Improving Financial Analysis through Structured Data

XBRL US Hosts Investor Forum. XBRL US is bringing together investors, analysts, regulators, data and analytical tool providers for a ½ day forum in New York City for discussing XBRL data use and other areas in which structured data is soon to be required or is under consideration, including mutual funds, derivatives and executive compensation. Attendees will also learn how to build XBRL databases and conduct analysis using XBRL.
Improving Financial Analysis through Structured Data, is hosted in conjunction with Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business and offered through partnerships with the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA) and CFA Institute. The CFA Institute’s Sandra Peters will keynote and will be joined by speakers from Bloomberg, Calcbench, the NYSSA Corporate Reporting and Analysis Committee, Credit Suisse, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission and S&P Capital IQ. Learn more.
1:50 PM ET Wednesday, November 4, 2015 (5 hours)
Meeting hosted by Baruch College || Newman Library || Register for this FREE event