99 days that will change reporting

The coming days should see greater certainty emerge in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards-setting space, observes XBRL International CEO John Turner. “For those of us very used to the normal pace of accounting standards setting (or indeed, disclosure rule creation), the speed with which policy makers have turned their attention to the goal of mandatory and consistent sustainability reporting is breathtaking,” he writes in a new blog post.
We are increasingly hearing a consistent set of requirements for sustainability reporting: that it should be consistent, digital and subject to independent assurance. Significant uncertainties, however, remain around the standards architectures that will govern those disclosures, the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board, and which nations will adopt which standards.
With a fair wind, much should become clearer before the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) – and that, as John points out, is just 99 days away.
Read the post and see John’s latest presentation here.