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Digital signatures a step closer in XBRL reports: Call for implementations

May 31, 2024

Earlier this month the Digital Signatures – or D6 – working group released the Digital Signatures in XBRL 1.0 specification as a Candidate Recommendation, an important step towards improved security in financial reporting.

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IASB chair highlights importance of connectivity in reporting

May 31, 2024

On 15 May Andreas Barckow, Chair of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), delivered a keynote address at the European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Congress, emphasising the emerging importance of “connectivity” in financial reporting.

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XBRL US provides feedback on draft 2024 SBS Taxonomy

May 31, 2024

XBRL US recently submitted feedback to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Office of Structured Disclosure on the draft 2024 Security-Based Swap (SBS) Taxonomy.

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Unlocking synergy: EFRAG-ISSB joint event highlights interoperability guidance

May 31, 2024

Last week EFRAG and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) hosted a joint event in Brussels exploring the importance of interoperability between the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

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GRI and IFRS deepen interoperability of sustainability reporting

May 31, 2024

Last week the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the IFRS Foundation announced an enhanced collaboration aimed at creating full interoperability between GRI and ISSB standards.

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XBRL Europe Gather in Malta

May 25, 2024

The XBRL Europe community gathered in the island nation of Malta recently for their annual conference. 

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Dive into the ISSB Taxonomy

May 25, 2024

On Monday 3 June and Tuesday 4 June, XBRL International and ClimateWorks Global Intelligence are collaborating to examine the role of the recently released ISSB taxonomy.

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SEC responds to new IFRS 19 standard

May 25, 2024

Last week the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provided a statement on the application of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 19, Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures. The SEC’s guidance comes in response to the recent publication of IFRS 19 by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

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Leveraging AI and data analytics in financial regulation

May 25, 2024

Earlier this month, Commissioner Jaime Lizárraga addressed the Eleventh Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation in Washington D.C., emphasising the importance of economic analysis in the work of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

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News Item

IFRS foundation launches webinar series on sustainability disclosure

May 25, 2024

The IFRS Foundation has announced a new webinar series, ‘Perspectives on sustainability disclosure,’ aimed at helping market participants navigate sustainability reporting. Kicking off this month, these webinars will feature expert presentations and engaging discussions designed for both new and seasoned preparers.

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