Data Amplified to bring cutting edge digital reporting developments to Zurich

There has never been a greater need for high quality, high utility digital reporting to drive better decision making. In 2023 the fragility of the global economy and the global environment are sharply in focus. Data Amplified features presentations, interactive sessions, and panels with expert speakers from around the world, together with substantive networking opportunities. The conference addresses the latest developments and opportunities for digital reporting to enhance the information available to regulators, investors, governments and other decision makers.
Presented by XBRL International with key support from SIX, the third largest exchange group in Europe, this two-day international conference will be packed with content, contacts and insights on the digital transformation of business reporting and analysis needed by regulators and other users of digital reports, the accounting profession, software vendors and data providers.
This year Switzerland will usher in its first government mandate for machine readable climate disclosures for large companies, effective from 2025. XBRL based sustainability disclosures and their usage throughout the decision making value chain will be a key theme at this year’s Data Amplified conference.
“We are absolutely delighted to be hosting the Data Amplified Conference in Zurich this year thanks to the key support of SIX and XBRL Switzerland. We are looking forward to a great event. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you in Switzerland,” said John Turner, CEO of XBRL International.
SIX, Switzerland’s principal stock exchange, is also one of the industry’s most respected post-trade service providers. By partnering with XBRL International, SIX aims to promote the use of digital reporting in Switzerland, with the aim of creating greater efficiency and utility for corporate reporting everywhere.
The event will be held on 16 and 17 October 2023 and will be held at the SIX ConventionPoint.
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