Non-Financial Reporting in the EU: Changes Ahead?

The EU Commission recently announced an ambitious review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive – which will include work on non-financial reporting standards.
Taking into account the host of measures and expectations set out in European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis’s speech, it is likely that companies in the European Union should expect major changes in the way some environmental data is required to be reported.
To help untangle the Non-Financial Reporting Directive review, and give companies an indication of what is likely to change and who may be affected, the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) are holding a webinar. This policy-driven webinar is designed to help companies understand the implications of an update to the Directive and will be held on 21 March at both 08:30 GMT and 16:30 GMT.
Read more and register here.