FXO refresh now live

As we mentioned in December, we’e been making some improvements to the filings.xbrl.org website, known internally and informally as “fxo”. The new version provides enhanced functionality for navigating between filings, entities and filing authorities, and makes use of hashes to uniquely identify and trace filings, including where the same document has been filed to multiple authorities. All newly loaded filings will have links back to the authority that they were obtained from, and we’re currently back-filling links for existing filings. You will notice some cosmetic changes, filter enhancements and hopefully some performance improvements. As before, all filings are made available in their original “report package” format, in an interactive iXBRL viewer and as xBRL-JSON.
We use the website to carry out analysis on the quality and utility of filings, to help regulators, vendors, auditors, issuers and others understand how they can improve the digital reports that they are responsible for. Going forward, we plan to use it to help encourage regulators in particular to maximise the value of the digital data that they have at their fingertips. FXO currently just holds Inline XBRL filings related to the EU’s ESEF mandate, while ESMA and the European Commission continue work on ESAP, the EU’s equivalent to Japan’s EDINET or the US EDGAR system. Going forward we are happy to discuss expanding these holdings. While we are pleased to be able to react to the level of demand that exists, to be clear, FXO is not intended to be a data provider or to be an authoritative repository for these filings. It has a very specific analytic and data quality purpose and is much more research oriented than anything else.
FXO is now backed by a full API. We’re currently working on documentation to demonstrate possible queries, but if you’re keen, you can start exploring at https://filings.xbrl.org/api/filings.
For more information and details of our FXO mailing list where you can stay informed of further changes, see https://filings.xbrl.org/about.html