
ISSB Standards available in Japanese and Korean

Posted on March 3, 2024 by Editor

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has published Japanese and Korean translations of the initial two IFRS Sustainability Standards (IFRS S1 and IFRS 2).

Accompanying documents, including guidance and basis for conclusions, have also been translated, helping to build understanding and increase the accessibility of these standards.

These latest updates follow previous translations into French and Spanish. Translations are key to smoothing the path for global adoption of sustainability standards and information – and there are plans for further translations underway.

Providing globally accessible standards and guidance material supports world wide adoption – contributing to the ISSB’s goal of providing a global baseline of decision-useful and comparable sustainability information. We look forward to seeing the localisation of ISSB taxonomy labels into these languages following the finalisation of those materials.

Find the translations here.

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