France’s AMF sets priorities for 2022

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), France’s financial market regulator, recently announced its priorities for action for 2022. These gain particular import given that on 1 January France took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months. During this time, the AMF will provide technical support to the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Economic Recovery as it presides over the Council for Economic and Financial Affairs.
In this context, the AMF will focus on enhancing the transparency and integration of European capital markets; supporting the key role of asset management in financing the economy, while ensuring investor protection; preparing for implementation of the European digital finance framework; and – perhaps of particular interest to our readers – contributing to European supervisory convergence.
Another priority area for the AMF this year is sustainable finance, in which arena it promises to support issuers in implementation of the European Taxonomy Regulation, which enables classification of economic activities according to their level of sustainability, and to contribute to the development of corporate sustainability reporting standards, both within the EU and at the global level.