of XML Schemas. Example elements defined in the XBRL instance schema, xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd
(normative), include <xbrl>
, <item>
, <context>
, <unit>
, and <tuple>
. All XBRL instances MUST be valid XML documents as defined by XML Schema [XML Schema Structures].
The semantics of XBRL Instances and their contents are specified only insofar as they impact the operation of software applications that use this specification.
elementExpressing even a single fact in an XBRL
instance requires multiple elements: at least one item element (see Section 4.1.1)
and a <context>
element containing sub-elements (see Section 4.7 below).
Therefore, a container element is necessary to serve as the root element of an
XBRL Instance. This container is the <xbrl>
element. If multiple "data islands" of XBRL mark-up are included in
a larger document, the <xbrl>
element is the container for each.
The XML Schema constraints on the <xbrl>
element are
shown below.
xmlns:link="" xmlns:ci="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:xbrli="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xl="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <link:schemaRef xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/> <ci:assets precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">727</ci:assets> <ci:liabilities precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">635</ci:liabilities> </xbrl> |
Meaning: |
attribute on <xbrl>
elements (optional)The <xbrl>
element MAY have an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type (
attribute on <xbrl>
elements (optional)The <xbrl>
element MAY have an @xml:base
The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base]
MAY appear on the
element, participating in the resolution of relative URIs in the XBRL Instance.
element in XBRL InstancesEvery XBRL Instance MUST contain at least
one <schemaRef>
element. The <schemaRef>
element is a simple link, as defined in Section 3.5.1. The <schemaRef>
MUST occur as a child element of an <xbrl>
element. All <schemaRef>
elements in an XBRL instance MUST occur before other children of the
element, in document order.
In an XBRL Instance, the <schemaRef>
points to a Taxonomy Schema that becomes part of the DTS supporting that XBRL
instance creators should be aware that, if there are inconsistencies between
the information conveyed by a schemaRef
element and that conveyed by @schemaLocation
attributes elsewhere in the instance, processors may have difficulty processing
the instance correctly.
The XML Schema definition of the <schemaRef>
element is
shown below.
attribute on <schemaRef>
elementsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur and
MUST have the fixed content "simple
attribute on <schemaRef>
elementsA <schemaRef>
element MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to an XML Schema. If
the URI reference is relative, its absolute version MUST be determined as
specified in [XML Base] before use. For details on the allowable forms of
XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax in the URI see Section 3.5.4.
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)The @xlink:arcrole
attribute MAY be used
on the <schemaRef>
element. It is given no semantics by this specification. The @xlink:arcrole
value MUST be a URI value as defined by the [XLINK] specification.
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)The @xlink:role
MAY be used on the <schemaRef>
element. No semantics are defined for the @xlink:role
attribute when it occurs
on the <schemaRef>
element. The @xlink:role
attribute value MUST be a URI value as defined by the [XLINK]
attribute on <schemaRef>
elements (optional)The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base]
MAY appear on <schemaRef>
elements, participating in the resolution of relative URIs
specified in their @xlink:href
element in XBRL instancesThe [XLINK] specification provides for a
standard way of finding Linkbases (see The <linkbaseRef>
element conforms to this standard by using a specific @xlink:arcrole
content value (see Section 4.3.3).
One or more <linkbaseRef>
elements MAY occur as
children of the <xbrl>
element (They MAY also occur in Taxonomy Schemas. See Section 5.1.2
for details). If <linkbaseRef>
elements occur as children of <xbrl>
elements, they MUST follow the
elements and precede all other elements, in document order.
In an XBRL Instance, the <linkbaseRef>
identifies a Linkbase that becomes part of the DTS supporting that XBRL
The XML Schema constraints applying to
the <linkbaseRef>
element are shown below.
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elementsThe @xlink:type
attribute MUST occur and
MUST have the fixed content "simple
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elementsA <linkbaseRef>
element MUST have an @xlink:href
attribute. The @xlink:href
attribute MUST be a URI. The URI MUST point to a Linkbase (as
defined in Section 3.5.2) that contains the appropriate Extended Links, as
determined by the value of the @xlink:role
attribute. If the URI reference is relative, its absolute version
MUST be determined as specified in [XML Base] before use. For details on the
allowable forms of XPointer [XPOINTER] syntax in the URI see Section 3.5.4.
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elementsThe @xlink:arcrole
attribute on the <linkbaseRef>
MUST have the [XLINK]- specified fixed content:
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elements (optional)The optional @xlink:role
attribute constrains the
kinds of Extended Links that are permitted within the Linkbase identified by
the <linkbaseRef>
element. Table 2 sets out the standard @xlink:role
attribute values for the @xlink:role
when it occurs on the <linkbaseRef>
element. Table 2 also documents which kinds of extended links:
with each of the standard @xlink:role
attribute values; and <linkbaseRef>
element with each of the standard @xlink:role
attribute values.If a <linkbaseRef>
element connects to a Linkbase
containing an Extended Link that has not been defined in this specification,
then a non-standard value of the @xlink:role
attribute MAY be used or the @xlink:role
attribute MAY be omitted.
Values of the <linkbaseRef> @xlink:role attribute |
Element pointed to by @xlink:href |
MAY contain any Extended Link elements |
contain only <calculationLink> elements
contain only <definitionLink> elements
contain only <labelLink> elements
MUST contain
only <presentationLink> elements
MUST contain only <referenceLink>
attribute on <linkbaseRef>
elements (optional)The @xml:base
attribute [XML Base]
MAY appear on <linkbaseRef>
elements, participating in the resolution of relative URIs
specified in their @xlink:href
element in XBRL instances (optional)One or more <roleRef>
elements (defined in Section
MAY be used in XBRL Instances. If used, they MUST appear immediately
after the <linkbaseRef>
elements in the XBRL instance, in document order. <roleRef>
elements are
used in XBRL instances to reference the definitions of any custom @xlink:role
values used in footnote links in the XBRL instance.
element in XBRL instances (optional)One or more <arcroleRef>
elements (defined in
Section MAY be used in XBRL Instances. If used, they MUST appear
immediately after the <roleRef>
elements in the XBRL instance, in document order. <arcroleRef>
are used in XBRL instances to reference the definitions of any custom @xlink:arcrole
values used in footnote links in the XBRL instance.
As discussed in Section 3 above, an Item
represents a single fact or business measurement. In the XML Schema for XBRL
instances, item is defined as an Abstract Element. This means that it will
never appear in its own right in an XBRL Instance. Therefore, all elements
representing single facts or business measurements defined in an XBRL taxonomy
document and reported in an XBRL instance MUST be either (a) members of the
substitution group item; or, (b) members of a substitution group
originally based on item. XBRL taxonomies include Taxonomy Schemas that
contain such element definitions. <item>
elements might need to be referenced from elsewhere (such as from a
footnote) therefore taxonomy authors SHOULD NOT prohibit the @id
inherited from the base XBRL item type.
elements MUST NOT be descendants of other <item>
elements. Structural
relationships necessary in an XBRL Instance MUST be captured only using Tuples
(see Section 4.9). The intellectual structure - the relationship of financial
Concepts to each other in a variety of senses - is captured by the link
structure of taxonomy Linkbases rather than by nesting of facts in XBRL
The XML Schema definition of the item element and the data types for elements in the item substitution group are given below.
<ci:capitalLeases contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" precision="3">727432</ci:capitalLeases>
The value of Capital Leases in the numeric context labelled c1 is 727000
accurate to 3 significant figures. Note that it will be necessary to consult
the context (defined below) in order to determine other details concerning
the value such as Entity, Period, etc. and it will be necessary to consult
the referenced |
<ci:concentrationsNote contextRef="c1">
Concentration of credit risk with regard to short term investments is not considered to be significant due to the Company's cash management policies. These policies restrict investments to low risk, highly liquid securities (that is, commercial paper, money market instruments, etc.), outline issuer credit requirements, and limit the amount that may be invested in any one issuer.
Meaning: The text of the Concentrations note in the context labelled c1. |
The content of the abstract <item>
element is
derived from anyType
. Each member of the substitution group of <item>
must have a defined XBRL item
type. This allows each substitution for <item>
in the instance to validate
against its own data type. There is one defined XBRL item type derived from
each of the appropriate built-in types of XML Schema, along with the fractionItemType
type. The complete list is in Section An item MUST NOT have complex
content unless its item type is derived by restriction from fractionItemType
The @contextRef
attribute is an IDREF
to the <context>
element (see
Section 4.7) that holds additional relevant information about the fact
represented. An item MUST contain a @contextRef
attribute that references a <context>
element in the same XBRL
instance. Note that an XBRL Instance is an occurrence of the <xbrl>
element, not
the entire document. Items whose content is derived from an XML Schema built-in
numeric type (decimal
, float
or double or a built-in type derived from one of them) or fractionItemType
restriction MUST use the @contextRef
attribute and the @unitRef
attribute; all others MUST use the @contextRef
The @unitRef
attribute is an IDREF
to the <unit>
element (see
Section 4.8) that holds information about Units in which numeric facts have
been measured. The @unitRef
attribute MUST NOT occur in Non-Numeric Items. The @unitRef
MUST occur in Numeric Items, referencing a <unit>
element in the same XBRL
Two optional attributes, @precision
and @decimals
, are
available on Numeric Items (except those with type fractionItemType
) to enable the XBRL
instance creator to make statements about the accuracy of the facts
represented. They are discussed in the following sections.
attributeAll items MUST have a context. All
Tuples MUST NOT have a context. Items identify their contexts using the @contextRef
attribute. The @contextRef
attribute is used to identify the <context>
element that is associated
with the item on which the @contextRef
attribute occurs.
The value of the @contextRef
attribute MUST be equal to
the value of an @id
attribute on a <context>
element in the XBRL Instance that contains the item on which the @contextRef
attributeAll Numeric Items MUST have a statement of
the Units of measurement. All Tuples and all Non-Numeric Items MUST NOT
have a statement of the units of measurement. Numeric items identify their
units using the @unitRef
attribute. The @unitRef
attribute is used to identify the <unit>
element that is associated with
the item on which the @unitRef
attribute occurs.
The value of the @unitRef
attribute MUST be equal to
the value of an @id
attribute on a <unit>
element in the XBRL Instance that contains the Numeric Item on which
the @unitRef
attribute occurs.
and @decimals
attributesA Numeric Item MUST have either a @precision
or a @decimals
attribute unless it is of the fractionItemType
or of a type that is
derived by restriction from fractionItemType
or has a nil value,
in which case, it MUST NOT
have either a @precision
attribute or a @decimals
A Numeric Item MUST NOT have both a @precision
and a @decimals
A Non-Numeric Item MUST NOT have either a
or a @decimals
When determining whether two Numeric Items
are V-Equal (a predicate that is used in the definition of various other
equality type predicates) it is necessary to take into consideration the values
of @precision
(or the precision inferred from the value of the @decimals
for the two numeric items. The formal definition of V-Equal for two numeric
items is given in Section 4.10.
attribute (optional)The @precision
attribute MUST be a
non-negative integer or the string "INF
" that conveys the arithmetic
precision of a measurement, and, therefore, the utility of that measurement to
further calculations. Different software packages may claim different levels of
accuracy for the numbers they produce. The @precision
attribute allows any
producer to state the precision of the output in the same way. If a numeric
fact has a @precision
attribute that has the value "n" then it is correct to "n"
significant figures (see Section 4.6.1 for the normative definition of 'correct
to "n" significant figures'). An application SHOULD ignore (i.e. replace with
zeroes) any digits after the first "n" decimal digits, counting from the
left, starting at the first non-zero digit in the lexical representation of any
number for which the value of precision is specified or inferred to be n.
The meaning of precision="INF"
is that the
lexical representation of the number is the exact value of the fact being
NOTE: The definitions in this specification mean that @precision
and by
inference, @decimals
indicate the range in which the actual value of the fact that gave
rise to its expressed value in the XBRL Instance lies.
Example | Meaning |
Precision of nine digits. The first 9 digits, counting from the left, starting at the first non-zero digit in the lexical representation of the value of the numeric fact are known to be trustworthy for the purposes of computations to be performed using that numeric fact. |
Precision | Example of lexical representation in the XBRL instance | Read as (after omitting or zeroing any spurious digits) | Known to be GE | Known to be LT |
476.334 |
476.334 |
476.334 |
476.33400000000…1 |
3 |
205 |
205e0 |
204.5 |
205.5 |
4 |
2002000 |
2002e3 |
2001500 |
2002500 |
4 |
-2002000 |
-2002e3 |
-2002500 |
2001500 |
2 |
2012 |
20e2 |
1950 |
2050 |
2 |
2000 |
20e2 |
1950 |
2050 |
1 |
99 |
9e1 |
85 |
95 |
0 |
1234 |
1234 |
unknown |
unknown |
The simple type precisionType
has been provided to define
the value space for the value of the @precision
attribute. Its definition is as
attribute (optional)The @decimals
attribute MUST be an integer
or the value "INF
" that specifies the number of decimal places to which the
value of the fact represented may be considered accurate, possibly as a result
of rounding or truncation. If a numeric fact has a @decimals
attribute with the value "n"
then it is known to be correct to "n" decimal places. (See Section for
the normative definition of 'correct to "n" decimal places').
The meaning of decimals="INF"
is that the
lexical representation of the number is the exact value of the fact being
Example | Meaning |
The value of the numeric fact is known to be correct to 2 decimal places. |
The value of the numeric fact is known to be correct to -2 decimal places, i.e. all digits to the left of the hundreds digit are accurate. |
Decimals | Example of lexical representation in the XBRL instance | Read as (after omitting or zeroing any spurious digits) | Known to be GE | Known to be LT |
436.749 |
436.749 |
436.749 |
436.74900000…1 |
2 |
10.00 |
10.00 |
9.995 |
10.005 |
2 |
10 |
10.00 |
9.995 |
10.005 |
2 |
10.000 |
10.00 |
9.995 |
10.005 |
2 |
10.009 |
10.00 |
9.995 |
10.005 |
0 |
10 |
10. |
9.5 |
10.5 |
-1 |
10 |
10. |
5 |
15 |
-1 |
11 |
10. |
5 |
15 |
3 |
205 |
205.000 |
204.9995 |
205.0005 |
4 |
2002000 |
2002000.0000 |
2001999.99995 |
2002000.00005 |
-2 |
-205 |
-200. |
-250 |
-150 |
-2 |
205 |
200. |
150 |
250 |
-2 |
2002000 |
2002000. |
2001950 |
2002050 |
-3 |
2002000 |
2002000. |
2001500 |
2002500 |
-4 |
2002000 |
2000000. |
1995000 |
2005000 |
-3 |
777000 |
777000 |
776500 |
777500 |
The simple type decimalsType
defines the legal values
for the @decimals
attribute. Its XML Schema definition is as follows:
The following rules enable XBRL Instance
consumers to infer a value for the @decimals
attribute of a Numeric Item when none is supplied.
For a Numeric Item of type fractionItemType
type derived by restriction from fractionItemType
, a consuming application MUST infer the precision to be equal to
'INF' if it is to be used in calculations.
If, on a Numeric Item, the @precision
is present rather than the @decimals
attribute, then a consuming application MUST infer the decimals of
that numeric fact if it is to be used in calculations or searches for
duplicates in XBRL Instances.
If the value of the @precision
of a Numeric Item is equal to 0 , nothing is known about the precision of the number,
nothing can be inferred about decimals, and thus any consuming V-Equals
comparison must be false, and any calculation link summation involving the item
must be inconsistent.
If the value of the @precision
is INF then the inferred decimals value is INF.
