FinTech can Accelerate Capital Markets Reform in the EU
A recent report by the European Commission highlights the need to accelerate reform through the completion of the first set of Capital Markets Union initiatives in order to “ensure easier access to finance for businesses and to support investment in the real economy”.
One way to do that? Through the promotion of FinTech. The report points out that “the Commission will continue to promote the development of the FinTech sector and work to ensure the regulatory environment strikes an appropriate balance between building confidence in companies and investors, protecting consumers and providing the FinTech industry the space to develop”.
That last part is important, because the flip side of completely transforming the way financial markets work is also finding new ways to regulate those markets, with the report admitting that “the rapid development of FinTech poses new challenges in managing risks and ensuring consumers have adequate information and safeguards”. We’re examining this scenario closely at Data Amplified.
Overall, the CMU presents an opportunity to improve securities reporting across the EU through increased use of structured data and we’ll be working with our European Jurisdictions and XBRL Europe to be involved in the process when necessary. Read the report.