
ESMA Meet the Market

Posted on January 24, 2020 by Editor

Attention Inline XBRL Vendors: ESMA Meet The Market

On 5 February in Milan, the ESMA meet the market meeting is aimed specifically at Inline XBRL Vendors that serve, or seek to serve, “dual filers” or FPIs – issuers that will need to file Annual Financial Statements in Inline XBRL format both under ESEF and to the SEC.

Speakers representing ESMA and XBRL International will outline the technical differences between the two sets of filing manuals and the capabilities that vendors will therefore need to develop on order to file on both sides of the Atlantic without requiring issuers to make changes.

The Meet the Market session will precede the XBRL Europe meeting at 10 AM, in Via Meravigli, 9/b, 20123 Milan, Italy on Wed 5 February and vendors can register for the meeting here.

With thanks to XBRL Europe and XBRL Italy for facilitating!

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