If the value of the @precision
is not INF and greater than 0 then the decimals value is
attribute or item syntax, e.g., 0, or 000, or .00). @precision
attribute, int( ) a function returning an integer of its argument,
floor( ) a function returning the largest integer less than or equal to its
argument, log10( ) a function returning the logarithm base 10 of its argument,
abs( ) a function returning the absolute value of its argument, number( ) a
function providing a numeric conversion if its argument is not internally numeric
(as may be needed for the math computations), and item is the item's value
(PSVI typed numeric node value if available, or otherwise inner text of numeric
item node).Lexical Representation | Value of the decimals attribute | Inferred value of the @precision attribute |
123 |
2 |
3+2=5 |
123.4567 |
2 |
3+2=5 |
123e5 |
-3 |
3+5+(-3)=5 |
123.45e5 |
-3 |
3+5+(-3)=5 |
0.1e-2 |
5 |
0+(-2)+5=3 |
0.001E-2 |
5 |
(-2)+(-2)+5=1 |
0.001e-3 (this is a pathological case) |
4 |
(-2)+(-3)+4=-1 which is less than 0 and hence 0 |
The following definitions are provided
for clarity regarding accuracy-related features of this specification, i.e. @precision
and @decimals
If the lexical representation of the value of a number is said to be correct to n significant figures it means that the first "n" decimal digits, counting from the left, starting at the first non-zero digit in the lexical representation of the number are known to be accurate for the purposes of computations to be performed using that number. (Note: in the following it is assumed that all zeros to the left of the decimal point and to the left of the first non-zero digit in the decimal representation have been removed first).
More precisely: in the decimal representation of a number, a significant figure is any one of the digits 1, 2, 3...9 that specify the magnitude of a number. Zero (0) is a significant figure except when it appears to the left of all non-zero digits or is used solely to fill the places of unknown or discarded digits (after truncation or rounding - see later). Thus, in the number "0.00263", there are three significant figures: 2, 6, and 3. The zeroes are not significant. In the number "3809" all four of the digits are significant. In the number "46300" the digits 4, 6, and 3 are known to be significant but it is not possible to conclude anything concerning the two zeroes as they are written. This ambiguity can be removed by writing the number in terms of powers of ten. If there are three significant figures the representation becomes 4.63 × 104; if there are four significant figures it becomes 4.630 × 104, etc.
It is often necessary to round significant figures following a calculation. This is known as rounding [IEEE] [IEEE 4.3.1 Rounding-direction attributes to nearest, roundTiesToEven]. To round a number to n significant figures, discard all digits to the right of the nth place. This step is known as truncation. Then, if the original number is equally near two truncated numbers, the one with an even nth digit is chosen. For example:
Original | Rounded to n significant figures | |
n=2 |
n=3 |
3.5643 |
3.6 |
3.56 |
3.5673 |
3.6 |
3.57 |
0.49787 |
0.50 |
0.498 |
3.9999 |
4.0 |
4.00 |
9.999991 |
10 |
10.0 |
22.55 |
23 |
22.6† |
22.65 |
23 |
22.6† |
0.0019 |
0.0019 |
0.00190 |
0.00002 |
0.000020 |
0.0000200 |
† example of roundTiesToEven |
The same procedure MAY be followed for
any value of n, and we then say that a particular lexical representation
of the value of a number is correct to n significant figures. It is
possible that this technique has been used to create the lexical representation
of a fact in an XBRL Instance with a @precision
attribute of n.
If the representation of a number is correct to n decimal places then
the number is rounded according to [IEEE] [IEEE 4.3.1 Rounding-direction attributes to nearest, roundTiesToEven].
Rounding, as described earlier, might
have been used to make a number correct to exactly n decimal places for
inclusion in an XBRL Instance with a @decimals
attribute of n. The following table shows the
representations of the number 123456.789012 correct to various numbers of
decimal places, and examples of roundTiesToEven:
123456.789012 correct to n decimal places | ||||
n=-3 |
n=-2 |
n=0 |
n=3 |
n=6 |
123000 |
123500 |
123457 |
123456.789 |
123456.789012 |
123450 correct to n decimal places | ||||
123000 |
123400† |
123450 |
123450.000 |
123450.000000 |
123550 correct to n decimal places | ||||
124000 |
123600† |
123550 |
123550.000 |
123550.000000 |
†- example of roundTiesToEven |
elementThe <context>
element contains information
about the Entity being described, the reporting Period and the reporting scenario,
all of which are necessary for understanding a business fact captured as an
XBRL item.
The <context>
element MUST conform to the
following XML Schema constraints:
In the examples provided in the following
sub-sections, the xsi:schemaLocation
attribute does not contain URIs to resolve the ISO4217 and NASDAQ
namespaces. In the case of NASDAQ the examples assume that the applications
that produced and will consume this instance will be able to resolve this namespace
reference without the help of the xsi:schemaLocation
. The ISO4217 namespace does not refer to an XML Schema that can be
used for validation of the XBRL Instances shown in the examples. The ISO4217
and NASDAQ URIs do not reference actual resources of the ISO or NASDAQ.
attributeEvery <context>
element MUST include the @id
attribute. The
content of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type (
The @id
attribute identifies the context (see Section 4.7) so that it may be referenced
by item elements.
Example |
id="C2424" |
Counterexample |
id="42" |
Content of the ID type must not begin with a number. |
elementThe Period element contains the instant
or interval of time for reference by an <item>
element. The sub-elements of
period are used to construct one of the allowed choices for representing date
Elements | Meaning |
startDate ,
A period beginning and ending as specified. |
A point in time. |
An element to represent 'forever'. |
Each of the Period sub-elements uses a standard XML Schema representation of a date.
The XML Schema constraints on the <period>
element are
shown below.
Sub-element | XML Schema data type |
date or dateTime
date or dateTime
date or dateTime
While the content of the instant
, startDate
and endDate
elements are
defined to use the data representation defined by ISO 8601 (as restricted by
[XML Schema Datatypes]), XBRL adds further restrictions and constraints.
For an item element with periodType="instant" (
See Section, the <period>
MUST contain an instant
For an item element with periodType="duration"
, the Period MUST contain forever
or a valid sequence of startDate
and endDate
A date
, with no time
part, in the
content of an startDate
element is defined to be equivalent to specifying a dateTime
of the same
and T00:00:00
(midnight at the start of the day).
A date
, with no time
part, in the endDate
or instant
element is
defined to be equivalent to specifying a dateTime
of the same date
and with a time
part of T00:00:00.
This represents midnight at the end of the day. The reason for
defining it thus, i.e. as midnight at the start of the next day, is that
[XML Schema Datatypes] mandates this representation by prohibiting the value of 24 in the
"hours" part of a time specification, which is ISO 8601 syntax.
If supplied, the endDate
MUST specify or imply a point
in time that is later than the specified or implied point in time of the
corresponding startDate
elementThe <entity>
element documents the Entity
(business, government department, individual, etc.) that fact describes. The <entity>
element is
required content of the <context>
element. The <entity>
element MUST contain an <identifier>
and MAY contain a <segment>
An <identifier>
element specifies a @scheme
identifying business entities. The required @scheme
attribute contains the
namespace URI of the identification @scheme
, providing a framework for referencing naming authorities. The element
content MUST be a token
that is a valid identifier within the namespace referenced by the @scheme
XBRL International is not a naming authority for business entities. XBRL makes no
assumption about the ability of an application to resolve an identifier that
may appear as element content in any particular scheme.
Example | Meaning |
<identifier scheme="">SAMP</identifier>
The company with NASDAQ ticker symbol SAMP. |
<identifier scheme="">121064880</identifier>
The company or subsidiary with D-U-N-S number 121064880. |
<identifier scheme="">41009876AB</identifier>
The Entity with CUSIP number 41009876AB (e.g. a mutual fund). |
<identifier scheme=""></identifier>
The non-profit organisation owning the URI |
element (optional)The <segment>
element is an optional container
for additional mark-up that the preparer of an XBRL Instance SHOULD use to
identify the business segment more completely in cases where the Entity
identifier is insufficient. In general, the content of a <segment>
will be
specific to the purpose of the XBRL instance. Elements contained by the <segment>
element MUST
NOT be defined in the
namespace. Also, they MUST NOT be in the substitution group for
elements defined in the
namespace. The <segment>
element MUST NOT be empty.
The XML Schema restrictions on the <segment>
element are
shown below.
Creators of taxonomies should anticipate that XBRL Instance creators will define elements to insert in the segment element to represent one or more dimensions of distinction such as:
It is up to the preparer of the document
to provide the proper namespace support and xsi:schemaLocation
hints necessary to
ensure that an XML Schema validation process properly validates the <segment>
element (optional)Business facts can be reported as actual,
budgeted, restated, pro forma, etc. For internal reporting purposes, there can
be an even greater variety of additional metadata that preparers want to
associate with items. The optional <scenario>
element allows additional valid mark-up (see note above regarding
segment) to be included for this purpose.
Elements contained by the <scenario>
MUST NOT be defined in the
namespace. Also, they MUST NOT be in the substitution group for
elements defined in the
namespace. The <scenario>
element MUST NOT be empty.
The XML Schema restrictions on the <scenario>
element are
shown below.
It is up to the preparer of the instance
to provide the proper namespace support and xsi:schemaLocation
hints necessary to
ensure that the <scenario>
element is properly validated by an XML Schema validation process.
The scenario and segment sub-elements
have exactly the same structure, but are used for two different purposes.
Segment is used to specify some component of the business Entity. Scenario is
used to document the circumstances surrounding the measurement of a set of
facts, and like the <segment>
element, its content will be application specific.
Creators of business reporting taxonomies
should anticipate that XBRL Instance creators will define elements to insert
in the <scenario>
element to represent dimensions of distinction such as:
elementThe <unit>
element specifies the Units in
which a Numeric Item has been measured. The content of the <unit>
element MUST be
either a simple unit of measure expressed with a single <measure>
element or a
ratio of products of units of measure, with the ratio represented by the <divide>
element and
the numerator and denominator products both represented by a sequence of <measure>
Some examples of simple Units of measure are EUR (Euros), meters, kilograms and FTE (Full Time Equivalents). Some examples of complex units of measures are Earnings per Share and Square Feet.
The XML Schema restrictions on the <unit>
element are
shown below.
attributeEvery <unit>
element MUST include an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type ( The @id
attribute identifies the Unit (see Section 4.8) so that it may be
referenced by <item>
elementThe <measure>
element is of type xsd:QName
Some facts have restrictions on the
content of the <unit>
element and the value of the <measure>
element that is a consequence
of the type of Concept they represent. These restrictions are set out in the
following table.
Item type | implies <unit> MUST contain |
single The (local part) of the |
single The
(local part) of the |
To represent rates, percentages or
ratios where the numerator and the denominator would be the same Units, the fact MUST have a @unitRef
attribute identifying a unit
element with a single <measure>
element as its only child. The
local part of the <measure>
MUST be "pure"
and the namespace prefix MUST resolve to the namespace: ""
Rates, percentages and ratios MUST be reported using decimal or scientific
notation rather than in percentages where the value has been multiplied by 100.
A complex Unit of measure can be
expressed by showing the mathematical relationships between other units of
measure using a sequence of sibling <measure>
elements (which imply a multiplication of those <measure>
and a single <divide>
element (which implies division of a numerator by a denominator).
A <measure>
element with a namespace
prefix that resolves to the ""
namespace MUST have a local part of either "pure"
or "shares"
elementThe <divide>
element MUST contain a <unitNumerator>
element followed by a <unitDenominator>
and <unitDenominator>
elementsThe <unitNumerator>
element and the <unitDenominator>
element must both contain one or more <measure>
Units MUST be expressed in their simplest
possible form. The <divide>
element MUST not contain any <measure>
elements in its <unitNumerator>
are S-Equal to <measure>
elements in its <unitDenominator>
Some examples of the <unit>
element are
shown in the following example.
Example | Meaning |
Currency, UK Pounds. |
Incorrect lower case currency designator. |
A pure number, such as % revenue change. |
Square feet - feet multiplied by feet. |
A number of shares. |
A head count (number of Full Time Equivalents). |
Earnings per share (EPS) measured in Euros per share. |
Illegal because the same measure occurs
in both the |
The The The |
Some complex Units of measure MAY be
expressed as a simple unit of measure. For example, square feet may be
expressed as a complex unit of measure showing a multiplication of two basic measures
of feet as shown in the following example. It is at the discretion of the XBRL
instance creator to use a <unit>
element that describes the unit of measure to the appropriate
Simple Unit of Measure | Complex Unit of Measure |
The namespace prefix |
While most business facts can be independently
understood, some facts are dependent on each other for proper understanding,
especially if multiple occurrences of that fact are being reported. For
example, in reporting the management of a company, each manager's name has to
be properly associated with the manager's correct title. Such sets of facts
(manager's title/manager's name) are called tuples
Tuples have complex content and MAY
contain both items and other tuples. Like the <item>
element, the <tuple>
element is abstract.
The following rules apply to tuples and consequently to their declarations in
Taxonomy Schemas:
as its head. Therefore, tuples MUST be declared globally, because
only global elements can be in a substitution group. @periodType
or @balance
attribute (see Section and Section respectively); @id
of type xsd:ID
. Authors of extension taxonomies SHOULD NOT prohibit the @id
attribute, if one
exists, when restricting tuple datatypes.
NOTE: If the taxonomy author fails to define or prohibits an @id
attribute for a
Tuple then that tuple will not be referenceable by shorthand xpointers.
.. <item>
or <tuple>
as its head. <item>
or <tuple>
as its head.
NOTE: From a
schema perspective, this leaves open the possibility of illegal content in the
instance via the use of wildcards (<xsd:any>
); processors will signal such illegal content because of the
preceding instance-level constraint.
An abbreviated example taxonomy schema: |
xmlns="" targetNamespace=""> <element name="managementName" type="xbrli:tokenItemType" xbrli:periodType="instant" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item"/> <element name="managementTitle" type="xbrli:tokenItemType" xbrli:periodType="instant" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item"/> <element name="managementAge" type="xbrli:nonNegativeIntegerItemType" xbrli:periodType="instant" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item"/> <element name="managementInformation" substitutionGroup="xbrli:tuple"> </schema><complexType> </element><complexContent> </complexType><restriction base="anyType"> </complexContent><sequence> <element ref="s:managementName"/> <element ref="s:managementTitle"/> <element ref="s:managementAge" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence><attribute name="id" type="ID" use="optional"/> </restriction> |
An XBRL instance of the taxonomy
( <context> and <unit> elements and <linkbaseRef> elements not shown): |
xmlns=""> <!-- ... one link:schemaRef element MUST exist here referencing previous taxonomy ... --> <s:managementInformation> <s:managementName contextRef="c1">Haywood Chenokitov</s:managementName> <s:managementTitle contextRef="c1">President</s:managementTitle> <s:managementAge precision="2" contextRef="n1" unitRef="u1">42</s:managementAge> </s:managementInformation><s:managementInformation> <s:managementName contextRef="c1">Miriam Minderbender</s:managementName> <s:managementTitle contextRef="c1">CEO</s:managementTitle> </s:managementInformation><!-- ... Context c1 MUST be defined here... --> <!-- ... Unit u1 MUST be defined here... --> </xbrl> |
The all
, sequence
and choice
elements MAY
appear in Tuples. For example, consider information that is disclosed in tax
filings regarding real estate and other properties:
Label | Element Name | Balance | Substitution Group |
Property |
tuple | |
Property description |
item |
Date property acquired |
item | |
Date property disposed of |
item |
Property fair market value |
item |
Although the description and date acquired are relevant for any property, the property either has a fair market value or has already been disposed of, but not both.
![]() |
Example: Tuples associate Concepts that cannot be understood independently and repeat within an XBRL Instance. Multiple occurrences of a tuple within an XBRL instance are distinguished by having different content and contexts. |
The content models for Tuples can be defined using only XML Schema. Content models for tuples are not defined or modified by any of the XBRL Linkbases.
There are several different senses of "equal" that are relevant to detection of duplicates in XBRL Instances: Identical, Structure equal (S-Equal), Parent equal (P-Equal), Value equal (V-Equal), [XPath 1.0]-equal (X-Equal), Context equal (C-Equal) and Unit equal (U-Equal). These different equality predicates are polymorphic and formally defined in a recursive fashion. They are all symmetric predicates, i.e. the result of X (predicate) Y = the result of Y (predicate) X.
