
Estonia Announces “Reporting 3.0”

Posted on May 27, 2016 by Dave Nitchman

The Tax and Customs Administration of Estonia, in conjunction with the Statistics Office and other agencies, has committed to automated filing of payroll and personnel information by 1 January 2018. Technical details of the project have yet to be decided, but the goal of the effort is to reduce burdens on business and improve data quality.

In addition to the Tax and Customs Administration and the Statistics Office, the Reporting 3.0 project is led by a steering committee consisting of the Economic Affairs and Communications Ministry, the Treasury, and the Ministry of Information Technology, along with the Employers’ Confederation and other private industry representatives.

Efforts such as Estonia’s Reporting 3.0 are becoming ever more prevalent for a reason. They allow governments to provide better service to citizens, and businesses to allocate resources towards more productive pursuits. Read the press release (in Estonian but Google Translate does a passable job).

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