Transformation Rules Registry v4 Specification achieves Recommended status

This week the XBRL Board of Directors has approved the progression to recommendation status of an important new specification: the Transformation Rules Registry (TRR4).
What’s the date today? Dieciséis de marzo de 2020? The sixteenth of March, 2020? Or 2020. március tízenhat? Your computer knows it’s 2020-03-16. Thanks to TRR4, the latest XBRL specification to reach recommended status, iXBRL can now support and standardise dates reported in all official European languages and idiosyncrasies.
Version 4 of the Transformation Rules Registry provides support for the reporting of dates in many additional European languages, enabling business reports to be tagged more completely using Inline XBRL. With the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) regulation requiring the use of Inline XBRL for many European companies reporting from 2021, this represents an important addition to the XBRL standard.
The new specification can be downloaded from the specification site. Thanks to all of our contributors that have worked on our specifications. Special thanks to CoreFiling’s Jonathan Rabbitt who has become something of a computational linguist in this field as he has driven TRR4 forward.