Business Reporting 360° – The 2015 XBRL International Conference

**UPDATED 16 June**
Go to to learn more about keynote speeches by Yahoo! CFO Kenneth Goldman and European Banking Authority Executive Director Adam Farkas.
We’ve added listings of learning tracks to the conference website and registration is open!
The room block for Business Reporting 360°has opened.
This year the conference is taking place on 8-10 September, at the Scandic Copenhagen which is located in the center of the city, with stunning views over the water and downtown with close proximity to attractions such as the Tivoli Gardens. The room block in past years has sold out, so don’t hesitate to book your room now for the best rates.
And keep up with the latest on XBRL 2015 by bookmarking or following #xbrl2015 on twitter to get all the latest updates on sessions, keynotes, accommodations and more for the 2015 XBRL International Conference. No matter what your perspective, three days of learning and networking will expand your understanding of the strategies and methods for structured data collection, sharing and use.