Reporting Becoming More Granular

Bank regulators across the world are beginning to examine the utility of having extremely fine grained data to assist with bank supervision, sectoral risk analysis, and the enhancement of monetary policy data. At a recent workshop run at the ECB, Mr Pedro Duarto Neves, Vice-Governor of the Banco de Portugal, described a number of related initiatives that the Portuguese central bank has underway to improve the information available to its bank supervisors, as well as its economists and sectoral risk specialists.
For example, the bank collects granular data about credit exposures on a borrower-by-borrower basis, it collects balance sheet information on a company-by-company basis, and it collects securities holdings on a security-by-security and investor-by-investor basis. This information combined with more aggregate information provided to the central bank as part of the EU wide COREP and FINREP collections create entirely new insights.
Defining, collecting and testing all of that information is complicated and requires new techniques and new discipline. Needless to say it also requires computing power that just a few years ago would have been unobtainable. A brave new world?
XBRL International is working to provide new ways to manage very granular data collections, through the new Open Information Model CSV module, which was published last week as a public working draft. The new module allows the collection (or publication) of data via CSV, while still allowing the use of XBRL’s strong semantic and business rule validation capabilities.
Read the paper from Mr Duarto Neves now published in the BIS review here.
The new CSV specification is available here. Look to these pages for examples and explanations on this subject before long.ine here.