Feedback opportunities closing soon: survey and guide to changes under EDGAR Next

What are your thoughts on EDGAR Next – and do you want to know more about it? EDGAR Next is a proposed programme from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), due to launch in Spring 2022. It will update how companies submit reports and manage administration of their filing activities through the SEC’s Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, or EDGAR, aiming to make these processes simpler and more secure.
XBRL US has published another great infographic, summarising how EDGAR works today and key process changes under EDGAR Next. This extremely clear information is indispensable reading for anyone interested in how the new security measures will work.
XBRL US is also keen to hear from issuers on their opinions of EDGAR Next and how it may impact them. It has launched a brief survey for filers in order to gather feedback, which will form part of an XBRL US response to the SEC’s consultation on the proposals. If you are planning to reply to either (or both!), do not delay: the XBRL US survey closes on 29 November, and the SEC’s request for information on 1 December.
Read more here.