Argument Types | Predicates | Definition |
identical | Exactly the same XML node. |
S-Equal, V-Equal, C-Equal, U-Equal | Every node in one sequence is {S-Equal, V-Equal, C-Equal, U-Equal} to the node in the same position in the other sequence. |
identical, S-Equal, V-Equal, C-Equal, U-Equal |
Set X is {identical, S-Equal,
V-Equal, C-Equal, U-Equal} to set Y if:
every node in set X can be
paired with a node in set Y to which it is {identical, S-Equal,
V-Equal, C-Equal, U-Equal} and the two sets have the same number of members.
NOTE: the definition of a set requires that it have distinct members. |
any XML object
X-Equal |
An XML object A is X-Equal to an XML object B if the [XPath 1.0] expression A = B
returns the value true (see
In the case of element and attribute values, those whose type are xsd:decimal , xsd:float , or xsd:double , or
derived from one of these types MUST be treated as numbers for the purposes
of interpretation of
If a value has type xsd:boolean (or a type derived from xsd:boolean ), then it MUST be converted to an [XPath 1.0] Boolean with '1' and 'true' being
converted to true and '0' and 'false' being converted to false . Values with any other XML Schema type are treated as [XPath 1.0]
S-Equal | The two text strings are X-Equal |
S-Equal | The two attributes have local names and namespaces that are S-Equal and have values that are X-Equal |
Element (except those
handled separately in this list)
S-Equal | Not identical, and their element local names and namespaces are both S-Equal, and the set of their attributes are S-Equal, and the sequence of text and sub-element contents are S-Equal. |
S-Equal |
<identifier> elements are S-Equal, and
<segment> elements are S-Equal (with any missing segment treated as
S-Equal to an empty <segment> element).
S-Equal | The implied date/time is equal, according to the rules set out in Section 4.7.2 |
S-Equal | The implied date/time is equal, according to the rules set out in Section 4.7.2 |
S-Equal | The implied date/time is equal, according to the rules set out in Section 4.7.2 |
S-Equal |
One of the following conditions applies:
both elements have a child forever element, or
their child instant elements are S-Equal, or
their child startDate elements are S-Equal and their child endDate elements
are S-Equal
S-Equal |
The child <divide> or set of <measure> elements
are S-Equal.
S-Equal |
The <unitNumerator>
and <unitDenominator>
elements are both S-Equal
S-Equal |
sets of child <measure>
elements are S-Equal
S-Equal |
sets of child <measure>
elements are S-Equal
S-Equal |
The namespace prefix in the content
of the two <measure> elements resolves to the same namespace and the local
names in the content of the two <measure> elements are S-Equal.
S-Equal |
<period> elements
are S-Equal, and
<entity> elements
are S-Equal, and
<scenario> elements
are S-Equal.
S-Equal |
they are C-Equal, and
they are U-Equal, and
@precision attributes are S-Equal, and
@decimals attributes are S-Equal, and
the text of their contents is S-Equal
after converting any values of Numeric Items to a decimal representation.
S-Equal |
The sets of ( <item> and <tuple> ) children are S-Equal.
S-Equal |
The namespace prefix in the content of
the two <usedOn> elements resolves to the same namespace and the local names in
the content of the two <usedOn> elements are S-Equal.
P-Equal | Nodes are children of the identical parent. |
P-Equal | Nodes are children of the identical parent. |
C-Equal |
their @contextRef attributes identify contexts that are
identical or S-Equal
Any pair of Numeric Items | U-Equal |
Numeric Items X and Y are
U-Equal if and only if all the following conditions apply:
<unit> element referenced by the @unitRef attribute of X and UY is the <unit> element referenced by the @unitRef
attribute of Y
NOTE: if UX is identical to UY then the above tests will always return the result true
Any pair of Non-Numeric Items | U-Equal | true |
One Numeric Item and one Non-Numeric Item | U-Equal | false |
Numeric Items not of type fractionItemType or a type derived from
fractionItemType by restriction
V-Equal |
A and B are V-Equal if and
only if all the following conditions apply:
@precision attribute value 0 then the v-equality is false.)
Numeric Items of type fractionItemType or
a type derived from fractionItemType
by restriction
V-Equal |
A and B are V-Equal if
and only if all the following conditions apply:
fractionItemType or a type derived
from fractionItemType by restriction, the normal form has numerator FN and
denominator FD
such that FN and
FD are
integers and have no integer common factor and there exists a number H such that multiplying FN by H gives the numerator of F and multiplying FD by H gives the denominator of F.
Numeric Items, one of which is of type fractionItemType or a type derived from
fractionItemType by restriction and the other
of which is not
V-Equal | V-Equal is always false for such combinations of Numeric Items |
Non-Numeric Item
V-Equal |
A and B are V-Equal if
and only if all the following conditions apply
duplicate | Item X and item Y are duplicates if and only if all the following conditions apply: |
duplicate |
Tuple X and Tuple Y are duplicates
if and only if all the following
conditions apply:
The following extended example illustrates positive and negative examples of each of the above predicates.
element | An XBRL instance containing two contexts that are s-equal and doubly nested tuples. Several of the elements are named in the left column. |
<xbrl xmlns="" |
xmlns:s="" |
xmlns:xbrli="" |
xmlns:xsi=""> |
a analysis |
<s:analysis> |
b customer |
<s:customer> |
b name |
<s:name contextRef="np3">Acme</s:name> |
b gross |
<s:gross unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3"precision="4">3001</s:gross> |
b returns |
<s:returns unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3" |
precision="3">100</s:returns> |
<s:net unitRef="u3"contextRef="np3" precision="4">2900</s:net> |
</s:customer> |
c customer |
<s:customer> |
c name |
<s:name contextRef="Xnnp3X">Acme</s:name> |
c gross |
<s:gross unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3"precision="3">3000</s:gross> |
<s:returns unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3" |
precision="3">100</s:returns> |
<s:net unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3" precision="4">2900</s:net> |
</s:customer> |
d customer |
<s:customer> |
<s:name contextRef="np3">Acme</s:name> |
<s:gross unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3"precision="4">3000</s:gross> |
d returns |
<s:returns unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3"precision="3">500</s:returns> |
<s:net unitRef="u3"contextRef="np3" precision="4">2500</s:net> |
</s:customer> |
<s:customer> |
e customer |
<s:name contextRef="np3">Bree</s:name> |
f name |
<s:name contextRef="Xnnp3X">Bree</s:name> |
g name |
<s:gross unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3"precision="4">3000</s:gross> |
<s:returns unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3" |
precision="3">200</s:returns> |
<s:net unitRef="u3"contextRef="np3" precision="4">2800</s:net> |
</s:customer> |
<s:totalGross unitRef="u3" contextRef="np3" |
h totalGross |
precision="3">12000</s:totalGross> |
</s:analysis> |
<!-- One Redundant Context Xnnp3X = period,2003 --> |
<context id="np3"> |
np3 |
<entity> |
<identifier scheme="">SAMP</identifier> |
</entity> |
<period> |
<startDate>2003-01-01</startDate> |
<endDate>2003-12-31</endDate> |
</period> |
</context> |
<unit id="u3"><measure>ISO4217:USD</measure></unit> |
u3 |
<context id="Xnnp3X"> |
Xnnp3X |
<entity> |
<identifier scheme="">SAMP</identifier> |
</entity> |
<period> |
<startDate>2003-01-01</startDate> |
<endDate>2003-12-31</endDate> |
</period> |
</context> |
</xbrl> |
Note that, notwithstanding the lack of a
calculation linkbase in this example, the total of 12000 in
"h totalGross" is the most precise value that can be derived from sum of
the values of gross for the 4 customers (3001+3000+3000+3000=12001 but the
most precise value can be correct to only 3 significant figures because c
gross has |
Node 1 | Node 2 | Type | Predicate | True | Reason |
Identical | no | different nodes |
S-Equal | yes |
<entity> and <period> are S-Equal
f name
g name
S-Equal | yes |
different context ids np3 and Xnnp3X which are
nevertheless S-Equal
f name
g name
P-Equal | yes | same parent element |
f name
g name
C-Equal | yes |
equal contexts np3 and Xnnp3X
f name
g name
V-Equal | yes |
equal content "Bree "
f name
g name
Duplicates | yes | P-Equal and C-Equal |
b name
c name
S-Equal | yes |
different context ids np3 and Xnnp3X which are
nevertheless S-Equal
b name
c name
P-Equal | no | they are in different customer Tuples |
b name
c name
C-Equal | yes |
equal contexts np3 and Xnnp3X
b name
c name
V-Equal | yes | they both have content "Acme" |
b name
c name
Duplicates | no | not P-Equal, so V-Equal doesn't matter |
b gross
c gross
S-Equal | no | |
b gross
c gross
P-Equal | no | different parents |
b gross
c gross
C-Equal | yes | they both have context np3 and Unit u3 |
b gross
c gross
V-Equal | yes | "3001" with precision 3 equals "3000" |
b gross
c gross
Duplicates | no | not P-Equal, so V-Equal doesn't matter |
b customer
c customer
S-Equal | no | different context ids np3 and Xnnp3X |
b customer
c customer
P-Equal | yes |
same parent "a analysis "
b customer
c customer
C-Equal | n/a | C-Equal doesn't apply to Tuples |
b customer
c customer
V-Equal | n/a | V-Equal doesn't apply to Tuples |
b customer
c customer
Duplicates | yes |
P-Equal, and
child items name , gross , returns and net are all V-Equal
b returns
d returns
S-Equal | no | different values |
b returns
d returns
P-Equal | no |
parents are b customer and d customer
b returns
d returns
C-Equal | yes |
both have context np3 and Unit u3
b returns
d returns
V-Equal | no | b value is 100, d value is 500 |
b returns
d returns
Duplicates | no | not P-Equal, so V-Equal doesn't matter |
b customer
d customer
S-Equal | no |
different values of returns and net
b customer
d customer
P-Equal | yes |
same parent "a analysis "
b customer
d customer
C-Equal | n/a | C-Equal doesn't apply to Tuples |
b customer
d customer
V-Equal | n/a | V-Equal doesn't apply to Tuples |
b customer
d customer
Duplicates | no |
P-Equal, and
child items b name and b gross are V-Equal to d name and d gross , and
child items b returns and b net are not V-Equal
to b returns and b net .
The equality predicates in the definition
of Duplicate Items are ones of equal location, not equal
content. In addition, it should be noted that attributes other than @contextRef
, @unitRef
, @precision
and @decimals
MUST be ignored for the purposes of this comparison (a consequence
of the definition of s-equality for items). For example, additional @id
attributes do not
distinguish otherwise equal items. Whether items appear within a Tuple or not
also impacts on whether they are duplicates, because the definition of
duplicate items also carries the proviso that they have the same parent (i.e.
are P-Equal).
When determining whether two Numeric Items
are V-Equal (a predicate that is used in the definition of various other
equality type predicates) it is necessary to take into consideration the values
of @precision
for the two numeric items. If @precision
has not been specified for
either of the two numeric items it is necessary to infer a value for it
according to the rules in Section 4.6.6.
The XBRL definition of Duplicate Items and Tuples encompasses many, but not all, inconsistent and redundant data items in an XBRL Instance. Tuples that are not duplicates according to the XBRL definition might still have semantic inconsistencies. In the example above, customer elements "c" and "d" appear to contain data about the same customer, in the same context, but have inconsistent data; XBRL does not detect these as Duplicate Tuples even though to a human reader an element such as name indicates a "unique key" that is sufficient to determine that these two tuples are, in effect, C-Equal (same context, different content).
While Tuples deal with certain
regularly-structured associations between elements that might appear in an XBRL
instance, many documents include irregularly structured associations between
facts. For instance, several facts may all be linked to the sentence "Including
the effects of the merger with" To express these irregular
linkages, XBRL uses the <footnoteLink>
element to describe these irregularly structured associations
between facts in an XBRL Instance.
elementThe <footnoteLink>
element is an extended
link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It contains Locators,
resources and arcs that describe irregular relationships between facts in an
XBRL Instance.
The XML Schema constraints on the <footnoteLink>
are shown below.
elements <footnoteLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <footnoteLink>
, MUST only
point to items or Tuples in the same XBRL Instance that contains the <loc>
element itself.
elementThe <footnote>
element is the only resource
allowed in <footnoteLink>
elements. Generic resources are documented in detail in Section
The content of footnote
resources is restricted relative to generic resources.
Specifically, footnote
resources MAY have mixed content containing a simple string, or a
fragment of XHTML or a mixture of both.
One standard role is defined for <footnote>
Its value is:
The XML Schema constraints on the <footnote>
element are
shown below.
attribute on <footnote>
elementsAll footnote
resources MUST have an @xml:lang
identifying the language used for the content of the footnote. The value of the
attribute MUST conform to [XML] rules. (See
for details).
elementThe <footnoteArc>
element has the same
syntax as generic Extended Link arcs. See Section for details.
The XML Schema constraints on the <footnoteArc>
are shown below.
attributes on <footnoteArc>
elementsThe value of the @xlink:arcrole
attribute MUST be a URI
that indicates the meaning of the arc.
One standard arc role value has been
defined for arc role values on <footnoteArc>
elements. Its value is:
This arc role value is for use on a <footnoteArc>
item or tuple Locators to footnote
resources and it indicates that the <footnote>
conveys human-readable information
about the fact or facts.
attribute on <footnoteArc>
elements (optional)The @xlink:title
attribute MAY be used to
convey information about the relationship between facts and related footnotes
to users navigating between those facts and footnotes. The content of the @xlink:title
attribute MUST be a string. The @xlink:title
attribute content MAY be made visible to users of [XLINK]-enabled
If the @xlink:title
attribute is insufficient
for this purpose (for example, if the information needs to be provided in
several languages), then titles, as defined in Section, MAY be used.
Section 3.1 provides an overview of XBRL taxonomies.
A taxonomy is defined as an XML Schema
[XML Schema Structures] and the set of directly referenced Extended Links (via the <linkbaseRef>
see Section 5.1.2) and any extended links that are nested within the XML
Schema. The XML Schemas in taxonomies are referred to, in this specification,
as "Taxonomy Schemas".
A taxonomy MUST include a Taxonomy Schema. A taxonomy schema MUST be a valid instance of an XML Schema.
If Extended Links are included in a
taxonomy, the Taxonomy Schema MUST contain <linkbaseRef>
elements that point to their
Linkbases (see Section 5.1.2) or the extended links MUST be nested in linkbases
contained in the taxonomy schema itself.
The XBRL Instance schema defines the
Abstract Elements item
and tuple.
As a consequence of this and of [XML Schema Structures] (in particular
it is necessary for Taxonomy Schemas to import the XBRL instance schema xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd
if they define Concepts (elements in the item or tuple substitution
groups). However, taxonomy schemas do not need to import the XBRL instance
schema (for example, if their only purpose is to define syntax for segments and
scenarios in contexts).
Taxonomy Schemas SHOULD specify a target namespace. If a target namespace attribute is so specified, its value MUST NOT be empty.
It will be necessary to include namespace declarations for several other schemas when creating Taxonomy Schemas, such as the namespace for XML Schema itself.
XBRL taxonomies MAY be constructed to refer to other taxonomies; this extensibility of taxonomies is a critical feature of XBRL. In order to realise the complete potential of the technology, taxonomies must be extensible to accommodate virtually any business entity's unique reporting requirements while maintaining significant comparability across entities.
XBRL Taxonomy Schemas MAY import other taxonomy schemas and reference additional XBRL Linkbases as appropriate to achieve this extensibility.
Taxonomy Schemas MAY also define custom role values and custom arc role values for use in Linkbases. See Section 5.1.2 and Section 5.1.4 for details.
Concepts are defined in Taxonomy Schemas.
