Changing of the Guard

In last week’s newsletter we welcomed two new members to the Board of Directors of XBRL International. At a subsequent Board meeting this week, including the new members, new office holders were selected and we bade a fond farewell to outgoing Board members Robert Tarola and Leng Bing, and marked the recent departure of Hans Buysse. Each of them have provided unique contributions to XBRL International as members of the Board of Directors over the last several years, and we are extremely grateful for their work on behalf of the standard and for this community and the ideas, energy, commitment and a wide range of initiatives that they have led. Special thanks to Robert Tarola whose support as Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer has been vitally important.
As you may well have seen in your social media feed, we welcome Wes Bricker as our new Chair, Yoshiaki Wada as Vice Chair and Mohini Singh as Treasurer and we look forward to working with all of them in these new capacities.
Please join us in thanking our departing Board Members, and welcoming a new group of Office Holders for XBRL International!