New XBRL EU SBR Working Group

XBRL EU SBR Working Group. XBRL Europe has launched a new Working Group, co-chaired by Frans Hietbrink from XBRL Netherlands and Elina Koskentalo from XBRL Finland, to identify and provide guidance on best practices regarding the implementation of Standard Business Reporting. The overall focus of the group will be to educate those involved in the business reporting supply chain on the benefits of SBR, how it works and how to implement it. Specific tasks for 2017 include developing a methodology for describing SBR and its application, along with an inventory of present and new European legislation which impact the electronic filing, exchange, publishing and analysis of business information. Look for more information from this group after XBRL Europe Day on 16 February, where SBR will the subject of much of the program.