UAE leading the way with the Open Data Portal

How does government plan for the introduction and utilisation of Artificial Intelligence? Data. Without data, AI is a boat without a paddle.
The United Arab Emirates is moving toward their vision of being a leader in the “Age of Artificial Intelligence” by creating a national data portal which contains open data on several major industries in the region. The next phase will aim to provide federal and local government data through the portal as well.
In a recent article from Tahuwal Tech, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Director General, is quoted saying, “The next stage of digital transformation in the UAE is Artificial Intelligence.” The government there has shown their commitment by creating an Artificial Intelligence Council headed by a Minister of State for AI. According to Mansoori, the government is “determined to ensure that data is a major element of reaching a sustainable economy for the post-oil phase.”
Clearly UAE is looking to the future and preparing through open data, to harness the power of AI, for the purposes of “implementing the principle of transparency and open government by providing data for public use and utilizing it to identify innovative solutions.”
At XBRL International we support the distribution in the public interest of a wide range of open data and applaud the efforts of the UAE in working towards this goal. The importance of open financial data cannot be understated and we can certainly envision this being a future phase of the project. The velocity of technological change and transformation around the world is unprecedented. The only way to stay on top of these developments is to be able to do more with data. The UAE is taking a big step in the right direction.