Each concept defined in a taxonomy schema is uniquely identified by an
element's syntax definition in the taxonomy schema. To correspond to a concept
definition, an XML Schema element definition has to specify the element's name,
a substitution group, and type. All element names MUST be unique within a given
taxonomy schema. The element MUST be a member of the substitution group that
has either the XBRL <item>
element or the XBRL <tuple>
element as its head. The element MAY also include any of the other
XML Schema attributes that can be used on an element's syntax definition,
including @abstract
and @nillable
An element defining the syntax for a Concept SHOULD
also have an @id
attribute. Providing an @id
attribute simplifies the content of the @xlink:href
attribute on linkbase <loc>
elements (see
Section Note that some XML Schema validators require uniqueness of
all @id
attribute values in a Taxonomy Schema and in all XML schemas that it imports or
includes, directly or indirectly. To increase robustness to such
interpretations of the XML Schema specification [XML Schema Datatypes], care SHOULD be
taken to limit the extent to which @id
attributes values are likely to clash with @id
attribute values in related
schemas. In the example below, this has been done by prefixing the element name
with an additional string, "ci_
xmlns=""> <!-- ... in this the example unused namespaces declarations
are missing at root element ... --> <!-- ... linkbases and imports go here ... --> <element id="ci_preferredDividends" name="preferredDividends" xbrli:periodType="duration" type="xbrli:monetaryItemType" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item" nillable="true"/> <element id="ci_stockBasedCompensationPolicy" name="stockBasedCompensationPolicy" xbrli:periodType="duration" type="xbrli:stringItemType" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item" nillable="true"/> </schema> |
Meaning: Two concepts have
been defined, one associated with the |
XBRL also defines two attributes, @periodType
and @balance
, that MAY
be used on the element syntax definitions.
attributeSome elements are associated with concepts that are measurable at an instant in time while others measure change over a period of time.
The XML Schema constraints on the @periodType
are shown below.
The @periodType
attribute MUST be used on
elements in the substitution group for the <item>
element. A value of instant
for the periodType
attribute indicates that the element, when used in an XBRL Instance, MUST
always be associated with a context in which the Period is an instant. A value
of duration
indicates that the element, when used in an XBRL instance, MUST
always be associated with a context in which the period is a duration,
expressed using the startDate
and endDate
elements or expressed using the forever
attribute (optional)An optional @balance
attribute MAY be added to the
definition of an element if its type is monetaryItemType
or derived from monetaryItemType
The @balance
attribute MUST NOT be used on items that do not have type equal to
the monetaryItemType
or to a type that is derived from monetaryItemType
If the idea of debit/credit balance is appropriate to the element, it MAY be indicated using this attribute.
The XML Schema constraints on the @balance
are shown below.
The @balance
attribute is important to
applications that consume numbers related to accounting Concepts such as asset,
liability, equity, revenue and expense. The @balance
attribute (debit/credit)
provides a definitive declaration of how values in XBRL Instances are to be
authored and interpreted when the debit/credit designation is provided.
Taxonomy element | Account balance | Sign of XBRL Instance element value |
Credit | Positive or zero |
Debit | Negative or zero |
Debit | Positive or zero |
Credit | Negative or zero |
The numeric representation of a debit or credit item will normally (that is, more often than not) be positive in an XBRL instance.
<my:netIncome precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">500</my:netIncome> <my:netIncome precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c2">-200</my:netIncome>
Meaning: A profit of 500 and a loss of 200 in different contexts. |
In addition, the assignment of @balance
constrains the legal weights in <calculationArc>
@balance attribute of "from " item |
@balance attribute of "to " item |
illegal values of the @weight attribute on <calculationArc> |
Negative (< 0) |
Positive (> 0) |
Positive (> 0) |
Negative (< 0) |
All item types MUST be one of the types listed
below or derived from one of them by restriction. This set of XBRL provided
base types covers the appropriate subset of XML Schema built-in types (both
primitive and derived) [XML Schema Datatypes] as well as 4 types that have been identified
as having particular relevance to the domain space addressed by XBRL (monetaryItemType
, sharesItemType, pureItemType
and fractionItemType
) and hence explicitly defined in the XBRL namespace. All these
types have simple content except for fractionItemType
. Therefore, an item type in a taxonomy can never have complex
content unless it is derived by restriction from fractionItemType
The [XML Schema Structures] mechanism that
enables the explicit assertion of the type of an element in an instance
document ( MUST NOT be applied to any <item>
or <tuple>
in an XBRL Instance. The type
of items
and tuples
MUST be specified in the appropriate Taxonomy Schema instead.
XBRL Item Type | Base type | unitRef attribute |
yes |
yes |
yes |
The following numeric types are all based
on the XML Schema built-in types that are derived by restriction from decimal .
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
The following numeric types are all types that have been identified as having particular relevance to the domain space addressed by XBRL and are hence included in addition to the built-in types from XML Schema. | ||
yes |
yes |
yes |
complex type with the
numerator being a decimal and the denominator being a non-zero, decimal
yes |
The following non-numeric types are all
based on XML Schema built-in types that are not derived from either decimal or string .
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
xbrli:dateUnion (union of date and dateTime )
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
The following non-numeric types are all
based on the XML Schema built-in types that are derived by restriction
(and/or list) from string .
no |
no |
no |
no |
no |
Some of these types, especially some of those that XML Schema has defined for backward compatibility with Document Type Definitions ("DTDs"), may never be needed for any XBRL application, but all are provided by XBRL for completeness and compatibility with XML Schema.
xmlns="" xmlns:my="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/> <complexType name="stateProvinceItemType"> <simpleContent> </complexType><restriction base="xbrli:tokenItemType"> </simpleContent><enumeration value="MI"/> <enumeration value="ON"/> </restriction><element name="stateProvince" id="my_stateProvince" xbrli:periodType="instant" substitutionGroup="xbrli:item" type="my:stateProvinceItemType"/> </schema> |
Meaning: Deriving new item
types by restriction from the XBRL provided item types is the only allowed
method for XBRL Taxonomy Schemas. Earlier,
in Example 18, the |
The XBRL Instance schema defines the monetary
data type,
which specialises the XML Schema decimal
type. All numeric elements in XBRL Taxonomies that represent
monetary values MUST use the monetaryItemType
data type or one derived from it. The shares
data type represents
share-based values and the pure
data type represents growth rates, percentages, and other measures
where an implicit numerator and denominator are expressed in the same Units.
See Section for definitions of the item types that use these special
data types.
The XML Schema definitions of these data types are shown below.
The values of some facts that are to be
reported may be known exactly but it may not be possible to represent them
exactly using any of the built-in data types provided for in XML Schema.
Examples are fractional values whose decimal representation contains recurring
digits such as 1/3 (whose decimal representation is 0.333333…). To enable XBRL
instances to report these exact values, a complex type, fractionItemType
, is
provided. All values of fractionItemType
are exact. The @precision
and @decimals
attributes MUST not occur on items with the fractionItemType
The XML Schema constraints on the fractionItemType
shown below.
Fractional value | Representation |
1/3 |
The numerator
element MUST contain
numeric values. The denominator element MUST contain a numeric value that is
non-zero and finite.
elementThe <linkbaseRef>
element MAY be placed
among the set of nodes identified by the XPath [XPath 1.0] path "//xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/*"
in a Taxonomy Schema. In a taxonomy schema, the <linkbaseRef>
identifies a Linkbase that MUST always participate in a DTS if that taxonomy
schema participates in the DTS.
The syntax of the <linkbaseRef>
in Taxonomy Schemas is identical to the syntax of the <linkbaseRef>
element in XBRL
instances. For more details, see Section 4.2.5.
elementThe <roleType>
element contains a custom
role type definition. The <roleType>
element describes the custom role type by defining the @roleURI
of the role
type, declaring the elements that the role type may be used on, and providing a
human-readable definition of the role type.
Role types define custom values for the @xlink:role
on the [XLINK] Extended Link and resource elements. The <roleType>
MUST be located among the set of nodes identified by the [XPath 1.0]
path "//xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/*"
The role values that are defined by this specification (as standard role
attribute values) MUST NOT be redefined using the <roleType>
There MUST NOT be more than one <roleType>
element with the same @roleURI
attribute value within a Taxonomy Schema. Within a DTS, there MAY be more than
one <roleType>
element with the same @roleURI
attribute value. However, all <roleType>
elements with the same @roleURI
attribute value MUST be S-Equal.
The value of the @roleURI
attribute identifies the @xlink:role
attribute value that is being defined. The values of the <usedOn>
sub-elements identify which elements are allowed to use the custom role type.
Since <roleType>
elements are pointed to via a <roleRef>
element in Linkbases that use the custom role type, the <roleType>
element MAY have an @id
Example: The role type definition of a
role: |
xmlns:link="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <annotation> </schema><appinfo> </annotation><link:roleType roleURI="" id="endnote"> </appinfo><link:definition>
A footnote that should be displayed only at the end of a document
</link:definition><link:usedOn> </link:roleType>link:footnote </link:usedOn> |
This |
<link:roleRef xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="mycomproles.xsd#endnote" roleURI=""/> <!-- … --> <link:footnote xlink:role="" xlink:type="resource" xlink:label="endnote1">
Excluding the effects of the merger and contingent liabilities.
The XML Schema constraints on the <roleType>
element and
its sub-elements are set out below.
attributeThe @roleURI
attribute MUST occur and MUST
contain the role value being defined. When the custom role type is used, the @xlink:role
value matches the value of the @roleURI
attribute on <roleType>
elements (optional)The <roleType>
element MAY have an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type ( Providing an @id
attribute simplifies the content of the @xlink:href
attribute on <roleRef>
element in <roleType>
elements (optional)The <roleType>
element MAY contain a <definition>
The content of a <definition>
element MUST be a string giving meaning to the role type.
element in <roleType>
elementsThe <roleType>
element MAY contain one or
more <usedOn>
elements. The <usedOn>
element identifies which elements MAY use the role type being
defined. Within a <roleType>
element there MUST NOT be S-Equal <usedOn>
elements. Standard extended
link elements and Standard Resource Elements that use the defined role type
MUST be identified with a <usedOn>
element in the <roleType>
element. Note that Custom Extended Link Elements
and Custom Resource Elements are not governed by this constraint.
The <arcroleType>
element contains a custom arc role definition.
The <arcroleType>
element describes the custom arc role type by declaring the arc role
value, declaring the elements that the arc role type may be used on, declaring
the type of cycles that are allowed for a network of relationships using the
arc role type, and providing a human-readable definition of the meaning of the
arc role type.
The <arcroleType>
element MUST be among the
set of nodes identified by the [XPath 1.0]
path "//xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/*"
. The arc role values defined by this specification (as standard arc
role values) MUST NOT be redefined using the <arcroleType>
There MUST NOT be more than one <arcroleType>
element with the same @arcroleURI
attribute value within a Taxonomy Schema. Within a DTS, there MAY be more than
one <arcroleType>
element with the same @arcroleURI
attribute value. However, all <arcroleType>
elements with the same @arcroleURI
attribute value MUST be S-Equal.
The value of the @arcroleURI
identifies the @xlink:arcrole
attribute value that is being defined. The values
of the <usedOn>
sub-elements identify which arcs may use this arc role type. Because <arcroleType>
elements are pointed to via an <arcroleRef>
element in Linkbases that use the custom arc role value, the <arcroleType>
element MAY have an @id
Example: The definition of an arc role
value: |
xmlns:link="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <annotation> </schema><appinfo> </annotation><link:arcroleType arcroleURI="" id="average-item" cyclesAllowed="none"> </appinfo><link:usedOn> </link:arcroleType>link:calculationArc </link:usedOn> |
<link:arcroleRef xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="mycomparcroles.xsd#average-item" arcroleURI=""/> <!-- … --> <link:calculationArc xlink:arcrole="" xlink:type="arc" xlink:from="salesAverage" xlink:to="salesDetail" link:weight="1"/>
The XML Schema constraints on the <arcroleType>
and its sub-elements are set out below.
attributeThe @arcroleURI
attribute MUST occur and
MUST contain the arc role value being defined. When the defined arc role type is
used, the @xlink:arcrole
attribute value matches the value of the @arcroleURI
attribute on <arcroleType>
elements (optional)The <arcroleType>
element MAY have an @id
attribute. The
value of the @id
attribute MUST conform to the [XML] rules for attributes with the
ID type ( Providing an @id
attribute simplifies the content of the @xlink:href
attribute on <arcroleRef>
attributeThe <arcroleType>
element MUST have a @cyclesAllowed
attribute that identifies the type of cycles that are allowed in a network of
relationships as defined in Section Fully conformant XBRL
processors MUST detect and signal networks of relationships with custom arc role types
that violate the cycle restrictions documented with this attribute
for networks of relationships with custom arcroles appearing on standard arcs
within standard Extended Links. Note that networks involving Custom Arc Elements
are not governed by this constraint, nor are networks involving
Standard Arc Elements appearing in custom extended links.
Networks of relationships in XBRL, as
defined in Section, form directed graphs. Because of the way
XPointer [XPOINTER] is used in XBRL, the vertices (nodes) in the graph will always
correspond to XML elements (see Section 3.5.4). In the case of the
relationships specified in Section 5.2, the vertices will correspond to either
Concepts or resources. Each relationship in the network corresponds to a
directed edge in the graph -- that is, an ordered pair of vertices (u,v)
A path is a sequence of vertices <v0, v1, ... ,vn-1,
A directed graph contains a directed
cycle if there is a path from any node back to itself when edge directions are
respected. That is, when there exists a sequence of vertices <v0, v1, ... ,vn-1,
such that v0 = vn
, and for each vi
, with 0<=i<n
, there exists a directed edge (vi, vi+1)
Directed cycles ![]() |
A directed graph contains an undirected
cycle if there is a path from any node back to itself when edge directions are
ignored. That is, when there exists a sequence of vertices <v0, v1, ... ,vn-1,
such that v0 = vn
, and for each vi
, with 0<=i<n
, there exists a directed edge (vi, vi+1)
or a
directed edge (vi+1, vi)
that is distinct from all edges previously used in the path.
Undirected cycles ![]() |
Note that any graph that contains a directed cycle necessarily contains an undirected cycle.
The @cyclesAllowed
attribute MUST have one
of the following values:
Value | Meaning |
any |
The graph MAY contain any number of directed cycles and any number of undirected cycles. |
undirected |
The graph MAY contain any number of undirected cycles, but MUST NOT contain any directed cycles. |
none |
The graph MUST NOT contain directed or undirected cycles. |
element on <arcroleType>
elements (optional)The <arcroleType>
element MAY contain a <definition>
element. The
element MUST contain a string giving human-readable meaning to the
arc role type.
element on <arcroleType>
elementsThe <arcroleType>
element MAY contain one
or more <usedOn>
elements. The <usedOn>
element identifies which elements MAY use the arc role type being
defined. Standard Arc Elements that use the defined arc role type MUST be
identified with a <usedOn>
element in the <arcroleType>
element whenever they appear in standard extended links. Note
that Custom Arc Elements are not governed by this constraint, nor are standard
arc elements that appear in custom extended links. Within an <arcroleType>
there MUST NOT be S-Equal <usedOn>
The [XML Schema Structures] <redefine>
construct MUST NOT appear in any Taxonomy Schema. Use of <redefine>
could cause ambiguity in respect of the target of links in Linkbases that
reference Locators and so it is prohibited.
The Extended Links in a taxonomy provide additional information about Concepts by expressing relationships between concepts (inter-concept relationships) or associating concepts with documentation about their meaning. The extended links in a taxonomy are grouped into Linkbases, as defined in Section Taxonomies currently use five different types of extended link: definition, calculation, presentation, label and reference. The first three types of extended link express inter-concept relationships, while the last two express relationships between concepts and their documentation.
An example of an inter-concept relationship is a calculation Linkbase that expresses a relationship between "cash" and "current assets" where "cash" sums up to "current assets". An example of a relationship between a Concept and additional documentation is a label linkbase that expresses a relationship between the concept "cash" and a human-readable label in English, such as "Cash" and additional labels for cash in other languages. Also, the label linkbase may contain additional labels for different purposes, such as a label of "Opening Cash Balance", "Closing Cash Balance" and "Total Cash". Although the concept is always referred to as "cash" the labels provide multiple ways of tagging the concept for display purposes.
The linkbases MAY exist in a separate
document from the Taxonomy Schema, although they MAY alternatively be embedded
in the taxonomy schema among the set of nodes identified by the XPath [XPath 1.0]
path "//xsd:schema/xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/*"
. When a linkbase in a taxonomy is not embedded in the taxonomy
schema document, the taxonomy schema MUST contain a <linkbaseRef>
to point to the document
containing the linkbase.
