
XBRL Canada SBR Seminar

Posted on October 23, 2015 by Dave Nitchman


XBRL Canada is holding a seminar on 24 Nov at the Delta Ottawa City Centre. The event will run from 9:00 AM until 4:00PM.

Topic of the seminar will be Standard Business Reporting (SBR) and it will include speakers from countries that have implemented SBR.

Standard Business Reporting represents a major innovation in reporting by business to governments. It involves standardizing the data reported and eliminating duplication between departments. Significant cost savings to business are therefore possible.

Keynote Speakers will include Roy Warden, of HMRC in the UK and Elina Koskentalo, of XBRL Finland. They will discuss the progress of XBRL/SBR in the UK and Finland and there will be other speakers to discuss current events in Canada.

Registration fee, which includes lunch, is $50. Registration is at www.xbrl.ca.


  • Gerald Trites, FCA
    Director, XBRL Canada
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