Missed Warsaw?

Head on over the to conference site for the slides now posted there. For example:
- Yoshiaki Wada and Dennis Knochenwefel on Trials in using No SQL techniques to strike a balance between change in taxonomies and power in data querying for XBRL analytics. Here.
- Matthias Pécot on analysing supervisory data using Hadoop. Here.
- Juan Alberto Sánchez‘s update on Supervisory Data Reporting at the European Central Bank. Here.
- Andie Wood on the XBRL International Entity Specific Disclosures Taskforce recommendations. Here.
- Chie Mitsui on changes in data consumption habits amongst investors and the role of XBRL in providing digital fundamental data. Here.
- Paul Snijders on what SBR is, how you can achieve it in your country, and the latest developments in this field in the Netherlands. Here.
Keep checking back, more decks are still being added.
Thanks to all of the speakers that put so much time and effort into their presentations, demonstrating the depth and strength of the XBRL ecosystem.