
How Should I Prepare for Tech Disruption?

Posted on November 9, 2018 by Editor

 We hear a lot about how disruptive the fourth industrial revolution is going to be:  AI and distributed ledger are rapidly transforming the reporting landscape – but how? What practical impact will tech development actually have, and with changes occurring so quickly, how can organisations best prioritise and prepare?

While it’s tempting to stick your head in the sand, the historic impact of technical advancement in the world of finance shows that AI, distributed ledger and FinTech need to be taken seriously.  Companies and regulators need to be educating their organisations to deal with the change, and creating an environment where innovation can thrive while also protecting against undue risk.

The plenary panel discussion and debate at Data Amplified, “Data Disruption. Which new technologies impact reporting and how should I prepare?” will examine the path ahead, untangling the complex and confusing intersection between regulation, new technology, risk management, compliance and disclosure.

The panel will tackle the nitty-gritty detail of how reporting is changing. What kind of reports will CFO’s be preparing in 10 years time? Will they still be periodic summaries, or are we moving into an era of real-time reporting? How will technology change the role of auditors? How will ESG disclosure requirements affect reporting?

Answering these questions and more, the plenary panel, including Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority CEO Obaid Al Zaabi, international governance expert John D’Agostino, Dubai Financial Markets COO, Hassan al Serkal and XBRL International Board Member Rober Tarola will offer practical advice on the impact of new technologies on reporting.

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