New Open Source Inline XBRL Viewer Released

The Inline XBRL viewer developed by Workiva, first previewed at Data Amplified 2018, has now been released as open source software.
The viewer makes Inline XBRL tagged content dynamic and immediately usable, unlocking the value of data that, without special consumption tools, is all too often hidden within documents.
The viewer facilitates interactive use of XBRL reports, with capabilities including searching taxonomy labels and references, viewing full details of tagged facts, exporting tables to Excel, visualising and navigating calculation relationships and producing on-the-fly graphs with XBRL data. This neatly demonstrates what can be done with today’s interactive Inline XBRL business reports: well-designed and appealing for readers, yet also complete with integrated, accessible, machine-readable XBRL data.
The open source viewer will be highly relevant to securities regulators and European OAMs that collect, or are planning to collect information from companies in Inline XBRL format. By using the viewer the information they collect can be made available instantaneously and published dynamically. And as the viewer is now open source, interested parties can collaborate to refine the existing software so it best suits their needs.
The launch of the open source viewer is a very welcome announcement to many in the XBRL community and XBRL International would like to thank Workiva, a Sustaining Partner, for the hard work they have put into developing it.
For anyone who wants to use the viewer and work with the code, the files are now available in a GitHub repository that can be accessed here.