ECB makes latest Solvency II quantitative reporting templates (QRTs) available

The ECB and EIOPA have been working together since 2013 to align ECB reporting with Solvency II requirements, with the goal of avoiding duplication and minimized filing burdens. Earlier the ECB released “unofficial reporting templates” for illustrative purposes. Now the ECB has released updated templates with “add-ons” that include information that needs to be provided for statistical purposes over and above the supervisory requirements. These illustrative data sets are available here.
The first statistical information that insurance corporations will report to their national authorities undervthe new Solvency II mandate will be quarterly data for the first quarter of 2016 and annual data for 2016. Which isn’t as far off as it sounds. The implication of Solvency II and other EU reporting mandates will be the topic of much discussion in Copenhagen at the 2015 XBRL International Conference from 8-10 September.