TODE’17 – “Trusted Open Data Ecosystems – a look into the future”

The 2nd Trusted Open Data Ecosystems Conference (TODE’2017) will be held in Madrid, Spain on 28th and 29th of September. The event will be hosted by the Law Innovation Center of Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE in the centre of Madrid. As in the previous year, participation in the TODE’17 is free of charge.
The aim of this year’s session is to reinforce the need for building transparent and efficient business environments, but also to look into the future. Why should building trusted open data ecosystem become a priority for the RegTech sector? What will be the core developments in the regulatory technology field in the next 10 years? Which trends will accelerate and which ones will pass? What challenges lie ahead? By gathering regulators, vendors, academics, corporate entities and other stakeholders from across sectors, TODE’17 will provide an unprecedented opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas, and collaboratively prepare for upcoming opportunities and challenges.
The conference welcomes capital market, insurance, banking and government regulatory business and IT experts together with academic representatives from the fields of economics, finance, banking, data and IT technologies, as well as experts from market entities participating in the data ecosystems as filers, intermediaries or solutions providers.