
EBA Executive Director Will Provide CRD IV Update at XBRL2015

Posted on June 17, 2015 by Dave Nitchman

European Banking Authority Executive Director Adam Farkas to speak at Copenhagen Conference

Adam Farkas, Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA), on October 10, 2014 in London, United Kingdom. For more information about using this image contact Micha Theiner: T: +44 (0) 7525 627 491 E: micha@michatheiner.com http:///www.michatheiner.comFaced with the challenge of Basel III reforms and the implementation of them through the EU Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV), the European Agency charged with uniform bank regulation across Europe turned to the XBRL standard to implement its data collection requirements under these reforms. Learn how these reporting requirements, enacted to strengthen the resilience of the EU banking sector against economic shocks while ensuring the continued availability of essential capital, are impacting both banks and National Competent Authorities. Hear directly from the lead regulator about the status of this initiative, the new insights available to the Regulator and Supervisors across Europe via the CRD IV data collection and what the future holds for the banking sector in this field.

Adam Farkas is the Executive Director of the European Banking Authority. Previously, he was the Chairman of the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority. Prior to joining the regulatory and supervisory community, he held senior positions in the banking sector and served as a Managing Director and Member of the Board of the National Bank of Hungary with responsibility for reserve management and market operations.

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In addition to this keynote presentation from Mr Farkas, a comprehensive track on CRD IV and Solvency II reporting will bring together banks, insurers, national supervisors as well as representatives of the European Agencies to discuss and debate reporting in this field.For more information about the conference program, visit the conference website.

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