
Enhancing Efficiency Across the Globe

Posted on October 28, 2016 by Dave Nitchman

Enhancing Efficiency Across the Globe

Structured data increases efficiency. But what does that actually mean and more importantly, how are organisations achieving it?At Data Amplified, you’ll learn how organisations around world are using new technologies and processes to both increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reporting programs whilst making data more useful and available. Other key factors in reducing red tape and improving overall reporting efficiency? Public-private partnerships, stability and transparency. These trends are incredibly important for policy makers, accounting professionals and regulators. Don’t miss talks by leading experts in these areas.

  • Simplifying Doing Business: Public-Private Collaboration to Reduce Red Tape. Frans Hietbrink, Belastingdienst (the Dutch Tax Authority) – You’ll hear his top 5 tips for ensuring that your digital business reporting efforts are having a positive effect. Learn how to transform the way that business and government interact, based on lessons learnt from the last 10 years of the Netherlands Standard Business Reporting program.
  • To Whom It May Concern: Legal Identity in Business Reporting. John Turner, XII and Beju Shah, Bank of England. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) provides a globally recognised, open and freely accessed corporate identity. Given the international implications and the opportunities for transparency and stability the LEI provides, XBRL International is working together with the LEI standards setter to ensure that there is a consistent way to reference corporate identity within relevant filings. In this presentation members of that working group will discuss and debate the way forward.
  • The Transparency Directive: What does this mean for the future exchange of data in Europe. Sascha Heinig, Bundesanzeiger GmbH (the German business Registrar). The implementation of the Transparency Directive implies new challenges for the OAMs in Europe while at the same time offering new possibilities for the dissemination and distribution of data in Europe. This talk will highlight the future outlook for the actual development trends regarding the implementation of the European Electronic Single Formats (ESEF)
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