Feeling like the world is changing and moving faster than ever? Do you need to catch up, see the big picture, or just spend some time coming to grips with new developments?

So much is happening in the world of reporting right now. It is exciting, unbelievable, and – frankly – sometimes overwhelming.
There are major new mandates and new standards developments almost every week, particularly in sustainability reporting. How do we deal with ever greater volumes of data, of new requirements and new types of data too? How do we ensure that we are joining the dots effectively in comparing and integrating financial and sustainability information from different global sources? How do we build flexibility into reporting requirements and data collection systems, to ensure that they can be rapidly adapted and updated as needs change? And how can AI help us keep up with it all?
We’ll be talking about all this – and a whole lot more – at Data Amplified 2023, so join us there on October 16–17 in Zurich. It’s also the perfect place to catch up, with updates and insights from major standards setters, cutting-edge implementers, technical experts, and more. Two crucial days to get ahead of the game again.
Register now at https://www.dataamplified.org/.