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IASB Looking to Adapt to Changing Nature of Data Consumption

December 9, 2016

Our thoughts on a recent speech by IASB Chair Hans Hoogervorst.

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UPDATE – Savings from SBR in Australia

December 2, 2016

In September we let you know about the projected A$1.2 billion in savings from Standard Business Reporting in Australia. Now the Australian Taxation Office Annual Report is out, confirming that amount, which is 50% greater than the original business case projections. That result certainly makes a compelling case for SBR, which has also been put to […]

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Data Coalition Calls out “Spotty” Progress on US DATA Act

December 2, 2016

Reports by Inspectors General of US Government agencies reveal that progress towards deadlines set out by the DATA Act for structured spending data is not on track.

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“Integrated Reporting” Getting a Look in Malaysia

December 2, 2016

Malaysian Deputy Trade Minister Datuk Chua Tee Yong called for the adoption of Integrated Reporting by businesses in that country.

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Corporate Actions in iXBRL

November 28, 2016

XBRL US has just started to experiment with iXBRL versions of corporate actions. Check out this example that reuses the open source iXBRL inspection tool that the SEC contributed to and use themselves.

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Collaboration is Key

October 28, 2016

Fintech-driven technology and process improvements are revolutionising the way information is collected, managed, published and used. Collaboration is key to making it all work.

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Enhancing Efficiency Across the Globe

October 28, 2016

Learn how organisations around world are using new technologies and processes to both increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reporting programs whilst making data more useful and available.

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Joint GLEIF – XII Legal Identity in XBRL WG convene

October 14, 2016

Frankfurt, Germany was the site of the first meeting of the new joint XII/GLEIF Legal Identity in XBRL (LIX) Working Group. The WG aims to define and recommend mechanisms to use the Legal Entity Identifier in consistent ways within XBRL documents. The LEI is today used by a number of leading regulators, and there is […]

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FinTech Driving Opportunities to Enhance Analysis

October 7, 2016

FinTech, the new breed of technology that is revolutionising the banking and financial services sectors, is already starting to have a significant impact on how data is being collected, shared and utilised around the world. At Data Amplified, you’ll be able to explore how one company is making XBRL financial data affordable and easy to access for developers, […]

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Sweden Collaborates, Heads towards SBR

October 7, 2016

Sweden is restarting its efforts with structured data reporting using XBRL.

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