
Call for Nominations – Board of Directors Positions in 2018

Posted on February 8, 2018 by Editor

XBRL International Seeks Nominations for Board of Directors

PRESS RELEASE (First Distributed 31 Jan 2018)

XBRL International seeks expressions of interest from relevant experts to join the Board of Directors.

Global not for profit helps improve business reporting of all kinds. Standard facilitates shift from paper to data. Underpins regulatory reporting, regtech applications and enterprise innovation.

31 January 2018 – London, UK: XBRL International is seeking exceptional candidates with a strong commitment to improving reporting around the world for its volunteer Board of Directors.

Members of the Board work in the public interest to help manage and promote the not for profit business reporting standards organisation. The purpose of XBRL International is to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance through the provision of open data exchange standards.

We are looking for the best and the brightest to join the leadership of XBRL International at an important juncture in the digitisation of reporting around the world.

The Nominations Committee is looking for candidates from the private and public sectors, from across the globe and from different disciplines. It is very interested in improving gender diversity on the Board.

The Board of Directors is comprised of senior leaders and experts with broad international experience in financial, business and regulatory reporting, accounting, technology and standards setting. The Board advises and assists in developing strategic opportunities, identifies critical regulatory, technology and accounting trends that XBRL needs to respond to, and develops long-term growth and sustainability strategies for the XBRL consortium. Members of the Board act in a voluntary capacity and are not remunerated.

Nominees will typically have extensive experience in leadership roles, be highly regarded in their field of expertise, have a clear understanding of the role of standards, a demonstrated capacity to work in the public interest and a proven ability to work internationally, across a wide range of cultures and disciplines. Nominees will demonstrate the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour.

To find out more about eligibility criteria and how to make a nomination to the XBRL International Board of Directors, download the Call For Nominations document. Nominations are due by 28 February, 2018.

About XBRL International, Inc

XBRL International is a global not for profit operating in the public interest. Our purpose is to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance globally, by providing the open data exchange standard for business reporting. The standards are used by more than 130 regulators in more than 70 countries to collect high quality, reliable and timely digital business information from millions of companies around the world. We are the standards development organisation behind the freely-licensed XBRL specifications. XBRL International produces and supports the Data Amplified Conference, and certifies XBRL Software for third party software applications. @xbrlINT #xbrl

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