There are five kinds of Extended Links used in XBRL taxonomies.
Each of these Extended Links MUST be held
in an [XLINK] document container. The [XLINK] document container MUST be a <linkbase>
located either:
in the Taxonomy Schema; orIn the presentation, calculation, and definition Extended Links in a DTS, Arcs organise XBRL Concepts into networks of relationships that associate each concept with other concepts. In label and reference extended links, arcs represent networks of relationships between concepts and their documentation (labels and references). See Section for details about networks of relationships.
Each network of inter-concept relationships in a DTS MAY contain root Concepts. A root concept is an XBRL concept that, for a given network of relationships, is not an XML fragment on the "to" side of any relationship in the network. It is possible for a concept to be a root concept in one network of relationships but not in another network of relationships. Note that this implies that any disconnected concept, i.e. one that is neither on the "to" side nor the "from" side of any relationship in any network, is a root concept.
The presentation, definition, and calculation Extended Links are not required in order to specify the formatting of a report derived from a collection of XBRL Instances. However, XBRL instance consuming applications are free to use the semantic information provided in a DTS to format such reports as they deem appropriate.
Taxonomy authors may or may not find it useful to keep the networks of presentation, calculation and definition relationships in some kind of correspondence.
Inter-concept relationships and relationships between Concepts and resources that document them MAY be overridden or prohibited (see Section for details). As an example of prohibition, consider the situation of a third party desiring to create a new "sub-total" concept intervening between "children" concepts that already have summation-item arcs to the "total" concept (see Section for details about summation-item arcs and calculation relationships in Extended Links). The creator of the sub-total concept will add arcs from the sub-total Concept to the children concepts and from the total concept to the sub-total concept. There would then be two paths from the children concepts to the total concept, one using the new arcs through the sub-total concept, and the other using the original arcs direct from the summation concept. In the case of calculation links, this could result in the double counting of values. The creator of the sub-total concept SHOULD create prohibiting arcs to prevent this, effectively removing the arcs going directly from the total concept to the children concepts from the network of relationships in the calculation.
One or more relationships in a network of relationships can form a cycle (that is, there may be a path in the network from an XML fragment back to that same XML fragment without involving any one relationship more than once). Depending on the semantics of the relationships in a network, different types of cycles may be semantically coherent, or they may represent a semantic inconsistency that processing applications MAY choose to detect.
Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect cycles that constitute semantic inconsistencies. Semantically inconsistent cycles are identified for each network that is given semantic meaning in this specification.
To illustrate networks of relationships between Concepts, consider the following concepts that might be defined in a taxonomy (note that the label would not be part of the element; labels are just shown to provide clarity):
Label | Element Name | Balance | Substitution Group |
Income Statement |
… other taxonomy elements |
(various) | (various) |
Net Income Before Tax |
credit | item |
Taxes |
debit | item |
Net Income After Tax |
credit | item |
Extraordinary Items |
debit | item |
Net Income |
credit | item |
Performance Measures |
item |
Suppose that the mathematical relations that exist between the Concepts expressed as elements within the taxonomy as documented by some source are as follows:
= netIncomeBeforeTax
- taxes
= netIncomeAfterTax
- extraordinaryItems
The calculation Linkbase might then
contain calculation extended links to facilitate computation of netIncome, netIncomeBeforeTax, netIncomeAfterTax,
per the formulae above and expressed in a tree hierarchy in an
![]() |
Example: Calculation hierarchy in which each item contributes to a summation. Arcs are annotated with the numeric
weight in parentheses. The weight indicates the |
The definition Linkbase might also
contain definition extended links that relate Concepts to other concepts. In
the case below, performanceMeasures
is an element defined in the taxonomy and the types of performance
measures are: netIncome,
and netIncomeAfterTax.
The @xlink:arcrole
of the
link, an absolute URI such as,
explains the type of definition relationship of the relation. See
Section for details.
![]() |
Example: Definition hierarchy in which various concepts are defined to be "Performance Measures." Arcs are annotated with their "order" attribute used for presenting the hierarchy. |
Presentation links are used to arrange taxonomy elements into a hierarchy and specific ordering. In general, different uses will require different sets of presentation links. There is one set of users - taxonomy developers and domain experts working with a taxonomy - whose presentation needs remain relevant throughout the entire lifecycle of a taxonomy. In some sense this view is "context free" as opposed to the presentation of instance data that is "context dependent." When taxonomies are published they cannot contain all possible presentations but they MAY contain at least one "developer's eye" view, which is "context free" in the sense that it does not need to take XBRL Instance contexts into account. The presentation Linkbase in this example could contain presentation links to organise Concepts to look like line items in a financial statement. Another presentation linkbase could contain links to organise a subset of these same concepts into a data collection form.
![]() |
Example: Presentation hierarchy that mimics the order in which line items might appear on an income statement. This view might be used in applications to present taxonomies to users of the application. The arcs are annotated with their "order" attribute. |
In these examples, the three Linkbases are trees, but they need not be strict trees at all. This is particularly true for the calculation linkbase. There are several ways to calculate movements in Equity, for example: one might net the issuing and retirement of common stock, net the issuing and retirement of preferred stock, and add those two - or one might add up all the issuance of stock whether common or preferred, and net it against the retirement of common and preferred. Although the calculations are hierarchical (that is, there are no loops), they do not form a tree.
elementThe <labelLink>
element is an extended
link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It is intended to
contain relationships between Concepts and textual documentation and labels for
those concepts.
The XML Schema constraints on the <labelLink>
are shown below.
elements <labelLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <labelLink>
, MUST only
point to Concepts in Taxonomy Schemas or to label resources as defined in
elementAlthough each taxonomy defines a single
set of elements representing a set of business reporting Concepts, the
human-readable XBRL documentation for those concepts, including labels (strings
used as human-readable names for each concept) and other explanatory
documentation, is contained in a resource element in the label Linkbase. The
resource uses the @xml:lang
attribute to specify the language used (via the XML standard lang
attribute) and
an optional classification of the purpose of the documentation (via a role
This ability to provide documentation in a variety of different languages enables XBRL Concepts to be more easily reported in a multilingual environment.
Documentation of XBRL Concepts MUST be
contained in <label>
elements in <labelLink>
extended links. The <label>
element is an [XLINK] resource. Its generic syntax is documented in
Section The <label>
element MUST have the standard @xml:lang
attribute, and it MUST
appear inside a <labelLink>
element. This content of the <label>
element is mixed, allowing a
simple string, a fragment of XHTML or a combination of both.
XBRL processors are NOT REQUIRED to
detect or display Concept documentation that appears anywhere other than in a <label>
The XML Schema constraints on the <label>
element are
shown below.
<label xlink:type="resource" xlink:role="" xlink:label="ci_currentAssets_en" xml:lang="en">Current Assets</label>
xmlns:xhtml="" xlink:type="resource" xlink:role="" xlink:label="ci_netIncome_en" xml:lang="en"> <xhtml:b>Net Income</xhtml:b> (Loss)</label> |
attribute on <label>
elementsAll <label>
resources MUST have an @xml:lang
identifying the language used for the content of the label. The value of the @xml:lang
MUST conform to [XML] rules. (See for details).
attribute on <label>
elements (optional)Label resources MAY contain an @xlink:role
attribute, which SHOULD distinguish between <label>
resources by the nature of the
XBRL Concept documentation that they provide. Table 8 specifies all standard @xlink:role
values and their meanings for label resources.
<label> resource @xlink:role attribute value |
Meaning |
(Omitted role attribute)
Standard label for a Concept. |
Standard label for a Concept. |
Short label for a Concept, often omitting text that should be inferable when the concept is reported in the context of other related concepts. |
Extended label for a Concept, making sure not to omit text that is required to enable the label to be understood on a stand alone basis. |
Label for a Concept, when the value being presented is positive (negative, zero). For example, the standard and standard positive labels might be "profit after tax" and the standard negative labels "loss after tax", the terse label and terse positive labels might both be "profit", while the negative terse label might be "loss". |
The label for a Concept for use in presenting values associated with the concept when it is being reported as the total of a set of other values. |
The label for a Concept with periodType="instant" for use in presenting values associated with the concept when it
is being reported as a start (end) of period value.
Documentation of a Concept, providing an explanation of its meaning and its appropriate usage and any other documentation deemed necessary. |
A precise definition of a Concept, providing an explanation of its meaning and its appropriate usage. |
An explanation of the disclosure
requirements relating to the Concept. Indicates whether the disclosure is
An explanation of the rules guiding presentation (placement and/or labelling) of this Concept in the context of other concepts in one or more specific types of business reports. For example, "Net Surplus should be disclosed on the face of the Profit and Loss statement". |
An explanation of the method(s) required to be used when measuring values associated with this Concept in business reports. |
Any other general commentary on the Concept that assists in determining definition, disclosure, measurement, presentation or usage. |
An example of the type of information intended to be captured by the Concept. |
<label xlink:type="resource" xlink:label="A" xlink:role="" xml:lang="en">Current Assets</label> <loc xlink:type="locator" xlink:href="us_bs_v2.xsd#currentAssets" xlink:label="B"/> <labelArc xlink:type="arc" xlink:from="B" xlink:to="A" xlink:arcrole=""/>
Meaning: The |
elementThe <labelArc>
element is an [XLINK] arc.
Its generic syntax is defined in Section In <labelLink>
elements, it connects
Concepts with <label>
The XML Schema constraints on the <labelArc>
element are
shown below.
One standard arc role value is defined
for <labelArc>
elements. Its value is:
This arc role value is for use on a <labelArc>
from a
concept Locator ( <loc>
element) to a <label>
element and it indicates that the label conveys human-readable
information about the Concept.
elements cannot describe cyclic relationships between Concepts
because they only relate concepts to <label>
resources, not other concepts. For this reason, no restrictions on
cyclic <labelArc>
networks are prescribed.
The label
elements that participate in a relationship described by a <labelArc>
element MUST be
[XLINK] local resources except when the use attribute on the labelArc
is "prohibited", in which case the <label>
elements MAY be [XLINK] local
resources and/or [XLINK] remote resources.
elementThe <referenceLink>
element is an extended
link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It is intended to
contain relationships between Concepts and references to authoritative
statements in the published business, financial and accounting literature that
give meaning to the concepts.
The XML Schema constraints on the <referenceLink>
element are shown below.
Meaning: The taxonomy has given a
"role" to each referenceLink
extended link to partition the Extended Links
in an accounting-related taxonomy based on which part of a financial
statement they relate to.
elements <referenceLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <referenceLink>
only point to Concepts in Taxonomy Schemas or to reference resources as defined
in Section
The <reference>
element enables XBRL
taxonomies to ground the definitions of Concepts in authoritative statements in
published business, financial and accounting literature. The <reference>
SHOULD only provide information necessary to find the reference materials that
are relevant to understanding appropriate usage of the concept being defined.
They MUST NOT contain the content of those reference materials themselves. Where
textual documentation is required to complete the definition of an XBRL
context, this MUST be contained in XBRL <label>
elements as documented in
The <reference>
element is an [XLINK]
resource. Its generic syntax is documented in Section The <reference>
MUST appear inside a <referenceLink>
The XML Schema constraints on the <reference>
are shown below.
Reference elements are composed of parts.
Since the division of references into parts varies in every jurisdiction, part
is an abstract
element defined in this specification. Taxonomies MAY define elements that
substitute for part
, allowing them to be included inside reference elements.
xmlns:link="" xmlns:ref="" xmlns=""> <referenceLink xlink:type="extended" xlink:role=""> </linkbase><!-- locator for element --> <loc xlink:type="locator" xlink:href="samp001.xsd#s_customerName" xlink:label="s_customerName"/> <!-- arcs --> <referenceArc xlink:type="arc" xlink:from="s_customerName" xlink:to="s_customerName_REF" xlink:arcrole=""/> <!-- references all with the same xlink:label --> <reference xlink:type="resource" xlink:label="s_customerName_REF" xlink:role=""> <ref:name>Handbook of Business Reporting</ref:name> <ref:pages>5</ref:pages> </reference><reference xlink:type="resource" xlink:label="s_customerName_REF" xlink:role=""> </referenceLink><ref:name>Handbook of Business Reporting</ref:name> <ref:pages>45-50</ref:pages> </reference> |
Meaning: The |
xmlns:link="" xmlns:ref="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xbrl-linkbase.xsd"/> <element name="name" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> <element name="number" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> <element name="paragraph" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> <element name="subparagraph" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> <element name="clause" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> <element name="pages" type="string" substitutionGroup="link:part"/> </schema> |
attribute on reference elements (optional)Reference elements MAY contain an
optional @xlink:role
attribute, which MUST distinguish between reference elements by the
nature of the XBRL Concept documentation that they make external reference to.
Table 9 specifies the standard @xlink:role
attribute values and their meanings for reference resources. These
parallel the standard @xlink:role
attribute values for <label>
reference resource @xlink:role attribute value
Meaning |
(Omitted role
Standard reference for a Concept |
Standard reference for a Concept |
Reference to documentation that details a precise definition of the Concept. |
Reference to documentation that details
an explanation of the disclosure requirements relating to the Concept.
Specified categories include:
Reference to documentation that details
an explanation of the disclosure requirements relating to the Concept.
Unspecified categories include, but are not limited to:
Reference to documentation which details an explanation of the presentation, placement or labelling of this Concept in the context of other Concepts in one or more specific types of business reports |
Reference concerning the method(s) required to be used when measuring values associated with this Concept in business reports |
Any other general commentary on the Concept that assists in determining appropriate usage |
Reference to documentation that illustrates by example the application of the Concept that assists in determining appropriate usage. |
elementThe <referenceArc>
element is an [XLINK]
arc. Its generic syntax is defined in Section In <referenceLink>
elements, it connects Concepts with reference
The XML Schema constraints on the <referenceArc>
are shown below.
One standard arc role value is defined
for <referenceArc>
elements. Its value is:
This arc role value is for use on a <referenceArc>
from a
concept Locator ( <loc>
element) to a reference
resource and it indicates that the reference is to materials
documenting the meaning of the Concept.
elements cannot describe cyclic relationships between Concepts
because they represent relationships only between concepts and reference
not between concepts and other concepts. For this reason, no restrictions on
cyclic <referenceArc>
networks are prescribed.
The reference elements
that participate in a relationship described by a <referenceArc>
element MUST be
[XLINK] local resources except when the use attribute on the referenceArc is "prohibited", in which case the reference elements MAY be [XLINK] local
resources and/or [XLINK] remote resources.
elementThe <presentationLink>
element is an
Extended Link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It is
intended to describe presentational relationships between Concepts in
taxonomies. The <presentationLink>
element MUST NOT contain [XLINK] resources.
The XML Schema constraints on the <presentationLink>
element are shown below.
elements <presentationLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <presentationLink>
MUST only point to Concepts in Taxonomy Schemas.
elementThe <presentationArc>
element is an [XLINK]
arc. Its generic syntax is defined in Section The <presentationArc>
element defines how Concepts relate to one another for presentation.
The XML Schema constraints on the syntax
for <presentationArc>
elements are shown below.
<presentationArc xlink:type="arc" xlink:from="ci_currentAssets" xlink:to="ci_prepaidExpenses" xlink:arcrole="" order="4"/>
Meaning: Current assets must be presented
as the parent of prepaid expenses. The prepaid expense element appears after
any children of current assets whose |
A taxonomy MAY define Abstract Elements
(Table 1) and create presentation relationships to and/or from them, to allow
taxonomy presentation applications to present groups of Concepts, even when
those Concepts are not related in any other way such as by calculation
associations. Abstract elements SHOULD be in the substitution group for the
abstract XBRL <item>
element (see Section 4.6).
Meaning: The |
One standard arc role value is defined
for <presentationArc>
elements. Its value is:
Such arcs are referred to as
"parent-child" arcs. Parent-child arcs represent relationships between parent
Concepts and child concepts and indicate that, in a hierarchical view of XBRL
information, it is appropriate to show the child concept as a child of the
parent concept. Parent-child arcs MUST represent relationships only between
concepts (which, by definition, are in the <tuple>
or <item>
substitution groups).
