
Some Upcoming Blockchain Events

Posted on February 26, 2016 by Dave Nitchman

It would be hard to understate the impact blockchain and the processes it supports are going to have on the financial industry and business reporting in general, and that once things get rolling it’s going to accelerate quickly. Data standards like XBRL definitely have a critical role to play, which is why this topic is also going to be a key point of discussion at our Singapore conference as we take a close look at new technologies and ideas that are going to be changing the structure of how we collect, process and share information.

If you share this view or our recent articles on smart ledgers have caught your eye, it will be a focus at the upcoming 2016 XBRL International Conference in Singapore this November. In the meantime, there are are upcoming events that might be for you.

  • XBRL US is hosting a free half-day day forum on 4 April in New York City will help you understand and  plan ahead for the changes that blockchain and smart contract technology present for financial markets. Panel discussions will cover blockchain and smart contract fundamentals, public versus private alternatives, the pros and cons of XBRL use in smart contracts, and other topics. There will be demonstrations of current initiatives. Discussions and demos will be led by representatives from Consensys, ItBit, Markit, Nasdaq, Safeguard Scientifics, XBRL US and XBRL International. Learn more about the FinTech Forum.
  • XBRL Finland and Aalto University are once again hosting Innovations in Europe, a conference aimed at advancing the development and use of real-time technologies in the area of financial processes. The conference  is the 26th and 27th of May and will focus is on automation, with keynotes on Blockchain by Markus Hautala (Tieto), Real-time Reporting by John Turner (XBRL International), and Big Data by Professor Kalle Lyytinen (Case Western Reserve University). Day two will feature breakout sessions on automation, real-time accounting with XBRL and reports on research into the real-time economy. Learn more about the RTE event.
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