Careers in eSupervision Conference

Careers in eSupervision
Tuesday 18th of November 2014
Poznan, Poland
9:00 and 17:30 CET.
The conference is a 1-day, non-profit, free-of-charge event to inform European and international students and academics on career and research opportunities in the areas of electronic supervision standards, frameworks, initiatives and developments in the banking, insurance and capital market sectors.
The overall goals of the event embrace:
- Raising awareness of latest developments in the field of technologically-enabled financial supervision among research communities.
- Increasing the understanding of major supervisory bodies role, including EBA, ECB, EIOPA, ESMA, IASB, central banks, supervisory authorities and other, in efficient modern markets regulation.
- Encouraging career and research undertakings among students in the eSupervision field.
- Expanding students community knowledge about latest directives, programs, initiatives, technologies, standards and projects, in the field of electronic regulation and supervision.
- Informing about the role of data and technology standards and frameworks including, but not limited to XBRL, DPM, COREP, FINREP, Solvency II, ISO, SDMX and other.
- Initiating discussion about future research and development opportunities.
The following speakers have been confirmed.
- Mr Andrzej Reich (Polish FSA),
- Mr Carlos Martins (EBA),
- Mr Antonio Olleros (ECB),
- Mr Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling),
- Mr Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA),
- Mr Jan Monkiewicz (Geneva Association),
- Mr Niels-Peter Rønmos (Danish Business Authority),
- Mr Bartłomiej Czajka (IFRS Foundation),
- Mr John Turner (XBRL International),
- Mr Tomasz Wiśniewski (Warsaw Stock Exchange).
Please kindly register your attendance as limited number of seats is available.