Because a network of parent-child arcs represents a hierarchy of Concepts, it makes no sense for such a network to document that a concept is its own descendant. For this reason, directed cycles are not allowed in networks of parent-child relationships. Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect and signal directed cycles in networks of parent-child relationships.
attribute (optional)The @preferredLabel
attribute is a URI
that MAY be supplied on a parent-child arc to indicate the most appropriate
kind of label to use when presenting the arc's child Concept. If supplied, the
value of the @preferredLabel
attribute MUST be equal to an @xlink:role
attribute value on a <label>
resource (in a
extended link) that is the target of a concept-label arc from the <presentationArc>
child concept.
XBRL processors MAY use the value of the @preferredLabel
attribute to choose between different labels that have been associated with the
one Concept. This can be particularly useful when a given concept is used in a
variety of ways within a DTS. For example, cash can be used in the balance
sheet and as the starting and ending balances in a cash flow statement. Each
appearance of the concept in a set of presentation links MAY use this feature
to indicate a different preferred label.
The @xlink:role
attribute value on the
label Extended Link containing the preferred label and the @xlink:role
value on the presentation extended link containing the <presentationArc>
element do not have
to be equal.
elementThe <calculationLink>
element is an
Extended Link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It describes
calculation relationships between Concepts in taxonomies. The <calculationLink>
element MUST NOT contain [XLINK] resources.
The XML Schema constraints on the <calculationLink>
element are shown below.
elements <calculationLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <calculationLink>
MUST only point to Concepts in Taxonomy Schemas.
elementThe <calculationArc>
element is an [XLINK]
arc. Its generic syntax is defined in Section The <calculationArc>
element defines how Concepts relate to one another for calculation purposes.
The XML Schema constraints on the syntax
for <calculationArc>
elements are shown below.
One standard arc role value is defined
for <calculationArc>
elements. Its value is:
Such arcs are referred to as
"summation-item" arcs. Summation-item arcs MUST represent relationships only
between Concepts that are in the <item>
substitution group and whose type is numeric (see Section
They represent aggregation relationships between concepts and are referred to
as "summation-item" relationships. Each of these relationships is between one
concept, referred to as the summation concept, and another concept, referred to
as the contributing concept.
A complete summation-item arc set for a
given summation concept is defined in the context of the DTS supporting an XBRL
instance. It is the set of all summation-item arcs, defined in <calculationLink>
Extended Links
with the same @xlink:role
attribute value that associate contributing concepts to the given
summation concept. A summation item is an occurrence of a summation concept in
an XBRL Instance.
For a given Extended Link role R and summation item S, another item I is a contributing item if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
A calculation represented by a "summation-item" relationship binds for a summation item S if and only if:
NOTE: Calculation checks work exclusively on the information that is explicitly provided in the instance; items and values that can be inferred through essence-alias relationships are not considered. Several items (all corresponding to the one Concept) can bind to a summation item if they are not duplicates because they are not P-Equal. This is relevant in the context of calculation scoping through tuples (see Section and means that detection of duplicates is not a sufficient test for double counting problems in XBRL Instances.
The total of a binding calculation is
defined to be the sum of the rounded values of the contributing Numeric Items
in the binding, each multiplied by the value of the @weight
attribute on the item's
associated <calculationArc>
. This multiplication takes place after any necessary rounding is
performed. The rounded value of a numeric item is the result of rounding the
value of the numeric item to its decimals or inferred decimals (see Section 4.6.6).
A binding calculation is defined to be consistent if the rounded value
of the summation item is equal to the total rounded to the decimals or inferred
decimals of the summation item. (If any item of the calculation has a
precision attribute value 0 then the binding calculation is deemed to be
An XBRL Instance is consistent with the semantics of the calculation Linkbases in its supporting DTS if all binding calculations for the XBRL instance are consistent.
Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect and signal inconsistencies, as defined above, between an XBRL Instance and the summation-item arcs of calculation Linkbases in its supporting DTS.
Suppose that the Numeric Item |
<a contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" precision="2">1559</a> <b contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" precision="3">984.8</b> <c contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" decimals="1">582.334973</c>
This calculation is not consistent since the total at precision 2 is, again, 1600 but the summation item to precision 2 has value 1500. |
<a contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" precision="2">1527</a> <b contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" precision="3">984.8</b> <c contextRef="c1" unitRef="u1" decimals="1">582.334973</c>
A DTS might include a single Concept viewed from different perspectives or as having several different dimensions. In the example below, the cash concept can be broken down by branch location, by account type, and by availability.
Cash in domestic branches and cash in foreign branches adds to cash. Cash in interest bearing accounts and cash in non-interest bearing accounts also adds to cash. Cash on hand and cash as balances due also adds to cash. To ensure that the calculation relationships between all of these disaggregate cash Concepts and the cash concept itself do not cause double or triple counting, the three pairs of summation-item arcs SHOULD be grouped into Extended Links with different extended link role values.
Thus, the summation-item arcs from cash to cash in domestic branches and to cash in foreign branches could be defined in Extended Links with the extended link role value:
Likewise, the summation-item arcs from cash to cash in interest bearing accounts and cash in non-interest bearing accounts could be defined in Extended Links with the extended link role value:
Finally, the summation-item arcs from cash to cash on hand and cash as balances due could be defined in extended links with the extended link role value:
The different extended link role values avoid double or triple counting in this example by ensuring that the pairs of summation-item arcs are not all processed together.
attributeThe @weight
attribute MUST appear on <calculationArc>
elements. The @weight
attribute MUST have a non-zero decimal value. For summation-item
arcs, the @weight
attribute indicates the multiplier to be applied
to an item value when accumulating numeric
values from item elements to summation elements. A value of "1.0" means that
1.0 times the numeric value of the item is applied to the parent item. A weight
of "-1.0" means that 1.0 times the numeric value is subtracted from the
summation item.
A summation-item <calculationArc>
applies when the
taxonomy Concepts that are located by the "from
" and "to
" attributes of a summation-item
arc identify C-Equal and U-Equal items (i.e. they are within equivalent contexts
and Units in an XBRL Instance). However, calculations also take into account
tuple structure in the XBRL instance. The "from
" item MUST be a child of the
Least Common Ancestor of both the "from" and "to" items for the calculation
relationships to bind. A consequence of this scoping is that items inside
Duplicate Tuples cannot participate together in calculations.
There are three calculation arcs in the from (summation) from (summation) from (summation) The following is a fragment of an XBRL
instance. Note that all Numeric Items share a single context |
<customer> <name contextRef="c1">Acme</name> <gross precision="4" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">3000</gross> <returns precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">100</returns> <net precision="4" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">2900</net> </customer><customer> <name contextRef="c1">Bree</name> <gross precision="4" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">2000</gross> <returns precision="3" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">200</returns> <net precision="4" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">1800</net> </customer><totalGross precision="4" unitRef="u1" contextRef="c1">5000</totalGross> </analysis> |
calculation item ("to ") path |
calculation summation ("from ") path |
Match? | Reason |
Yes | They are siblings. |
Yes | They are siblings. |
Yes | They are siblings. |
Yes | They are siblings. |
No | The "to" summation is not a sibling or uncle of the item. |
No | The "to" summation is not a sibling or uncle of the item. |
Yes |
totalGross is an uncle of the item under ancestor analysis .
Yes |
totalGross is an uncle of the item under ancestor analysis.
elementThe <definitionLink>
element is an extended
link. Its generic syntax is documented in Section 3.5.3. It is intended to
contain a variety of miscellaneous relationships between Concepts in
taxonomies. The <definitionLink>
element MUST NOT contain [XLINK] resources.
The XML Schema constraints on the <definitionLink>
element are shown below.
elements <definitionLink>
elements MUST NOT contain Locators that are not <loc>
elements. <loc>
elements are
documented in detail in Section The <loc>
element, when used in a <definitionLink>
only point to Concepts in Taxonomy Schemas.
elementThe <definitionArc>
element is an [XLINK]
arc. Its generic syntax is defined in Section The <definitionArc>
elements define various kinds of relationships between Concepts.
The XML Schema constraints on the syntax
for <definitionArc>
elements are shown below.
Four standard arc role values are defined
for <definitionArc>
" arcsThe first standard arc
role value for
elements is:
Such arcs are referred to as "general-special
arcs. <definitionArc>
elements with this arc role value MUST represent relationships only
between Concepts that are in the <item>
substitution group.
General-special arcs connect from a generalisation concept Locator to a specialisation concept locator. A generalisation item is an occurrence of a generalisation concept in an XBRL instance. A specialisation item is an occurrence of a specialisation concept in an XBRL Instance. A valid value for a specialisation item is a valid value of its generalisation item (if both items are C-Equal and U-Equal). However, a valid value for a generalisation item is not necessarily a valid value for its specialisation item, even if they are C-Equal and U-Equal.
Only undirected cycles are allowed in networks of general-special arcs. Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect and signal directed cycles in networks of general-special arcs.
<definitionArc xlink:type="arc" xlink:from="postalCode" xlink:to="zipCode" xlink:arcrole="" order="1"/>
Meaning: |
" arcsThe second standard arc role value
for <definitionArc>
elements is:
Such arcs are referred to as "essence-alias
arcs. <definitionArc>
elements with this arc role value MUST represent relationships only
between Concepts that are in the <item>
substitution group.
This arc role value is for use on a <definitionArc>
an Essence Concept Locator to an Alias Concept Locator.
Only undirected cycles are allowed in networks of essence-alias arcs. Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect any directed cycles in networks of essence-alias arcs.
It is often the case that particular
Concepts have been defined more than once in a single taxonomy or in a set of
taxonomies. It is appropriate, in such cases, for taxonomy authors to have a
single "canonical best element" or "essence" for one of the concepts and to
associate it with the other "alias" concepts using the essence-alias
definition arc to
indicate to XBRL validating processors and other XBRL Instance consuming
applications that the items MUST be consistent as defined below.
An essence-alias arc denotes a relationship between two Concepts, from the essence (basic, primary) concept, to the other alias (alternative name) concept.
For definitions of "Alias Concept" "Alias Item" "Essence Concept" and "Essence Item" refer to Table 1. For any set of essence-alias arcs that have the same essence concept the term "alias concept set" means the set of alias concepts associated with the set of arcs and the term "alias item set" means a corresponding set of items in an S-Equal or identical context in an XBRL Instance. The following conditions apply to definition arcs that are not prohibited (see Section for details on prohibited arcs) in any extension taxonomy having this arc role, to the alias concepts and essence concepts of such arcs, and to their corresponding alias items and essence items.
attribute. Also, if the @balance
attribute is present on both the alias concept and essence concept
of an arc, it MUST have the same value for both Concepts. There is no similar
requirement if the @balance
attribute is absent from either or both of the conceptsIn an XBRL Instance there is a context c1
. The concepts D
and E are string item types connected by an essence-alias <definitionArc>
with E being the Essence Concept and D being the Alias Concept. E has the
value "Bert" in context c1 while D has the value "Ernie" in context
c1. These values are inconsistent with the <definitionArc>
semantics that have
been expressed.
and @decimals
for which this is possible (see 4.6.3 above). If all (non nil
valued) members of S are not V-Equal,
then the XBRL instance is not consistent with the definition link semantics
expressed in its DTS and fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect such
inconsistencies. If an application applies this rule and any member M of S
does not have a value supplied or has a nil value, but is an essence item in
some set of essence-alias arcs, this rule MUST be applied recursively to infer
the value of M before inferring the
value of E.XBRL processors are not required to infer the values of Alias Items from the values of Essence Items and this specification provides no rules for so doing.
Case 1 The concepts A, B and C are connected by essence-alias arcs, with A being the essence and B and C being aliases. In an XBRL Instance, B has the value 110 with precision=2 and C has the value 99 with precision=2. A, B and C are C-Equal. The values of B and C are inconsistent at their specified precision of 2. As a result, no inference can be made for A. Case 2 The concepts A, B and C are connected by essence-alias arcs, with A being the essence and B and C being aliases. In an XBRL Instance, B has the value 110 with precision=1 and C has the value 99 with precision=1. A, B and C are C-Equal. Rounding B to precision=1 gives the result 100 Rounding C to precision=1 gives the result 100 Since these two values are the same, a value of 100 at precision=1 can be inferred for A. |
arcsThe third standard arc role value
for <definitionArc>
elements is:
Such arcs are referred to as "similar-tuples
arcs. <definitionArc>
elements with this arc role value MUST represent
relationships only between Concepts that are in the <tuple>
The similar-tuples
arcs represent
relationships between tuple Concepts that have equivalent definitions (as
provided in the labels and references for those tuples) even when they have
different XML content models.
For example, this kind of relationship would be appropriate to use between two different tuple Concepts that are both designed to describe mailing addresses.
The semantics of similar-tuples
arcs are symmetric. It
does not matter which tuple the arc goes from and which tuple the arc goes to.
Any cycles can be semantically sensible
in networks of <definitionArc>
elements with the
arc role value because the relationship between
Concepts being described by these relationships is symmetric.
" arcsThe fourth standard arc role value
for <definitionArc>
elements is:
Such arcs are referred to as "requires-element
arcs. <definitionArc>
elements with this arc role value MUST represent relationships only
between Concepts (which, by definition, are in the <tuple>
or <item>
substitution groups).
If an instance of the Concept at the source of the arc occurs in an XBRL Instance then an instance of the arc's target concept MUST also occur in the XBRL instance. No requirements are placed on c-equality or u-equality of these concept instances when testing this requirement. Likewise, this requirement does not impose requirements on relative locations of the concept instances in tuples. Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect and signal instances in which this relationship is violated.
For example, the data that is normally
entered into a paper form could be represented electronically using XBRL
instances. To represent the "required field" idea, the taxonomy author can
create a <definitionArc>
with the
arc role value. This arc would link the Concepts representing the
required fields and an element representing the concept of the form itself.
Cycles are allowed in networks of requires-element
The following are the versions of the XML schemas provided as part of this specification. These are all normative. Non-normative versions (which should be identical to these except for appropriate comments indicating their non-normative status) are also provided as separate files for convenience of users of the specification.
NOTE: (non-normative) Following the schema maintenance policy of XBRL International, it is the intent (but is not guaranteed) that the location of non-normative versions of these schemas on the web will be as follows:
In order to allow validation of linkbase
documents, the XBRL linkbase namespace (
be used with the schema that implements the [XLINK] specification. This
schema defines the namespace
is not an official document of the W3C. It is the intention of XBRL
International to integrate with the official schemas for [XLINK] should they
become available.
This specification could not have been written without the contribution of many people. The participants in the XBRL Specification Working Group, public commentators, and personal advisors have all played a significant role. At the time of the first publication of this specification as a Recommendation, the XBRL International Specification Group was chaired by Masatomo Goto, Fujitsu Laboratories of USA, and its vice chair was Hugh Wallis of Hyperion Solutions Corporation. The XBRL International Domain Working Group also produced and refined many issue drafts and final requirements documents that defined the scope and guided the priorities of this version of the specification. The XBRL International Domain working group was chaired by Mark Schnitzer of Morgan Stanley and vice chaired by John Turner of KPMG. In alphabetical order and in addition to those individuals already credited as editors, Peter Calvert of ICAEW, Eric E. Cohen of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Don Dwiggins, Justin Foley of DecisionSoft, Charles Hoffman of UBmatrix, Josef MacDonald of Ernst & Young, Manabu Mizutani of PCS, David Prather of IASCF, Campbell Pryde of KPMG, Noboyuki Sambuichi of Hitachi, Paul Warren of Decisionsoft (subsequently CoreFiling) and Eiichi Watanabe of TSR, all contributed to the authoring and refinement of requirements and reviewing of the specification. In addition to the above Mark Goodhand of Decisionsoft (subsequently CoreFiling) contributed to the authoring and refinement of subsequent errata corrections.
