Member Announcement

Invoke’s Customers Ready to Report to CBI in XBRL

Posted on March 16, 2016 by Dave Nitchman

Invoke recently announced that their Irish client Insurers have been provided with the full set of CBI Solvency II National Specific Templates (NSTs) within their “e-Filing Insurance” regulatory reporting portal solution, thus allowing them to be fully prepared on time for the mandatory quarterly submissions due from May 2016 and for the semi-annual and annual submissions thereafter.

“Our team of functional and technical experts were able to analyse the new requirements, exchange with the CBI’s SII returnsteam and deliver a fully compliant solution to our customers only 8 weeks after the taxonomy1.0.0 was released,” says Anne Rajerison – Solvency II Subject Matter Expert at Invoke. “This provisional delivery of taxonomy 1.0.0 templates to our customers ensured them that Invoke would meet the final taxonomyexpectations.”

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