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Realizing The Potential of Structured Data

September 7, 2017

In this guest post from Mohini Singh, the CFA Institute suggests a number of measures to improve XBRL filing for Issuers and Regulators alike, in the US and other countries.

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Why South Africa’s CIPC Decided to Mandate XBRL

March 31, 2017

Guest Post from Hennie Viljoen, XBRL Project Manager at the CIPC At present the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa (CIPC) receives all Annual Financial Statements (AFSs) in PDF format, which is obviously an unstructured format. This means analysis of AFS documents has to be done one-by-one by a human analyst. Humans have to […]

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iXBRL For “Glossy” Reports

February 28, 2017

Did you know that iXBRL allows enormous flexibility in what is presented in a report?

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The Message is the new Medium: Digital Reporting and Fintech

February 3, 2017

Fifteen years ago, we used to talk about digital as a model of the real world. Now, digital is the real world. Somehow, the message has become the medium. Kodak didn’t see Instagram coming. HMV never saw Spotify in the rear view mirror. And if, fifteen years ago, you’d told the editor of the Economist […]

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Looking to the future – some food for thought for regulators

February 3, 2017

In a substantial speech to the Northwestern University’s  44th Annual Securities Regulation Institute symposium, recently retired SEC Chair Mary Jo White provided an interesting summary of her perspective on the achievements of that regulator during her term. She also provided some comments on the work that lies ahead. Chair White’s retirement as the 31st SEC Chair […]

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SBR for Data Architects: Service Oriented Reporting

January 27, 2017

For anyone involved in digitisation of reporting at a government level or that is embracing standardisation to simplify reporting across a supply chain, the principle of Standardised Business Reporting, or SBR is something they will come across, but perhaps need to understand at a deeper level. Now there is a book aimed at data architects and […]

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AI to replace Compliance Jobs?

January 27, 2017

A widely reported briefing note from Citi this week, entitled “Digital Disruption Revisited” suggests that RegTech startups are harnessing Artificial Intelligence to cut significant costs  — yes, mostly people — out of compliance activities within Financial Services firms. With the average compliance costs in the banking sector having doubled since 2008, it would make sense to automate […]

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How will central banks deal with fiat digital currencies?

ECB and Digital Currency?

January 20, 2017

Yves Mersch, a Member of the European Central Bank’s Executive Committee and former Governor of the Central Bank of Luxembourg gave a speech this week in Helsinki, describing some of the opportunities and challenges that central banks face as they consider the possibility of issuing an official digital currency. A fiat version of a bitcoin, […]

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How will blockchain be regulated, asks FINRA

Securities Regulation and Blockchain

January 20, 2017

A very interesting report from FINRA was released on Wednesday, identifying areas that need to be considered by Securities Industry participants that are exploring the use of DLT, or Distributed Ledger Technology, to replace traditional centralised infrastructure. The paper concentrates on clearing and settlement and asks a series of questions about aspects of the ongoing […]

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Analytics – Walk before Running?

January 13, 2017

With so much high quality structured data becoming available, there’s still a lot of ground to be gained in more “traditional” types of analytics and definite possibilities for significant automation and digitisation even without the application of AI.

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