
Invitation for review and comment on 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy and Shared Reporting Taxonomy

Posted on September 8, 2017 by Editor

The FASB has released the proposed 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy, and new for 2018, the proposed 2018 Shared Reporting Taxonomy (SRT) for public review and comment. FASB’s taxonomies are used by public companies in the US to prepare financial statements for filing to the SEC. The new shared taxonomy is designed to allow US registrants that file in both GAAP and IFRS to use a range of common elements.

You are invited to participate in a live CPE webinar called IN FOCUS: 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy/Shared Reporting Taxonomy Proposed Improvements and SEC UpdateIt is free of charge and will take place on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Read more and register here.

The proposed Taxonomies and instructions on how to submit comments are available on the FASB’s XBRL page and through the following links:

  • Proposed 2018 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy
  • Proposed 2018 SRT.

The full FASB announcement can be found here.

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