EU to move forward with Single Access Point

Ensuring that companies across the EU can get the investment they need to recover from the Covid-19 crisis means making sure investors have access to usable, comparable data.
This week the European Commission (EC) has announced that a new European Single Access Point for seamless access to financial and sustainability-related company information will be set up in the second half of 2021.
The single access point, proposed in a report earlier this year, is the first of 16 steps that make up the next stage in the Capital Markets Union action plan.
The proposal would provide investors with seamless access to comparable and digital financial, and sustainability-related company information from all EU member states via one portal. The EC sees the single access point as a way to reduce fragmentation and also, by including sustainability data, as a tool to steer investment towards sustainable activities.
Long called for by regulators, issuers, investors (thank you Mohini) and indeed, XBRL International, the ESAP announcement is extremely welcome. It should open up a range of corporate information for digitisation – and discovery – in rapid order.
Read more here.