Insurers respond to EIOPA consultation on Disclosure Requirements

Earlier this year the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) held a consultation in advance of their review of technical implementation methods for Solvency II supervisory reporting and public disclosure.
Insurance Europe and the CFO Forum have submitted a joint response to the consultation outlining, in the large part, support for the proposals. In their response they note that the insurance industry welcomes the changes to the consultation process that would require two subsequent taxonomy public working draft processes and a step by step timeline for the final release of the taxonomy.
The industry also supports EIOPA’s suggestion for undertakings to provide direct links to the Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCRs) in regulatory reporting, and agrees that the publication of the links to SFCRs on the websites of EIOPA/National Competent Authorities would make finding reports simpler.
Read more on the response here.