IOSCO to advance on sustainable disclosures

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has published its Work Program for 2023-2024, which includes a focus on sustainability disclosures.
As part of its sustainability-related initiatives, IOSCO will review the first set of standards developed by the IFRS International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to determine their potential endorsement as a global framework for sustainability-related corporate disclosures. IOSCO is actively working towards addressing emerging risks arising from sustainable finance via support for global sustainability reporting.
Additionally, IOSCO plans to focus on strengthening financial resilience, supporting market effectiveness, protecting investors, addressing new risks in sustainability and fintech, and promoting regulatory cooperation and effectiveness. The work program also includes a new priority on private finance and its interconnectivity with regulated public markets.
IOSCO including a focus on sustainability standards in its upcoming work plan underscores the increasing global emphasis on these factors in investment decision-making. We look forward to seeing the review in action later this year.
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