
Consortium Update – A Well Deserved Thanks

Posted on November 6, 2014 by Dave Nitchman

The XII Member Assembly had its semi-annual meeting on November 5th, and amidst all the consortium business, there was one thing we’d like to bring to the attention of the XBRL Community at large.

Groups such as ours owe their existence and continued success to the dedication and hard work of volunteers. They advise the staff, perform essential technical work and bring a drive and passion to our efforts. These contributions are even more critical at the highest levels – the leaders who set our vision and strategy.

The XBRL International Board of Directors has had the fortune to have benefited for the past several years from the leadership of four Board members who have recently completed their service and we would like to take this time to thank them for all they have done.

Arleen Thomas has served as the Chair of the Board since 2011, guiding the consortium through several organisational changes and providing a steady hand at the tiller and strategic vision looking forward; Paul Penler has served as Treasurer during that same time span which, as any one who has ever been involved with a non-profit organisation knows, can be a challenging role to play and his work in leading the Finance Committee has set the consortium on the right path; Yoshiaki Wada is a tireless advocate for XBRL around the world, especially in his role as the chair of our Asia Roundtable; and Madam Ying Wei has provided immensely valuable insight and marshalled critical support, hosting an extremely successful conference.

Board elections for 2015 are underway, so check back soon for an update!

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