Date | Author | Details |
20 February 2013 | Mark Goodhand | Reformatting of specification in S4S format. This edition incorporates no new errata; constraints and semantics are unchanged from the previous edition. The HTML version is now normative. |
31 October 2011 | Herm Fischer | Editorial to correction 074 typo. Erratum correction 075: Revision of IEEE Floating Point standard reference. Change to Section and Section from non-standandard terms and conflicting descriptions ( Section was round ties to larger magnitude, Section was round ties to lesser magnitude), to round ties to even (referencing the IEEE standard term and recommendation). |
29 April 2011 | Hugh Wallis | Editorial to publish as Proposed Edited Recommendation (erratum correction 074) |
07 March 2011 | Herm Fischer | Incorporated changes to change from inferring Decimals to inferring Precision – erratum correction 074 |
23 June 2008 | Hugh Wallis | Added errata corrections 069-073 and reflected approval by the SWG. |
04 March 2008 | Hugh Wallis | Removed text that had been deleted pursuant to erratum correction 006 but which had incorrectly (due to an editing error) been reinstated ( Section |
10 January 2007 | Hugh Wallis | Added errata corrections 060-068 and reflected approval for publication by the XBRL International Standards Board. |
21 January 2006 | Hugh Wallis | Added erratum correction 059. Updated e-mail addresses and affiliations of editors and contributors. |
07 November 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect approval for publication by the International Steering Committee of XBRL International. |
01 November 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Added errata corrections 048-058. |
25 April 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect approval for publication by the International Steering Committee of XBRL International. |
30 March 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect Specification Working Group approval of errata correction 013 and 047. Incorporated publication date (2005-04-25) in document title, name and text regarding the location on the web of non-normative versions of the schemas (Appendix A). |
24 March 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect Specification Working Group approval of errata corrections 044-046. Incorporated errata corrections 013 and 047. Added recognition of contribution from Mark Goodhand of Decisionsoft. |
10 March 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect Specification Working Group approval of errata corrections 034-043. Incorporated errata correction 044-046. |
03 March 2005 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated errata corrections 034-043 |
08 October 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Updated document to reflect Specification Working Group approval of all errata corrections preparatory to publication. |
01 October 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated final edits for erratum 027 and correction for erratum 033. |
30 September 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated further changes to errata 027 and 031 corrections as well as correction for erratum 032. |
08 September 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated additional minor wording modifications to erratum correction 027. Reflected Working Group approval of errata corrections 026 and 028-030. |
19 August 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated errata corrections 028-030. |
12 August 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated errata corrections 026-027. |
27 July 2004 | Hugh Wallis | updated e-mail address and affiliation for editor Wallis. Reflected Specification Working Group approval of errata corrections 018-022 and 024-025. |
14 July 2004 | Hugh Wallis | incorporated correction of errata 018-022 and 024-025 pending Specification Working Group approval, erratum 023 indicating approval already given. |
30 April 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Updated list of errata to indicate approvals by the Specification Working Group. Updated status section to indicate approval by the ISC for publication. Added non-normative note to Appendix A regarding the schema maintenance policy for schema updates and their location on the web. |
23 April 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated correction of errata 009-017 (excluding 013 which is still in preparation as of this date). |
26 February 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Updated
correction of erratum 004 to include |
12 February 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated corrections for errata 004 and 005. Updated corrections for erratum 001. |
22 January 2004 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated corrections for errata 001, 002 and 003. Changed descriptive text on page 1 to reflect the status of the document as incorporating errata corrections. Added Appendix D to provide summary documentation of errata corrections. |
Changes prior to 2003-12-31 were reflected in the original RECOMMENDATION of that date. All changes subsequent to that date are errata corrections or editorial.
Date | Author | Details |
28 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Corrected
schema definition of arcroleType to include the |
17 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Enhanced Example 6 to include examples of each rule relating to relationship prohibition and overriding. |
17 December 2003 | Phillip Engel | Added Section 1.6 to document namespace prefix conventions used in the text. Various typographical and formatting corrections and improvements throughout. Further tidying up of language around the notion that arcs represent relationships for greater consistency. Edited "new arc roles" to read "custom arc roles" and "new role" to read "custom role" throughout, for consistency of terminology. Added section header for some non-numeric item types in table 7. |
15 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Editorial corrections
to definitions in Section 1.4 – added defintion of "ancestor". Replaced
occurrences of "instance document" and "XBRL document" with the more precise
"XBRL instance" throughout, where appropriate. Deleted "sets" from Section
when referring to XML fragments since it had previously been erroneously introduced
as an editorial change. Corrected "MAY" to "MUST" in the second sentence of
Section 4.2 ( |
10 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Corrected section
formatting in Section Corrected Example 51 to add |
09 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Replaced remaining occurrences
of "network(s) of arcs" with "network(s) of relationships". Removed the
redundant item type uriItemType and changed schema dates to 2003-12-31. Changed
schema dates from 2003-10-22 to 2003-12-31. Editorial changes to use the word
"represent" instead of "define" when referring to how arcs are used to
"represent" relationships. Reworded Section to refer to locators in the
singular rather than the plural. Reworded Example 5 (Correct use of arcs) to
allow for the possibility of various alternative legal constructions. Removed
unnecessary prohibition on relationships being equivalent to themselves in
Section and further clarified the language elsewhere in this
section. Added the standard role for |
09 December 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Modified sections on extended link arcs and taxonomy linkbases to revise treatment of networks of relationships and relationship prohibition and overriding. Replaced arc equivalence definition with relationship equivalence definition. Moved the documentation of relationship prohibition and overrides back to the section on extended link arcs and out of the section on taxonomy linkbases so that it also relates to footnoteLinks and any other kinds of linkbases that get developed as XBRL modules. |
07 December 2003 | Phillip Engel | Modified
Section, Section, Section, Section, Section 5.1.3 and Section 5.1.4 to clarify issues around
custom role attribute definitions on simple links and the scope of |
05 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Separated out the
text relating to allowable forms of xpointer syntax from Section into a
new Section 3.5.4 and referenced it from Section, Section,
Section, Section, Section 4.2.2 and Section 4.3.2. Provided more formal definitions of
duplicate tuples and duplicate items. Added definitions of u-equals for sets
and sequences. Clarified that equality predicates are symmetric. Updated
restrictions on the |
04 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Clarified the
definition of u-equal ( Section 4.10) to ensure that the order of the measures
in the |
03 December 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Clarified Section as to allowable forms of xpointer syntax and updated examples. Added reference to XPointer element() Scheme specification in Section 6. |
02 December 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Added clarifying text
to Example 1 relating to simple links connecting only on resource at each end.
Corrected the description of the |
17 November 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Corrected error in Section in fact-footnote arcrole syntax. |
13 November 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Updated definition of
taxonomy schema in Section 1.4 and moved it in the table to its correct
alphabetical position. Inserted clarifying forward references to Section 5.1.3
and Section 5.1.4 in Section and Section Corrected example 3 to use |
26 October 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Corrected typos in examples 24 and 25 identified by Charles Hoffman and Yufei Wang |
20 October 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Amended the definition of tuple to have type="anyType" in order to accommodate validators that could not accept a more restrictive definition. Made changes to Section 4.9 in order to define the restrictions on tuple in text rather than in XML schema and amended examples accordingly. Amended xbrl-instance definition of the tuple element and removed the defintion of tupleType which is no longer needed. Corrected the definition of the reference element in the xbrl-linkbase schema to add mixed="true" so that it can be validly derived from xl:resource (an amendment that was missed in the 2003-10-14 edits). Changed all dates from 2003-10-15 to 2003-10-22 except in this history section. |
16 October 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Corrected the schema fragment in Section 4.9 (Tuples) to conform to the schema definition of tupleType. |
15 October 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Relaxed the XML
Schema constraints on the attributes of the |
15 October 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Changed all dates from 2003-09-30 to 2003-10-15 except in this history section. Updated status section to reflect Candidate Recommendation 2 status. Updated Approval Process Appendix (D). Added clarification text regarding precision as it relates to calculations, from Justin Foley, and updated acknowledgements accordingly. Made minor formatting changes to various tables to address pagination and text wrapping issues. |
14 October 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the reference parts schema from the specification. Added mixed="true" to the complexContent element in the tupleType content model to cover the mixed content in footnote and label resources. Corrected typographic errors flagged by Bill Palmer and Paul Warren. |
03 October 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Corrected formatting errors and an error in the standard arc role for footnotes as identified by Charlie Hoffman. |
03 October 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Corrected errors in
examples that omitted precision information and |
02 October 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Tightened XML
Schema constraints around the |
27 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Modified text to
allow roleRef and |
25 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added sections
explaining the usage of the |
24 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the
dependence on the xml.xsd schema from the XBRL specification by eliminating the
XML Schema validation of the xml namespace attributes used by XBRL (base and
lang). Standardised the wording of section headings. Added |
22 September 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Updated specification wording to reflect status as a candidate recommendation. Reworded the details relating to the interpretation of endDate and instant values where no time component has been provided. Added a reference from the section on monetary, pure and shares items types back to the section that formally defines the constraints relating to usage of these item types. |
21 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Corrected an error
in example 4 indicating that the |
19 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Updated the schemas
and schema fragments to 2003-09-30. Corrected an error in the target namespace
for the |
18 September 2003 | Phillip Engel | Modified the handling
of custom roles and arc roles to handle the separation of the identifying URI’s
from the URL’s that locate the definitions of the custom roles and arc roles.
Extended the DTS discovery algorithm to include discovery via roleRef and
17 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Stated explicitly
that documents used as a starting point for DTS discovery are also part of the
DTS. Corrected the title for the section on the |
10 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the requirement
that the xbrl-instance-2003-09-30.xsd schema be part of a DTS. Made editorial
changes to the drafting of the specification to eliminate redundant wording and
to clarify terminology for alias-essence relationships. Inserted the XHTML
label example provided by Don Bruey. Changed references to XLink so that they
use the reference to the relevant bibliographic entry. Modified the specified
05 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Refined the definition of a network of arcs in a DTS to also take into account arcs that have been over-ridden rather than explicitly prohibited. |
04 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Changed references
to the XLink standard to references to the XLink specification as suggested by
Don Bruey. Modified the introduction to taxonomy linkbases to clarify the role
of linkbases in providing semantics for XBRL defined reporting concepts.
Corrected the section heading error for locators in |
02 September 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Reworded the
specification relating to the handling of |
28 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the requirement that c-equal items not be s-equal and removed the requirement that u-equal items not be s-equal, as recommend by Frank Lippold. |
21 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the detail
on tuple content model restrictions in the section on changes in XBRL
instances. Corrected the title for the section on |
21 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the any element from the set of allowed elements in tuple content model definitions. Added the attribute element to the set of allowed elements in tuple content model definitions. Added a requirement that tuple content models cannot include abstract elements. |
18 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added discovery of linkbases from other linkbase locators to the DTS discovery algorithm to cover situations where traversals to resources in linkbases are being prohibited in other linkbases. |
14 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Corrected a section cross reference to the "Taxonomy Linkbases" section. |
13 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Flagged the changes
to the content of the |
13 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added http:// to the beginning of the scheme URIs in example 13. |
12 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added a value to
the |
08 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Changed the content
model for the |
06 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added documentation
of the |
05 August 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the
reference to inference of decimal places accuracy for numeric items in the
section on inference of precision from decimals. Replaced reference to
numerator and denominator elements in the |
31 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Made the usedOn
attribute a QName and eliminated the enumeration restriction on it. Changed the
schema dates to 2003-07-31 from 2003-07-28. Corrected the definition of arc
equivalence to cover prohibition of arcs to resources. Introduced the
requirement that a DTS must include a taxonomy schema that imports the
XBRL-instance schema. Prohibited values of zero for the |
30 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Introduced the
section on XLink and XBRL. Reorganised the sections on extended links,
linkbases and simple links to refer to the new section on XLink and XBRL. Reorganised
the section on taxonomy extended links to bring together all materials for each
type of extended link into the one sub-section. Reorganised the section on XBRL
instances to bring together the various sections dealing with syntax in
taxonomy schemas. Clarified the definition of arc equivalence to make the
definition no longer contingent on extraneous attribute values. Added the
requirement that the |
29 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed the items
types: NOTATIONitemType, NMTOKENItemType, NMTOKENItemType, NMTOKENSItemType,
IDItemType, IDREFItemType, IDREFSItemType, ENTITYItemType and ENTITIESItemType.
Changed the content model for the |
28 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Modified the schemas to tighten the XML Schema constraints on extended links and their content. Clarified the definition of arc equivalence to cover arcs from concepts to resources instead of just concepts to other concepts. Modified the calculationLink XML Schema content model to allow flexible ordering of children. |
23 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Changed the
instantaneous attribute to be called the |
22 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | References to MIME
type have been removed from the specification. Moved the section on the
linkbase related schemas to the appendix listing the text of the various schema
documents supporting this specification. Modified the syntax for the unit
element to eliminate the |
20 July 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Removed profile
attributes. Removed the references to deprecated syntax, eliminating the syntax
instead. Removed the aloc, absoluteContext and relativeContext elements from
the |
09 June 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Numerous editorial changes, clarifications etc. Incorporated changes pursuant to the resolution of comments 025 (no change needed), 030 (no change required), 032, 034, 036, 037, 045, 055 |
16 May 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Incorporated changes pursuant to the resolution of comments 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 013, 014, 015, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 026, 028 |
29 April 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Formatting, table headings (bolding and repeating on new pages), prevent table cells splitting across pages where appropriate, font, pagination, hyperlinking and typographical changes. |
23 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Edits to incorporate name of release as the name of specification, updated status to Public Working Draft. Updated list of editors, contributors and Acknowledgements. Corrected numerous typographical and style errors caught by Charles Hoffman, Campbell Pryde and Hugh Wallis. |
21 April 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Finalised changes required to present to Domain Working Group as a candidate for submition to the ISC for approval as Public Working Draft. Incorporated minor corrections from Charles Hoffman. Added detailed text to define v-equal for numeric items of different types in a complete and unambiguous way. Various minor formatting and grammatical updates. |
20 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Changed the relative context specifiers to use the XML Schema duration type; provided tables detailing the matching rules for absolute contexts; removed proposed absolute and relative context filters; provided an example of an absolute context in use. Consolidated all roles and arc roles as fragments under the namespace URI. Added footnote linkbase material in several places per suggestion of Phillip Engel. |
17 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Edited arc role
material to incorporate distinction between directed and undirected arcs,
adding attributes to the arc role definition material, along with changes to
schema. Removed composition linkbase material, and rewrote the tuple related
material, moving composition linkbase functionality relating to extensions into
the definition linkbase, and defining the legal schema constructs appearing in
restrictions of the tuple type. Clarified text relating to equality testing in
the presence of the |
14 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Updated material on
arc roles and equality definitions. Updated schemas accordingly. Made the
symmetry of arc roles more explicit and made explicit the requirement that arcs
be symmetric. Added standard "zero" label roles. Added table captions and table
of tables. Generalised c-equal to not require identical element names so as to use
it in alias-essence definitions. Removed unused references. Changed the |
08 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Typo, schema, and reference fixes in preparation for internal release. |
06 April 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Fixed example text
based on suggestions of Rene van Egmond and Don Dwiggins of UBmatrix. Section
Section 5.3 on derived types changed to mandate the derivation of item types by
restriction from a provided item type. Corrected miscellaneous typos in
examples and schemas detected by Charles Hoffman. Added more to Example 8.
Began converting to use of upper case modals. Weakened directions for use of
the |
30 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Added
clarifications and other edits from Hugh Wallis, Eric E. Cohen, and others.
Revised the four introductory linkbase examples using material provided by
Charles Hoffman. Incorporated |
23 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Added
acknowledgement of Domain working group members. Defined the |
11 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Began revisions to |
11 March 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added a section proposing a variant on the calculation link processing model that is sensitive to calculation link role attribute values. Introduced a number of smaller edits and queries regarding the approach in relation to tuples and other areas of significant change since the previous draft. |
10 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Added relative
contexts to the calculation linkbase and the relativeContext element and all
its paraphernalia. Tentatively added absolute contexts. Redefined equivalence
so as to ignore non-XBRL attributes and rely only on tuple elements. Added
example of tuple scoping for calculation arcs. Removed the stock-flow and
flow-stock arcroles. Added additional explanatory text to the abstract.
