New XBRL International Filing Indicators specification paves the way for xBRL-CSV adoption

The XBRL Standards Board (XSB) has approved a Candidate Recommendation release of the Filing Indicators specification. Filing Indicators are a mechanism used by some XBRL filing systems to enable filers to explicitly record which sections (or templates) within a report they have completed. This new specification turns Filing Indicators into an open standard that is compatible with the Open Information Model – a strategic initiative that is working to modernise and simplify XBRL.
By making Filing Indicators compatible with the OIM, it becomes possible to use them in new OIM-based formats such as xBRL-CSV, which enables efficient collection of large amounts of granular data.
The new draft of the Filing Indicators specification can be found on the XBRL Specification site, alongside the xBRL-CSV and xBRL-JSON specifications. Note that the XSB will be reviewing updated versions of these Candidate Recommendation specifications very shortly.