Data Amplified 2019: Enhanced Analysis and Disclosure Research with idaciti

At Data Amplified 2019 Emily Huang, CEO, and Christine Tan, CRO, co-founders of idaciti, gave an inspiring demonstration of the powerful capabilities of their platform to make XBRL data more usable and understandable.
Idaciti have built an impressive piece of software that allows companies, investors, and analysts to efficiently dive into XBRL data, streamlining their research process.
The idaciti platform allows users to search and analyse company filings, footnotes and disclosures from over 20,000 companies and banks from the last 11 years. This means users can undertake sophisticated analysis and research, using XBRL data, at a fraction of the traditional time and cost.
Huang and Tan walked the audience through a number of impressive use cases to demonstrate the software’s capabilities. This includes the ability to trace data back to the original source, near real-time updates on new, relevant information and an in-platform analysis capacity that can compare financial data across different markets and standards.
Impressive stuff! Idaciti are demonstrating what is possible when a good viewer and API unlock the power of XBRL data.