
2014 Awards for Project Excellence and Volunteer Leadership

Posted on June 11, 2014 by admin

The following organisations and individuals were recognized at the 2014 XBRL International Conference in Orlando for their contributions to the success of the XBRL Standard and XBRL International:

XBRL International Award for Project Excellence

XBRL International is pleased to recognize the following projects for innovative use of XBRL to enhance business reporting

Achievement in Securities Data Modernization
Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority

Advancement in Securities Regulation
Japan Financial Services Agency “EDINET”

Innovation in XBRL Reporting and Analysis
Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China

Innovation in XBRL and Open Data
UK Companies House

Advancement of XBRL Standards
European Banking Authority

XBRL International Volunteer Leadership Awards

XBRL International is pleased to honour the following individuals for their contributions to the success of the consortium and the advancement of the XBRL Standard

Leadership in the Development of the Table Linkbase Specification
Jon Siddle

Leadership in the Advancement of the XBRL Standard while serving as Chair of the XBRL Standards Board
Conor O’Kelly

Exceptional Contributions and Leadership in XBRL Specification Development
Herm Fischer

Dedicated Work in the Advancement of the XBRL Standard as a Member of the XBRL Standards Board
Olive Browne

Dedicated Work in the Advancement of the XBRL Standard as a Member of the XBRL Standards Board
Maciej Piechocki

Expansion of Public Knowledge and Awareness of XBRL as Chairman of the XBRL Best Practices Board
Makoto Koizumi

Outstanding Service in the Development of XBRL Best Practices
Michele Romanelli

Outstanding Support of XII’s Mission while serving as a Member of the XBRL Board of Directors
Karla McKenna

Outstanding Support of XII’s Mission while serving as a Member of the XBRL Board of Directors
Alfred Berkley

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