Separated the explanation of linkbases from taxonomies and schemas. Added table
of primitive and derived types and item types. Tightened up language around the
07 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Changed the |
06 March 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Changed |
18 February 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Responded to comments from Hugh Wallis and Geoff Shuetrim, in most cases by editing the text as requested, and noted areas requiring further resolution. Tried to increase the consistency of formatting, in particular to indicate all normative material as unshaded even when appearing inside a table. |
08 February 2003 | Hugh Wallis | Numerous editorial changes and comments added. Changed, deleted and added sections about precision and decimals. Added definitions section. Added a fractionItemType data type. |
27 January 2003 | Walter Hamscher | Added normative
text relating to arcroles. Removed the reference-actual and actual-reference
arcroles to conform with Linkbase clarity issues. Revised the section on
arcrole to conform to linkbase clarity requirements insofar as they are
currently defined. Described the definitionArc as a "specialisation /
generalisation" arc. When used to define a tuple, the relationship is actually
a part-whole relationship, as noted when defining the constraint that children
of a tuple definition must not appear in XBRL instances except when wrapped by
the parent. Added placeholders for numeric precision and decimal sections.
Removed anySimpleType from the schema. Changed references to 2.1 to Tulip.
Reformatted entire document based on more recent XBRL International documents.
Changed example uses of |
22 January 2003 | David vun Kannon | Added material clarifying the syntax and semantics of tuples. |
19 January 2003 | Geoffrey Shuetrim | Added material
relating to linkbase clarity, and all new roles for |
05 September 2002 | David vun Kannon | Released as
internal working draft of 2.1 specification. Included |
12 June 2002 | David vun Kannon | Began 2.1 changes. Eliminated reference to the group element. Added xbrl root element. Changed definition of duplicate items to allow duplicates in separate tuples. Added prohibition of duplicate tuples. |
09 January 2002 | David vun Kannon | Corrected the discussion of the datatype of item to refer to anySimpleType. |
13 December 2001 | David vun Kannon | Added additional explanatory text relating to concept equivalency. Eliminated references to "draft" status. |
21 November 2001 | Walter Hamscher | Added additional explanatory text relating to links and linkbases and their intended uses, reformatted examples and callouts for readability, applied "code" and "code block" styles as appropriate, corrected minor typos. |
15 November 2001 | Louis Matherne | Edited for consistency and readability. Added "example" and "suggested" label to several illustrations for clarity. In the example at Section 4.4, changed the link pointing to a file on the web site. Change the page footer to XBRL Specification v2, 2001-11-14. Added text at "Status of This Document". |
15 November 2001 | David vun Kannon | Added wording on MIME types, priority deadlock in overriding arcs. |
16 October 2001 | Yufei Wang | [vun Kannon/Wang] Edited for consistency and readability. Modified examples to make namespaces consistent. Incorporated commentary from discussion groups and added explanatory material. |
24 August 2001 | Luther Hampton | Edited for consistency and readability. Modified examples to make namespaces consistent. Incorporated commentary from discussion groups and added explanatory material. |
21 June 2001 | David vun Kannon | First draft of enhanced version. Modified examples to reflect use of substitution groups and other features of XML Schema. Modified taxonomy section to reflect use of XML Linking structures. |
31 July 2000 | David vun Kannon | Final review. Added namespace prefix to many examples. |
20 July 2000 | David vun Kannon | changed sense={add, subtract, none} to numeric weight. |
27 June 2000 | David vun Kannon | Corrected schemaLocation attribute examples and explanation. Corrected typos and namespace references. |
12 April 2000 | Charles Hoffman | Made corrections to reference to public discussion group, changed xfrml-public to xbrl-public. Changed the links pointing to this document on the web site from 00-04-04 version to 00-04-06 version. Removed a link in Section 1.2 of this document to a document (March 3rd, 2000 version of SPEC) in the private eGroups vault. Updated PDF version and HTML versions for all of these changes. |
06 April 2000 | Walter Hamscher | Made corrections to the SAMP and IMA examples. Remaining text did not change. |
02 April 2000 | Walter Hamscher | In the taxonomy, eliminated "total" from element names or changed them to "gross" as appropriate. In the taxonomy, changed "cash flow" to "cash flows". In the taxonomy, changed "intangible assets" in long term assets to "intangibles". Added additional examples of the period attribute. Deleted the [Instance Rationale] note, since the design rationale discussion covers all the necessary points. Removed the [Style Everywhere] note, since we have a current compromise which allows the group element to contain elements other than items. Added section discussing the meaning of "period" and why a specific date and duration is a good idea. Added section discussing prior period balances and how that interacts with taxonomies. Added note on alternate breakdowns. Added cautionary note about applications assuming duration. Fixed all the capitalization problems in the examples to agree with 00-04-04 release of the files. |
29 March 2000 | Walter Hamscher | Miscellaneous typo corrections. Continuing repairs to text that concerns the fact that markup is forbidden inside items. Changed all "CamelCase" names to "camelCase". Added an additional paragraph explaining the "sense" attribute. Checked for references to "footnote" that should have been references to Notes. Added the [Long Names] note. |
28 March 2000 | Walter Hamscher | Added the "pure" datatype, deleted the [unit examples] issue. Reverted to original explanation of the item tag disallowing embedded markup. Changed wording of the paragraph contrasting namespaces with the schemaLocation attribute. Added [Instance Includes] suggestion raised by David vun Kannon. Added explanation of parsing implications of decimalPattern. Got rid of the [Time Duration] issue and changed to an explanation that we are differing from XML Schema convention. Miscellaneous typo corrections. |
24 March 2000 | Walter Hamscher | Changed text references to "taxonomy attribute" to schemaLocation. Fixed typo in example of Section 3.12. Fixed the period definition with a better reference for ISO 8601 than the incomplete summary given in the W3C material. Miscellaneous typo corrections. |
23 March 2000 | Walter Hamscher | Added change log. Changed "taxonomy" to schemaLocation. Repaired broken definition of period attribute, raised new timeDuration issue. Included new "unique elements" issue. Raised issue of deleting "links". Added XML Schema: Primer reference. Changed text of the Unit Examples text, fixing the Moody's example and removing the PURE example. Added issue regarding label processing. Got rid of the Parents Required issue, left the discussion. Added historical notes regarding the fundamental decisions agreed to at the Chicago meeting. Changed scalefactor to scaleFactor. Changed taxonomy to schemaLocation. Added distinction between financial presentation and accounting, in the context of order independence. Similar distinction with respect to negative balances. Added discussion of the unique naming issue. Fixed the non-negative-integer datatype of order. Added taxonomy extensions issue, from Eric Cohen. Miscellaneous typo corrections. |
19 March 2000 | Walter Hamscher | First released version. |
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to XBRL International or XBRL organizations, except as required to translate it into languages other than English. Members of XBRL International agree to grant certain licenses under the XBRL International Intellectual Property Policy (
The attention of users of this document is directed to the possibility that compliance with or adoption of XBRL International specifications may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. XBRL International shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by any XBRL International specification, or for conducting legal inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. XBRL International specifications are prospective and advisory only. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents. XBRL International takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Members of XBRL International agree to grant certain licenses under the XBRL International Intellectual Property Policy (
This appendix contains a list of the errata that have been incorporated into this document. This represents all those errata corrections that have been approved by the XBRL International Specification Working Group (SWG) up to and including 20 February 2013. Hyperlinks to relevant e-mail threads may only be followed by those who have access to the relevant mailing lists. Access to internal XBRL mailing lists is restricted to members of XBRL International Inc.
Number | Date | Sections | Details |
1. | 15 January 2004 | Section Section Section Section | (further corrections approved 2004-02-05) |
2. | 22 January 2004 | Section | Example 49 is in error and contains misleading reasoning for the presence of various attributes |
3. | 22 January 2004 | Section 4.10 | Typographical
error. The definition of S-Equal for |
4. | 05 February 2004 | Section 4.3 Section 4.11.1 Section 5.2.2 Section 5.2.3 Section 5.2.4 Section 5.2.5 Section 5.2.6 A.2 | Updated
to include (updated 2004-02-26) (further confirmed 2004-03-04) |
5. | 05 February 2004 | Section 4.2 Section 4.3 A.1 A.2 | Various occurrences of incorrect terminology that should read "XBRL Instance" persisted in the final draft |
6. | 19 February 2004 | Section | Remove prohibition on cycles in networks of summation-item arcs |
7. | 19 February 2004 | Section | Remove
the word "direct" from the definition of |
8. | 26 February 2004 | Section 5.1.4 | Typographical error - changed "are role" to "arc role" |
9. | 29 April 2004 | Section 4.1 | Correct missing namespace reference in example 8. |
10. | 29 April 2004 | Section 5.2 | Clarification of the definition of "root concept" |
11. | 29 April 2004 | Section 5.1.3 Section 5.1.4 | Correct typographical errors in Examples 35 and 36 |
12. | 29 April 2004 | Section | Correct
13. | 24 March 2005 | Section 4.6.4 Section Section | Clarification of text regarding binding of calculation relationships and subsequent discussion threads |
14. | 29 April 2004 | Section Appendix A | Removal
of vestigial references to floats in description of |
15. | 29 April 2004 | Section | Removal of redundant sentence (already covered in section 4.3.3) |
16. | 29 April 2004 | Section 4.3.2 | Correct section reference |
17. | 29 April 2004 | Section 4.10 | Removal of references to duplicate contexts and correction of typographical error in example instance (identifier section) |
18. | 22 July 2004 | Section 4.7.2 | Removal of outdated reference to "duration" in section |
19. | 22 July 2004 | Section 4.11.1 Section 5.2.1 Section 5.2.2 Section 5.2.3 Section 5.2.4 Section 5.2.5 Section 5.2.6 | Correction of erroneous section references |
20. | 22 July 2004 | Section 4.10 | Insert missing word "than" |
21. | 22 July 2004 | Section 5.1.1 | Clarify that chains of substitution groups are permitted by correcting ambiguous wording. |
22. | 22 July 2004 | Section Section Section 4.2.3 Section 4.2.4 | Clarify
that |
23. | 10 June 2004 | Section 4.9 | Remove restriction on Abstract Elements appearing in the content model for tuples |
24. | 22 July 2004 | Section Section | Correct typos in erratum 001 – replacing "prohibit" by "prohibited" |
25. | 22 July 2004 | Section 5.1.3 | Correct
the omission of the restriction of multiple definition of custom |
26. | 29 July 2004 | Section | |
27. | 07 October 2004 | Section 4.9 | Clarification of requirements relating to ID attribute on tuples |
28. | 02 September 2004 | Section 4.9 | Various clarifications and easing of restrictions relating to tuples |
29. | 12 August 2004 | Section 5.1.1 | Remove redundant sentence fragment |
30. | 02 September 2004 | Section 3.2 Section 5.1.5 | Prohibit
the use of |
31. | 07 October 2004 | Section 4.6 | Prevent the prohibition of the xsd:id attribute on items in extension taxonomies |
32. | 07 October 2004 | Section | Limit summation-item relationships to Numeric Items |
33. | 07 October 2004 | Section | Correct errors in Example 46 |
34. | 03 March 2005 | Section 4.6 Section Appendix A | Make
35. | 03 March 2005 | Appendix A | Correct
omission of |
36. | 03 March 2005 | Section | Correct column headings |
37. | 03 March 2005 | Section 4.10 | Correct errors in example that indicated items are not S-Equal when in fact they are |
38. | 03 March 2005 | Section 5.1 | Recommend that a target namespace be specified on Taxonomy Schemas and prohibit specification of an empty target namespace |
39. | 03 March 2005 | Section | Correct
typographical error ( |
40. | 03 March 2005 | Section | Correct
typographical error ( |
41. | 03 March 2005 | Section 4.10 |
42. | 03 March 2005 | Section 5.1 | Clarify the need to import xbrl‑instance‑2003‑12‑31 as being a consequence of |
43. | 03 March 2005 | Section 4.9 | The
case for |
44. | 17 March 2005 | Section 4.9 | Clarify wording regarding tuple content models. |
45. | 17 March 2005 | Section | Correct erroneous section reference |
46. | 17 March 2005 | Section | Clarification of wording relating to mixed content in footnote resources |
47. | 24 March 2005 | Section 4.9 | Update example 22 pursuant to erratum correction 027 |
48. | 27 October 2005 | Section 1.6 Section 3.2 Section 5.1.2 Section 5.1.3 Section 5.1.4 Section 5.2 | Correct
inconsistent references to |
49. | 27 October 2005 | Section | Correct definition of "alias item set" to include items in identical contexts, not just S-Equal contexts. (A context is not S-Equal to itself). |
50. | 27 October 2005 | Section 4.1 Section Section 4.7.4 Section 4.9 Section 4.11.1 Section 5.1 Section 5.1.1 Section Section Section Section | Correct errors in (non-normative) examples |
51. | 27 October 2005 | Section 5.2.5 Section | Decouple
semantics of the calculation linkbase from that of the |
52. | 27 October 2005 | Section | Undirected cycles definition does not cover all possible cases. Note that the addition of two examples for this erratum also resulted in the renumbering of all examples from 37 onwards. |
53. | 27 October 2005 | Section 1.4 | Mark section 1.4 (Terminology) as non-normative (except where noted otherwise) since formal definitions are provided elsewhere |
54. | 27 October 2005 | Section 4.9 | Remove ambiguous and redundant constraint on anonymous type declarations in descendants of tuples. |
55. | 27 October 2005 | Section 4.9 | Insert SHOULD NOT restriction for local attributes on tuples for consistency with items – enforced by schema for items but not for tuples - |
56. | 27 October 2005 | Section Appendix A | Reference
parts should have been based on |
57. | 27 October 2005 | Section 4.10 | Resolve discrepancy between XML Schema types [SCHEMA‑1] and [XPATH] types in definition of X-Equal |
58. | 27 October 2005 | Appendix A Section 4.6 | Schema changes to permit attributes from other namespaces to appear on elements in XBRL instances in derived types |
59. | 18 December 2006 | Section 4.6.4 Section Section | Clarify wording relating to the definition of decimals and precision, correct some non-normative examples and add additional non-normative clarifying examples. |
60. | 18 December 2006 | Section 1.7 | Clarify situation regarding any extensions to this specification not being able to modify anything in this specification |
61. | 01 December 2005 | Section 3.2 | Correct
omission of |
62. | 08 December 2005 | Section 4.8.2 | Correct
redundant and incorrect definitions and use of |
63. | 18 December 2006 | Section |
64. | 18 December 2006 | Section 4.9 | Correct example 22 |
65. | 18 December 2006 | Section 1.4 Section Section Section Section Section Section 5.1.3 Section Section 5.1.4 Section Section | Clarification
of the behaviour of |
66. | 18 December 2006 | Section Section Section Section Section | Clarification of DTS Discovery in custom linkbases. |
67. | 18 December 2006 | A.4 A.3 A.2 | Replace XLink schemas with minimal implementation of the W3C namespace schema and necessary changes in dependent schemas to enhance compatibility with other standards employing XLink |
68. | 18 December 2006 | Section Section Section Section Section Section 5.1.3 Section Section 5.1.4 | Remove redundant constraints on arcroles |
69. | 23 June 2008 | Section | Correct hyperlink cross reference |
70. | 23 June 2008 | Section 5.1.4 | Minor editorial correction to example |
71. | 23 June 2008 | Section 4.3.3 | Clarification to eliminate possible misinterpretation |
72. | 23 June 2008 | Section | Clarification
to make explicit that |
73. | 23 June 2008 | Section 4.10 | Clarification that a set contains unique members (relevant for equality predicate definitions) |
74. | 07 March 2011 | Section 4.6.6 Section 4.10 Section | Changed from inferring precision to inferring decimals |
75. | 31 October 2011 | Section Section | Changed rounding descriptions to IEEE standard recommendation |